Students' perspectives on sexual harassment of genders in public places in the Southeast region
By Le Anh Vu
Sexual harassment in public places is a matter of concern in Vietnam. The purpose of this article is to understand and explain gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment in public places, which is based on Brooks Gardner's gender interaction perspective. The study used both quantitative analysis based on the ...
Community-based climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation in the Mekong Delta by the transdisciplinary approach
By Ha Thuc Dung, Pham Chi Trung
Abstract: The article is based on data from the research program "Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (ADB-GMS1)" jointly implemented by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Vietnam Institute of Water Resourches Research in Tien Giang ...
Factors affecting deviant behavior of adolescents in Vietnam
By Tran Yen Nhi
In Vietnam, deviant behaviour in adolescents is increasingly popular and gradually becomes a major concern of the whole society. The purpose of this study is to identify Factors affecting deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents, including: Nature of adolescence (Biology, Intelligence and Cognitive functions) and Nurture (Family atmosphere, Education environment, Media ...
Accessibility to education services amongst mixed race children from Taiwanese-Vietnamese and Korean-Vietnamese marriages (Case study in Hau Giang province)
By Duong Hien Hanh
To explain transnational marriage between Vietnamese brides and Taiwanese, Korean grooms. The author will figure out and discuss some issues related to this type of marriage such as divorce and one of concerning issues that Vietnamese-Taiwanese and Korean-Vietnamese children have been existing in Vietnam as ‘being abandoned’ phenomenon of transitional ...
Symbolic meanings of Holy Temple in Cao Dai Tay Ninh Holy See
By Nguyễn Thái Bảo
Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do [The Great Way of The Third Amnesty Era] (shortly Caodaism) is an indigenous religion established in southern Vietnam in the early 20th century. Being one of the new religions in the region, Caodaism has been constantly developing and attracting quite a great number of ...
An oviervew about the process of novel theory in Vietnam
By Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, Nguyen Thi Hai Hang
The novel is a constantly changing and evolving genre when it shows the width and depth in the reflection of reality, opening up endless dialogues about the value of human existence in its flexible structural framework. The article exploits, points out and evaluates theoretical achievements of the twentieth century novel. ...
Industrialization and modernization process in the Southeast region (2010-2020) – some experiences
By Pham Ngoc Tram, Tran Minh Duc, Bui Duc Anh
The study reflects generally the process of industrialization and modernization in the Southeast provinces and cities of Vietnam (2010 - 2020) and the results achieved in that process.
From that practice, the article has summarized some experiences on industrialization and modernization in the Southeast region, contributing to bringing Vietnam to complete ...
The typicality of the Vietnamese people's national liberation struggle for the
By Đỗ Văn Biên, Trương Thị Ngọc Tường, Đỗ Thị Hạnh
The Vietnamese people's resistance war against the US imperialists' invasion to gain national liberation and reunification in the 20th century was a struggle expressing the Vietnamese people's intense desire for peace and national reunification and opposing the American neo-colonialism. The struggle of the Vietnamese people was deeply epochal, and typical ...
Coronavirus disease (COVID – 19): a test for globalization
By Le Thi Bich Ngoc
In the last days of 2019, when the whole world was waiting for the moment to enter a new decade, a strange kind of unexplained pneumonia appeared in Wuhan city, China. From the little information as well as attention initially, this epidemic has turned into a pandemic worldwide. The quick-fire ...
The impact of foreign direct investment on sustainable urbanization in Binh Duong province
By Nguyễn Thị Hoài Phương
In urban development, urbanization is an important and decisive process of transformation. In the current globalization period, the urbanization of cities around the world is strongly influenced by the foreign direct investment (FDI). It is considered an important catalyst for economic growth. This paper aims to analyze the effect of ...
Building the intellectual contingent of Binh Duong province in the effects of industrialization and modernization
By Trinh Phuong Thao
The process of industrialization, modernization and the rapid development of industrial revolution 4.0 are creating new development opportunities for the Southeast in general and Binh Duong in particular, but also setting many challenges. In order to take advantage of opportunities and overcome challenges, the role of the contingent of intellectuals ...
Analysis of interpersonal metafunction in text messages: A case study of group text messages among teachers of English at Viet Anh School
By Truong Thi Thuy Trinh
This paper analyzes the interpersonal metafunction in text messages of teachers of English at Viet Anh School. The paper uses Systemic Functional Grammar as the theoretical framework which aims to investigate into a language from a qualitative approach. The aim of this paper is to discover how interpersonal metafunction is ...