Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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12 papers

Vietnam and India are two countries that had a very early diplomatic relationship nurtured by the people of two countries over time. Among the factors that create strong bond between Vietnam and India, it is impossible not to mention the presence of Indian community. The Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City is creating the cultural diversity of this land. They have also contributed to cultural exchanges with Vietnamese, attracting investment from India, tightening relations between two countries in the new stage of development. The article uses the theory of cultural exchange and acculturation to study the socio-cultural and economic life of Indians in Ho Chi Minh City in the context of urban culture in the era of globalization. The article is designed with two main contents: First, the historical movements of Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City, Second, the acculturation and cultural exchanges between Vietnamese and Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City. The research results aim to analyze and explain the phenomenon of cultural exchange and acculturation in the fields of economics, religion, and clothing. Thereby, the article contributes to providing documents for cultural preservation, attracting investment, and developing spiritual tourism in Ho Chi Minh City.
In the context of the robust economic and social development in Ho Chi Minh city’s suburban areas numerous job opportunities have emerged for the youth. However, choosing a suitable career to develop oneself and ensure a stable future is crucial for them. Therefore, young people need to consider multiple factors when making career decisions. Having based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from community surveys conducted between 2022 and 2023, the study aims to analyze the current situation and factors influencing career choices among youth in the suburban areas of Ho Chi Minh City. The results indicate that career choices among young people in the suburban areas of Ho Chi Minh City are highly diverse due to the influence of various factors. Notably, urban development reducing agricultural land, along with industrialization, modernization, and communication, are key factors impacting the selection and pursuit of careers in these suburban areas.
Currently, to make human life more convenient and easier, many utility services have been provided. Among them, online food ordering applications with high coverage and diverse forms become prominent. This research aims to examine the factors influencing the intention of using online food ordering applications among students in Ho Chi Minh City. Using a multivariate linear regression model and the Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the research team analyzed primary data based on 120 valid survey sheets collected from students studying in HCMC. The research results indicate that there are seven factors influencing the intention to use (ITU) online food ordering applications, including: (1) Ease of use (EOU), (2) Convenience (CV), (3) Aesthetic appeal (AA), (4) Price expectations (PE), (5) Social influence (SI), (6) Perceived risk (PR), and (7) Habits (HB). Among them, the three factors with the greatest impact on the students’ intention are ease of use, aesthetic appeal, and social influence. Based on the test results, the study proposes a management implication to help food delivery service providers enhance service quality, suggest development directions, and make suitable strategies for potential target customers. Keywords: food delivery service providers, food ordering applications, management implication, students’ intention


Dang Thi My Dung, Dang Nhu Quynh, Vo Nhu Minh Quan, Phan Thi Ha Phuong, Pham Truong Uyen Thy
ABSTRACT The world’s financial market has recently suffered from many fluctuations due to currency changes and the crisis, especially after the bank collapsed in the United States, cryptocurrencies have become one of the leading choices made by many investors in the world. It is undoubted that the development of cryptocurrency is an inevitable trend in society's future. In that context, updating knowledge about the general development trend of the financial market as well as about the cryptocurrency system is indispensable for everyone, especially young people - the generation that holds the global economy's future. Therefore, it is urgent to present and educate the cryptocurrency framework to college students. If there is no action taken, economics instructors will run the risk their students are left back in this flourishing and endlessly changeable economy. To start the educational story about cryptocurrency, it is crucial to define the measurements of students' awareness about the medium ahead of teaching-related materials. The data of the study are collected from 355 survey samples conducted by students in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey consists of 15 questions using various scales, designed by the researchers and using MS Excel 2016 for quantitative analysis, including using percentages, frequencies. The results show that the students' awareness is still low despite the significance of knowing about cryptocurrency. But they are also gradually realizing the necessity of things and are willing to improve their own knowledge of this aspect. Keywords: education, cryptocurrencies, students’ perceptions
This study aims to investigate students’ common errors in Vietnamese-English translation. For the objectives, 70 first-year students at Foreign Trade University – Ho Chi Minh campus, were invited to participate in this study. To identify students’ errors in Vietnamese-English translation, the participants were asked to complete five weekly assignments. The results revealed that students made grammatical, lexical, and spelling errors. The causes of these observed errors were also indicated, which included the difference between English and Vietnamese, inadequate culture background, students’ insufficient linguistic competence in English language and Vietnamese language, lack of cultural background knowledge, students’ inappropriate translation strategies, interference of Vietnamese, misunderstanding, and students’ carelessness. In addition, some suggestions were offered in the light of the findings identified in the study to help students improve their translation ability.
This study which entitles “Learners’ Attitudes towards the Project Works in promoting English learner autonomy: a Case Study at Foreign Trade University-Ho Chi Minh Campus” was conducted with the following objectives: (1) to investigate students’ attitudes towards the use of project works to enhance their autonomous learning in an English speaking class; (2) to find out to what extent students believe that using project works can promote their autonomous learning; and (3) to figure out difficulties that learners have during the time they conduct Video making project. The study population was 73 second-year students who took the course English listening and speaking 2. An open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview were employed as research instruments for data collection. The result firstly shows that the students have positive attitudes towards the use of project works in English class that may have enhanced their autonomous learning. Then, it reveals students’ preference in having more project works to do in their English classes. Nonetheless, using project works’ evaluation as one of criteria for course assessment is a controversial issue among these students. In addition, students’ interest in utilizing information technology devices is remarked as one of the significant findings in this study. Furthermore, some difficulties when conducting projects are found including time constraints, teamwork conflicts, cultural differences and technology problems. In short, because of students’ positive attitudes toward Video making project in enhancing their autonomous learning, it is suggested that teachers should consider applying the project in their language teaching.
This article presents the results of a study on the current application of Project-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of English productive skills to students at the Foreign Trade University - Ho Chi Minh City Campus and how students can improve them. The research also provides insights into the expectations of students and entrepreneurs on that matter. The research group used the 5-point Likert scale in a questionnaire to collect data from students and interviewed FTU - HCMC’s English teachers and entrepreneurs to give further suggestions. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze whether or not there is a significant difference in students’ English productive skills before and after using PBL in English language learning. This study found a significant difference in speaking skills of FTU - HCMC students before and after participating in PBL activities. The students improved their comprehension, range and the ability to deliver their ideas to the target reader for writing skills. However, no difference was found in their content, cohesion, and accuracy. Interviewed teachers and entrepreneurs supported the implementation of PBL in schools. Overall, PBL is encouraged in the settings of higher education institutions.
Cho Lon was a former province in southern Vietnam, now part of Ho Chi Minh City and Long An Province. During the Vietnam War from 1945 to 1954, Cho Lon province exemplified the practice of an all-people, all-out war across military, political, economic, and cultural fields. Using the method of writing history through oral narratives, this paper presents the process of organizing and developing general education in Cho Lon province in conjunction with the resistance movement led by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The results show that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Cho Lon province organized and developed general education throughout the resistance, even during the most intense periods of the war. The development of general education in Cho Lon province became an integral part of the resistance, contributing to its momentum and strength, and helping to achieve victory in the fight against French colonial invasion. The educational development in Cho Lon province from 1945 to 1954 provides valuable lessons for building an educational system during wartime.
Coffee is among the favorite drinks in Vietnam and many other countries. Production and consumption of coffee have released a huge amount of spent coffee ground. This study aimed to determine phenolic acids and fatty acids of spent coffee grounds collected in Ho Chi Minh city and how phenolic acid profile was affected by different environmentally friendly extractants. The results showed that average level of chlorogenic acid in ethanol/water extracts (840.4 779.9 ug/g) was significantly higher compared to water extracts (300.0 ug/g). Furthermore, the average total level of phenolic acids in ethanol/water extracts (1215.3 ug/g dry weight) was greater than that in the water extracts (779.9 ug/g dry weight). This indicated that ethanol/water outperformed water in regard to extraction of phenolic acids in the spent coffee grounds. Oil extracted from the spent coffee grounds was rich in linoleic acid (61 ug/g) and palmitic acid (47 ug/g). The findings of our study showed that the spent coffee grounds originating in Vietnam are a good source of phenolic acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids that could be utilized for food and nutraceutical production.
As the most significant pollinators of wild plants, bees play an important role in sustaining the natural ecosystems. In this study, we conducted surveys of bee fauna of three different habitat types during dry and rainy seasons of 2020 in Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. A total of 169 individuals from 13 bee species belonging to six genera were collected. Of these, eight species are newly recorded from Ho Chi Minh City: Amegilla calceifera, A. himalajensis, A. zonata, Ceratina nigrolateralis, C. smaragdula, Xylocopa aestuan, X. latipes, Tetragonula fuscobalteata. The species composition of bees was more diverse in forest habitat than rural garden and canalbank habitats. The richness and abundance of bees were significantly higher in the dry season than the rainy season. Apis florea was abundant in forest and rural garden habitats while Ceratina smaragdula occurred plentifully in the canalbank habitat. Eight bee species (Apis cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, Thyreus himalayensis, Xylocopa latipes, X. aestuans, Ceratina smaragdula, and C. nigrolateralis) widely distributed throughout all three habitats. By contrast, four bee species (Amegilla calceifera, A. himalajensis, Apis mellifera, and Tetragonula fuscobalteata) exclusively appeared in the forest habitat.
This paper examines the main challenges of the processes of space and social policy change present to current urbanization trends of Taiwan. The chapter argues that one of the main challenges is economic growth, increasing integration into the global economy and making Taiwan competitive in the global economy. This process leads to the growth of large urban regions that present many challenges to the urban development in the future. In particular, the paper focuses on the most fragile areas of the extended urban spaces are the rural and urban margins, where urban activities are expanding into densely populated agricultural regions. It is argued that in these areas, local policies should be developed that adapt to local ecosystems. The paper presents lessons of interventions in this field for Ho Chi Minh, Dong Nai and Binh Duong Region for urban expansion.
Dạy và học các môn lý luận chính trị vừa đáp ứng chuẩn đầu ra vừa đáp ứng chuẩn CDIO và đòi hỏi ngày càng cao của xã hội đối với người lao động là một trong những thách thức không nhỏ đối với các trường Cao đẳng và Đại học. Mục tiêu của môn học, từng bước xác lập được thế giới quan, nhân sinh quan, phương pháp luận chung nhất để tiếp cận các khoa học chuyên ngành, tự giải quyết các tình huống trong thực tiễn trên cơ cở lý luận khoa học đã được trang bị người học có kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề một cách tốt nhất theo chuẩn CDIO nhằm đem lại hiệu quả cao góp phần giáo dục và rèn luyện đội ngũ những người lao động mới ngày càng đáp ứng nhu cầu của thời đại. Từ yêu cầu về mục tiêu và phương pháp tiếp cận như trên, tôi xin chia sẻ những kinh nghiệm dạy và học các môn lý luận chính trị ở trường cao đẳng và đại học đáp ứng chuẩn đầu ra CDIO – những vấn đề thực tiễn làm chủ đề cho bài viết của mình.

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University