The aim of this study was to explore the impact of using games in teaching vocabulary from the viewpoints of learners who already participated in language games. Through questionnaire, data for analysis were collected from 100 learners at a foreign language center in Binh Duong province. The results show that most of the participants are motivated to learn when they are in games. Moreover, they can acquire vocabulary more quickly and easily if the games are based on some factors such as learners’ gender, age and education status. The study suggests that in spite of the effectiveness of using games in vocabulary teaching, games should not be used too much or too less in the classrooms.
In the last days of 2019, when the whole world was waiting for the moment to enter a new decade, a strange kind of unexplained pneumonia appeared in Wuhan city, China. From the little information as well as attention initially, this epidemic has turned into a pandemic worldwide. The quick-fire coronavirus spread and the response of different countries to it highlight immediate concerns about public health and have a significant impact on the evolving world order and the values that underpin it. This pandemic is unprecedented in its capacity to take advantage of modern globalization, allowing for massive disease spread at a surprising speed. It can say that COVID-19 is an additional blow to the vision and practices of the globalization process that is already under strain. Using the qualitative methods research and conceptual approach, the article, on the one hand, tried to analyze the challenges that globalization is facing because of COVID-19. On the other hand, we want to affirm that globalization will still be an irreplaceable trend in the future.
Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do [The Great Way of The Third Amnesty Era] (shortly Caodaism) is an indigenous religion established in southern Vietnam in the early 20th century. Being one of the new religions in the region, Caodaism has been constantly developing and attracting quite a great number of followers of over three million.
The doctrine of Caodaism is a synthesis of the Three Religions, e.g. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism together with elements from some other religions. The doctrine is not only shown in scriptures, religious structure, but also expressed through symbols in architecture, rituals and costumes. To a certain extent, it is thus essential to understand the symbolism of the Holy Temple – the most important one of the symbolism system so that we can fully comprehend Caodaism.
The Temple is the most solemn and sacred place in Cao Dai Tay Ninh Holy See. It carries both philosophical and esoteric meanings as an emblem of cultural syncretism. The study of the Holy Temple symbol will elaborate further Caodaist doctrines in a relationship with the cultural context of the Southern region.
Heavy metal pollution is a major problems in the environment. The impact of toxic metal ions can be minimized by different technologies, viz., chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, oxidation, reverse osmosis, flotation and adsorption. But among them, adsorption was found to be very efficient and common due to the low concentration of metal uptake and economically feasible properties. In this review paper, Fe–Mn binary oxide incorporated into diatomite (Fe/Mn-diatomite) was prepared by a simple coating method , and removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions. The effects of three independent variables including initial ion concentration, removal time, and adsorbent dosage were investigated on the maximum adsorption of Cu (II). The optimum conditions for the adsorption of Cu(II) was obtained: 75 ppm of initial ion concentration, 150 min of removal time and 1.5 g/l of adsorbent. The maximum removal efficiencies of Cu(II) was obtained 86.25%. The results showed that Fe/Mn-diatomite was apable of treating copper metal in wastewater.
This paper explores the pros and cons of using online setting for teaching and learning English comparing with in-class setting. Online setting is undergoing a fast transformation and becomes a widely promoted platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. By reviewing different studies on online teaching, this paper aims to provide readers a better understanding about online setting. These information would be useful in Vietnam where online class just has a medium used and short history comparing with other developed and developing countries, so online class in Vietnam may need adjust and consideration based on different culture and learner’s experience. This paper also give some suggestions in design of online learning for English languages to increase the learning effectiveness.
Several companies apply lean manufacturing however the implementation in organisations is not always successful. One of the difficulties is deciding which of the lean approach to avoid the failure; therefore this paper reviews the key concepts and attributes of the lean paradigm, and identifies how they can be applied to ETP’s current operational practices. The study results show a successful lean transformation case study. Practically, this is a comprehensive guideline for practitioners to implement Lean in their organisations to make better decisions
Automation or automatic control has been a growing trend in industrial fields as well as in life because of the advantages and utilities that help optimize work and reduce manpower in production. In medium and large scale automatic control systems, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is used as the control device for the system. In production, the transmission system using motors takes a large proportion and the problem of controlling for them to operate correctly, meeting technological requirements is one of the difficulties that need to be solved. In this study, we have applied PLC to stabilize motor speed according to preset value using PID algorithm integrated in Siemens S7–1200 PLC in order to apply research results in practice. At the limit of the article, we will present the issues of PID function block configuration, programming algorithm flowchart for PLCs, and monitoring console design for a small DC motor drive system model to verify.
SARSCOV-2 virus and new strains have been spreading in most countries and regions around the world, the COVID-19 epidemic it causes has infected millions of people, the urgent need is to prevent their spread. On the market there are many types of hand wash equipment automatically spray disinfectant solution used with many different sensors and operating principles, but most are still using AC power. In this topic, we design automatic hand washing equipment by applying the transmitter and receiver principle of the moving infrared sensor circuit and delay relay circuit to detect someone appearing in the observation area, click activating the MP3 reader circuit plays the “5K” propaganda sound about Covid -19 disease prevention and the position sensor activates the mini-pump to spray the hand-washing gel within a certain detecting distance. We have conducted experiments and completed our projects with devices that use energy from solar cells, through charging circuits and storage batteries with the goal of using renewable energy, minimizing impact of the greenhouse effect.
The Vietnamese people's resistance war against the US imperialists' invasion to gain national liberation and reunification in the 20th century was a struggle expressing the Vietnamese people's intense desire for peace and national reunification and opposing the American neo-colonialism. The struggle of the Vietnamese people was deeply epochal, and typical of the national liberation movement in the world. This was not merely a struggle for national liberation, but also a struggle that reflected and fully converged three major revolutionary trends of the era: national independence, democracy and socialism. The article focuses on presenting brief outlines of the struggle for national independence, typical features of the Vietnamese people's struggle for national liberation, and puts it in the relationship between the revolution in Vietnam and revolutionary movements in the world. As a result, not only the value and aspiration for peace of the Vietnamese people and progressive humanity, but also the art of combining national strength with the strength of the times in the American war was recognized.
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become an indispensable trend in the development process of Vietnam and is increasingly applied in university education. The essence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the application of technology, data science and the use of artificial intelligence for production and human life. In this impact, modern education, especially higher education, is the field most affected. Online teaching, with tools to support the teaching of the digital age, has been changing dramatically in the teaching and learning situation in universities, helping to modernize education and integrate with the world, but there are many issues that teachers and managers must consider to change teaching methods and training strategies, in order to deliver the best results. Starting from the actual situation, we propose specific and comprehensive measures to improve the teaching efficiency of Thu Dau Mot University and, to meet the needs of Vietnamese society and the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC. belongs to the Fabaceae family. I. aspalathoides is applied to heal tumors, inflammations, diabetes, leprosy, and kidney illnesses in traditional medicines. Compounds including kaempferol, kaempferol 5-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, 5,4'-dihydroxy 6,8-dimethoxy 7-O-rhamnosyl flavone, indigocarpan, and mucronulatol have isolated from this plant species. Hitherto, there is no comprehensive review available regarding the reported bioactivities of I. aspalathoides. Thus, this article goals to analyze, summarize and document the published bioactivities-related publications. Electronic databases the Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and PubMed used to find relevant publications from 1900 to December 2020. Thus far, only in vivo and in vitro scientific evidence levels of bioactivities are available. I. aspalathoides holds such as anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antihepatotoxic, anti-arthritic, immunomodulatory, and antidiabetic properties. Overall, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer compounds have been isolated from this plant species Therefore, additional bioactivity and phytochemical-related researches would need to perform to generate more scientific evidence for other applications. This work will be useful for further bioactivity and phytochemical studies using this plant species.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the intelligentsia of the colonial countries and ones being threatened by Western colonial dominance in Asia began to re-perceive the problems of sovereignty, nation-state, and re-ask questions like "What is history for?" as well as review what previous historians wrote about their national history. From re-realizing history and rewriting history according to new perspectives, historiography in these countries has shifted from "traditional" to "modern" with taking Western science as the main direction. Vietnamese historiography is also not out of that general change. Examining the product of historical books at the beginning of the twentieth century, Phan Boi Chau is considered as the pioneer historian for that historiographical turn. The article focuses on analyzing the new historical viewpoints of Phan Boi Chau from the global perspective of the flow of thought in Asian countries at that time.
A study on the diversity of Orchids from Southern East Viet Nam was carried out in 2019 and 2020 and identified 173 species, 50 genera, accounting for 1.28% of the total number of orchid species available in Viet Nam (897 species). Among them, all species were used as ornamental plants; 13 species were used for medicinal herbs; and 5 species were listed for conservation in Vietnam Red Data Book, Part II, Plants (2007). The life forms of Orchids were divided into groups including (1) epiphytes with 144 species, (2) terrestrials with 26 species, (3) saprophytes with 1 species, (4) lithophytes with 2 species. There are 60 species were added to the Southern East Viet Nam.
Keywords: Diversity of orchidaceae, Southern East Vietnam
As the most significant pollinators of wild plants, bees play an important role in sustaining the natural ecosystems. In this study, we conducted surveys of bee fauna of three different habitat types during dry and rainy seasons of 2020 in Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. A total of 169 individuals from 13 bee species belonging to six genera were collected. Of these, eight species are newly recorded from Ho Chi Minh City: Amegilla calceifera, A. himalajensis, A. zonata, Ceratina nigrolateralis, C. smaragdula, Xylocopa aestuan, X. latipes, Tetragonula fuscobalteata. The species composition of bees was more diverse in forest habitat than rural garden and canalbank habitats. The richness and abundance of bees were significantly higher in the dry season than the rainy season. Apis florea was abundant in forest and rural garden habitats while Ceratina smaragdula occurred plentifully in the canalbank habitat. Eight bee species (Apis cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, Thyreus himalayensis, Xylocopa latipes, X. aestuans, Ceratina smaragdula, and C. nigrolateralis) widely distributed throughout all three habitats. By contrast, four bee species (Amegilla calceifera, A. himalajensis, Apis mellifera, and Tetragonula fuscobalteata) exclusively appeared in the forest habitat.
In the trend of globalization and international integration of our country today, learning foreign languages in general and English in particular are aimed at achieving communication purposes. Therefore, learning the linguistic knowledge including vocabulary is also for the purpose of developing learners' communication skills. The non-majored English training for students at the Foreign Language Center - Thu Dau Mot University is directed to the effectiveness of communication, the most prominent is the method of learning vocabulary through the application of Morphology and Morpheme; At the same time, the method of learning meanings of words in the context and application of newly-learned words in the practice of communication skills will be also focused.
Result of study on the diversity of orchids in Southern East Viet Nam in 2019 and 2020 have identified 173 orchids species belong to 50 diffrent genus, accounting for 14.41% of the total number of orchid species available in Viet Nam (1.200 species). Among them, all species were used as ornamental plants; 13 species were used for medicinal herbs; and 5 species were listed for conservation in Vietnam Red Data Book, Part II, Plants (2007). The life forms of orchids were divided into groups including: (1) epiphytes with 144 species, (2) terrestrials with 26 species, (3) saprophytes with 1 species, (4) lithophytes with 2 species. Added 60 species to forest orchid flora of Southern East Viet Nam.
Along with changes in Economy, Tourism and the influence of foreign waves, the market of Food Service in Vietnam has also changed to meet the needs of customers. At many restaurants in Vietnam, customer satisfaction can greatly affect restaurant revenue. Therefore, it is essential to determine which perceived quality factors affect customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted through questionnaires collected from 329 respondents, who experienced in restaurant services in Vietnam. In this paper, four factors are found that have influence on customer satisfaction in restaurants: Service quality, Product quality, Environment and Price. In addition, the research also gives some contributions based on the research results, helping businesses understand customers and meet customer satisfaction requirements in the restaurant.
Youth in a nation is the most viable and potential human resource in both demographic and social structure. Without the youth's adequate and integrated bio-social development a nation cannot attain its anticipated human goals. Based on government initiative a2i, the empowerment of youth towards sustainable development in Bangladesh is described in this paper. Although the Bangladesh Government has formulated and implemented policies, plans and programs for youth welfare are still through GOs and NGOs. Related literature indicates that, regardless of all age and regions, young people in this country face several socio-cultural problems where they cannot grow and empower themselves adequately. As a result, they cannot play their important roles in sustainable development and changes within the country. To resolve the problems of the youth in relation to their development and empowerment, the Government of Bangladesh is developing and implementing some solutions. The case study focuses on the role of a2i for development of youth in the successful design of public development and sustainable development programs.
Most of the indoor accidents are related with fall down. Many medical studies are point out that key factor for keeping patient’s life is fast response of monitoring system. In modern life, peoples are isolated with neighbor, especially in living quarters. Therefore many solutions are developed for falling down monitoring that base on wearable sensors. These methods require of an expensive sensors system with electric power supplier and telecommunication devices. In context of patients with disease and weak status, patients are trend to remove sensor system. This issue requires to find out another approach so that sensors system will not be needed. We study the fall detection by monitoring camera. For increase the accuracy, we proposed a simple and effective method to extract features of abnormal activities. By tracking the magnitude of entropy and its distribution, our fall detection model has a capability of differentiating falls from other activities
Activity recognition is one of the preliminary steps in designing and implementing assistive services in smart homes. Such services help identify abnormality or automate events generated while occupants do as well as intend to do their desired Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) inside a smart home environment. However, most existing systems are applied for single-resident homes. Multiple people living together create additional complexity in modeling numbers of overlapping and concurrent activities. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid mechanism between ontology-based and unsupervised machine learning strategies in creating activity models used for activity recognition in the context of multi-resident homes. Comparing to related data-driven approaches, the proposed technique is technically and practically scalable to real-world scenarios due to fast training time and easy implementation. An average activity recognition rate of 95.83% on CASAS Spring dataset was achieved and the average recognition run time per operation was measured as 12.86 mili-seconds.
Corrosion of the bottom of the petroleum tank may lead to a product leak that could cause a fire or explosion resulting in damage to people and the environment, therefore the test of tank bottom corrosion is necessary to be conducted periodically to prevent the occurrence of the above problems. In non-destructive inspection, the Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) method relies on the variation of fluxes caused by defects on the surface of materials to detect corrosion, pitting, or imperfections, which is proved quite effectively with low cost. The project was implemented to develop a prototype of the MFL bottom detection device based on the research results in the world to improve corrosion survey capacity in industrial equipment, as well as to improve the expertise in the Research Team of electronics and automation in the fields of magnetic fields and sensors. As a result, an MFL model using permanent magnets and Hall sensors were fabricated. Survey experiments showed that the machine could detect corrosion defects up to 20% of steel wall thickness in the scanning speed range from 500 mm/s to 1130 mm/s. However, to meet the actual survey needs, the team must continue to improve the device in terms of sensitivity, scanning speed, the ability to operate automatically or semi-automatically, and register for a fire safety inspection.
The paper presents general theory about making small models for studying large machines. Here, the author refers to the design of pile driving and pressing machines. To express ideas, the author presents design drawings presented in three-dimensional perspective. Currently, pile drivers and pile presses are two separate machines, in which their base machine is the same, their working parts are slightly different. The author takes advantage of the slight differences to combine them into one machine, so as to ensure that this machine is able to pile or pile. In addition, the structure of pile making and pressing machines is created by the author, which is somewhat simpler than the current construction and driving machine. This successful study will form the basis for manufacturing a pile driving machine and pile machine into a single machine, greatly reducing the costs of procurement and construction machine use.
Measuring environmental protection activities is a matter of great concern over the years. In this study, the indicators for evaluating environmental protection activities in industrial parks was built according to the PDSIR model and based on Vietnam's legal framework, including 18 main subjects and 35 indicators. The environmental performance index of industrial park (EPIIP) was established based on the multi-criteria evaluation method and the analytic hierarchy process method. The results of the study indicated that the VSIP I industrial park reached 68.95 points (relatively good level). Moreover, the results also showed that VSIP I was one of the industrial parks practicing good performance to protect environmental problems.
Men's grooming products are very diverse and plentiful in the world today. In recent years, Vietnamese men have approached beauty trend, the old conception of beauty is also gradually changing. The demand for male beauty in Vietnam in recent years indicates that men's awareness of beauty products. The potential for grooming products for men in Vietnam is huge, but in-depth studies on this topic are limited. It is important to have specific studies analyzing the consumption of grooming products for men in Vietnam, contributing to promoting the potential of these products for business benefits. The study collected data from 458 respondents are male, analyzed the factors affecting consumer attitudes, thereby opening a specific view on men's grooming consumption in Vietnam.