Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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67 papers

This study focused on the wastewater treatment system in Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong, aiming to assess its operational effectiveness. The research was carried out over a period of six weeks, with data collected at regular intervals during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks. The results demonstrate that the treatment process is highly efficient, achieving impressive removal rates across multiple parameters. Specifically, the average treatment efficiency for color was 93.10%, TSS (total suspended solids) was 98.62%, COD (chemical oxygen demand) reached 93.24%, BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) was 99.28%, NH4+ (ammonium) removal was 99.16%, while total nitrogen and total phosphorus were treated at 87.80% and 86.57%, respectively. Notably, the system exhibited the highest performance in coliform removal, with an actual treatment efficiency of 99.62%.
Tan An was a former province in the Mekong Delta, now part of Long An Province, Vietnam. During the Vietnamese resistance against French colonialism (1945-1954), in addition to military, political, and economic activities, Tan An province vigorously organized and developed general education, becoming a highlight of the educational movement during the war in southern Vietnam. Using the methods of writing educational history and oral history, this article outlines the process of organizing and conducting general education in Tan An and its impact on the local resistance efforts. The results show that despite continuous warfare, general education activities in Tan An persisted, achieving significant accomplishments in eradicating illiteracy, raising public awareness, developing teaching staff, and constructing schools and classrooms suitable for wartime conditions. The educational development process in Tan An provides valuable lessons for building and developing general education during wartime, including experiences in leveraging the tradition of self-reliance to advance education and mobilizing community contributions when the state focused all resources on the war effort.
Loudspeakers are one of the state's means of communication used to propagate policies in recent times and have been very effective, contributing to propaganda and the development of legal policies. The issue of health communication has been effectively adopted through programs on health policy and health science. In order to have a scientific basis for surveying the role of loudspeakers in the new period in urban areas, creating a basis to advise industries, especially the health sector, on the satisfaction and effectiveness of loudspeakers. clear towards the people. With 7 in-depth interview samples in qualitative research conducted in Hiep An ward, Thu Dau Mot city, about the need to use and develop a quantitative assessment toolkit in the future. The results show that the rate of information reception is quite high, the age of reception increases gradually with age, the listening time per day fluctuates but still reaches a high rate, satisfaction with loudspeakers reaches a high level and the need to receive information from community loudspeakers in the future. Conclusion: Media reception from speakers is quite high, the received content is not proactive, so the incoming information does not meet the needs of today's low-tech and diverse media society. Therefore, there is a great need for a quantitative study with a more representative sample size to demonstrate the qualitative results that this study brings and at the same time, survey the content and effectiveness of health communication content from loudspeakers.
ABSTRACT Nowadays, parents' needs are increasing to choose toys, especially painting colors, that are both beautiful, ensure their children's health, and are also environmentally friendly. In the production of industrial painting colors, waste from steps in the watercolor production line, if not treated to meet environmental standards according to regulations, will become a huge hazard to the environment and human health. human. Including causing skin, eye, digestive, and respiratory allergies. Causes poisoning, disease, cancer... Destroys the aquatic environment, trees, pollutes rivers and lakes. When building an industrial painting colors production line and putting it into use, if you do not think about solutions to treat wastewater from the production process, it will not be able to operate long term. Wastewater from color factories is mainly heavy metals contained in painting colors such as lead carbonate, oxide, and metal salts containing cadmium chromate. These substances cause mass death of organisms in the water, and polluted water cannot be used for agriculture. This research uses two main methods: experimental research to create products; combined with the questionnaire survey method to get customer opinions after using the painting colors test. Research results show that painting colors products made from fruits and vegetables combined with beeswax and coconut oil are very eye-catching and receive positive feedback from customers. With the im of protecting children in the future and responding to the green environmental message in the world, we hope that safe painting colors products from vegetables and fruits will be popularized in the community in the future. Keywords: vegetables, painting colors, environmental protection, safe products, beeswax.
Through assessment of surface water quality at Siep stream in Di An city, Binh Duong province. Siep Stream is a level 1 tributary that flows into Dong Nai River. Dong Nai River is currently being exploited and used for domestic water supply purposes. Sampling location of Siep stream at the culvert on National Highway 1K from January 2022 to November 2023, through statistical monitoring data compared with QCVN 08-2023/BTNMT (level A) and QCVN 08: 2015/BTNMT (column A2) - National technical regulation on surface water, it shows that the parameters increase or decrease without stable, most tend to increase with about 86.9% COD exceeding the standard 1.0 ÷ 7.8 times, 95.6% SS parameters exceeding the standard 1.8 ÷ 30.4 times, 95.6% N-NH4 number exceeds the standard of 0.16 ÷ 21.8 times, 52.1% of N-NO2 parameters exceed the standard by 0.52 ÷ 8.9 times, 65.2% of P-PO4 parameters exceed the standard by 0.35 ÷ 6.25 times, 91, 3% of Colifrom parameters exceeded the standard of 1.0 ÷ 3.3 times. The WQI (water quality index) results show that the surface water quality of Siep stream is mostly average, this result is not suitable for domestic water supply purposes, there needs to be solutions to improve water quality at the area Siep Stream.
The Covid pandemic and economic recession have seriously affected the business and production activities of businesses. This article proposes the application of Lean manufacturing to identify waste and propose solutions to reduce waste at Protrade Garment Joint Stock Company. In this study, tools in Lean and JIT were used to identify waste in the production process and calculate the cost of losses caused by waste. Research results have reduced waste due to transportation and help Protrade Garment Joint Stock Company increase its competitiveness in the market. Keywords:Lean, waste, cost , 5S.
This article presents the history of Caritas Phu Cuong as a charity and social organization that plays an important role in helping the poor and disabled people of Binh Dương province. In addition, the article will also analyze the role and contributions of Caritas Phu Cuong in the field of charity for Binh Duong province in the following aspects: medical examination and medicine distribution for the poor people; life protection program; taking care of lonely elderly people; support people with disabilities to integrate into the community; build a library of books and toys for children; organize compassion classes for children of workers in difficult circumstances; bright path scholarship (Slovakia); environmental protection and human trafficking prevention programs. Finally, the article will discuss the role, functions and scope of activities of Caritas Phu Cuong in different historical periods to adapt to the changes in the socio-political context of Vietnam.
Implementing specific mechanisms and policies to develop the economy and society in certain localities is an innovative step in the legislative process in Vietnam. This initiative has timely addressed practical issues, helping localities overcome many difficulties and obstacles in legal documents, harnessing advantages, mobilizing resources, accelerating economic and social development, and achieving significant results. Binh Duong Province has recently experienced a period of strong industrial growth but faces some sustainability challenges. In the planning for economic and social development, Binh Duong needs to research specific mechanisms and policies in several areas, such as developing industry linked with innovation, transforming the workforce, investing in high-quality education, and managing and synchronizing urban planning and development. The specific mechanisms and policies for Binh Duong should aim to address national issues by overcoming the middle-income trap, making it the first locality in Vietnam to achieve high income.
The patriotic activities of teachers, students, and pupils in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong were a particularly important part of the open political struggle on enemy territory during the resistance against the United States. Immediately after the 1954 Geneva Agreement, many schools in Long An – Kien Tuong established revolutionary bases. Some teachers mobilized colleagues, students, and the public to fight against anti-communist activities, forced conscription, and to demand civil rights and democracy. In subsequent years, Long An – Kien Tuong became the site of numerous diverse and creative struggles (rallies, demonstrations, leafleting, journalism, cultural activities...), attracting the participation of many educators and students. Some teachers and students actively participated in armed and covert operations, displaying many heroic acts of combat and sacrifice. Alongside activities in liberated areas, the struggle of teachers and students in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong contributed distinctive values, enhancing the illustrious history and tradition of Long An province's education sector today.
The international cooperation environment is the issue affecting international cooperation relations, creating interactions between it and international cooperation relations. There are two types of international cooperation environment: the external environment and the internal environment. Based on the analysis of the international cooperation environment in Binh Duong over the past decade, the article summarizes the opportunities and challenges in exploiting the international cooperation environment to develop high-quality human resources of Binh Duong province.
Vietnam's economy is operated to serve more than ninety million people so this is a very vivid picture. The large population brings many advantages to the food production sector in general and the production of fresh noodles in particular. Fresh vermicelli is the raw material for processing many dishes of the Vietnamese people for a long time, that's why there are many Vietnamese dishes with indispensable ingredients, which as Noodles in the national culinary books. Vietnam. The production of fresh vermicelli with the main ingredient is fermented and shaped rice with simple steps, but hidden inside there are environmental issues that need to be considered. The production and business associated with environmental protection are the responsibility of most enterprises and production facilities in Vietnam. The fresh noodle food production industry is no exception. Instead of learning about the aspects that affect the environment in the traditional way of collecting information, analyzing, and evaluating the current situation, this time the research team looked at understanding the causes of environmental pollution in terms of consumption. ISO 14001 international standard. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is an international standard that helps businesses and establishments identify the important role of the environment as well as the risks brought by the environment, thereby realizing the environment as an activity of the Organization. In this standard, the commitment to prevent environmental pollution is a mandatory condition, so determining the environmental aspects to overcome the impacts is a key element of the standard. If a business achieves ISO 14001 Certification, it will have a very good effect in promoting the corporate image of being responsible for the environment and the community. (Lê Huy Bá, 2006), (Lê Thị Hồng Trân, 2008)
International students’ experiences are a major concern for universities and educational researchers. Globally, Vietnam is a top source country for international students but little is known about their experience. This study explores the everyday experiences of 10 Vietnamese master’s students from a New Zealand university through a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews. A qualitative approach enabled me to capture the essential meanings of the participants’ experiences and understand what it was like to be Vietnamese students in New Zealand. In academic settings, the students initially struggled to deal with a range of problems related to language and communication. These made them feel overwhelmed and bewildered. During these formative months, many of them experienced language difficulties. These difficulties forced them to learn to deal with challenges and become independent. This research helps universities become more aware of the experience of foreign students studying at the host universities, and thereby take measures to support them in their studies and daily life.
Binh Duong, a dynamic province in the Southern Key Economic Region in Vietnam, has a fast growing economy and strong economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization, have affected many aspects of economy, culture, society and environment. This study analyzes the influence of economic restructuring on urban development in Binh Duong province by utilizing the time series data throughout 2000 - 2020 and the household interview method of the topic "Urbanization and its effects on land use restructuring in Binh Duong province" shows the shift of occupations from agriculture to non-agriculture. The research results show that economic restructuring contributes to promoting economic and social development in general and expanding the urban network of Binh Duong province in particular, but it has some limitations in the process of development. Therefore, Binh Duong wants to successfully integrate into the world economy and develop urban areas towards sustainability (by 2030), it must have specific, scientific and objective analysis and evaluation on the success and limitations of the economic restructuring process and its impact on the urban system in recent times. The research results also have a scientific basis for proposing appropriate and effective solutions and policies to successfully implement the goals and orientations of economic restructuring and urban development that Binh Duong has been approved.
Through analysis of the DPSIR model, combined with research methods such as field surveys, and survey questionnaires, the author has given the following results: The amount of waste is increasing; Not paying attention to the classification at source, Solid waste collection is still limited; Environmental quality is degraded due to the stench caused by domestic waste in some neighborhoods; The soil environment is polluted due to solid waste treatment that is difficult to decompose; Surface water and groundwater are also leaked due to leachate, wastewater from landfills; The polluted environment has, directly and indirectly, affected the health and production and business activities of the people in the ward, degraded the ecosystem, and lost the urban beauty. The author has proposed solutions to reduce environmental pollution caused by domestic waste such as population policy, establishing collection groups, craft village planning, and applying the circular green model in economic development.

Assessment of air quality and community health risks in Di An city - Binh Duong province

Tran Thi Khanh Hoa, Bui Pham Phuong Thanh, Nguyen Thị Thanh Thao, Tran Thanh Liem
Based on research methods such as methods such as data collection and processing, air quality index calculation methods, public health risk assessment methods to assess air quality and effects of substances on the health of people in Di An city. The data for the calculation are inherited from the environmental monitoring report of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Di An city in the period of 2019. The calculation results show that the air quality in the city. Di An is fluctuating at an average - poor level (especially in the Cay Lon junction area with the highest index of 150), the health risk assessment results show that when exposed to dust, the total group of people Adults (Women and Men) had a high fluctuating cancer risk index with the highest index of 2 subjects being in the first quarter 0.310, 0.295, in the second quarter 0.269, 0.282, in the third quarter 0.296, 0.282, Fourth quarter 0.289, 0.275. As for other indicators, the subjects assessed when exposed to substances in the air environment in Di An city can be affected to their health, of which the group of adults is still the group of people. Women and men) are the most affected group.
This paper aims to apply FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) tool in the wood production process of Minh Duong Wood Company. In this study, the process evaluation indicators according to FMEA were analyzed such as failure severity - S (Severity value), failure frequency - O (Occurrence number), error detection ability. failure - D (Detection number), risk priority factor - RPN (Risk Priority Number). The research results show that the failure modes of the process have been systematically and comprehensively identified. Fault types are ranked as priority for improvement and corresponding solutions have been proposed.
Binh Duong is a province in the Southeast region. It has a long history of growth and numerous noteworthy historical and cultural values. This paper provides a summary of the cultural and historical significance of Binh Duong Province during the prehistoric, land exploration, and settlement phases. It discusses population, administrative structure, social structure, economic traits (agriculture, handicrafts, commerce), and social culture throughout the various eras (prehistory, settlement phase, Nguyen dynasty). The findings demonstrate that Binh Duong not only has a rich history with numerous economic and cultural assets, but also point to possible research avenues for safeguarding and advancing moral principles in the construction and development of Binh Duong province today and in the future.
This article presents the results of a study on the current application of Project-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of English productive skills to students at the Foreign Trade University - Ho Chi Minh City Campus and how students can improve them. The research also provides insights into the expectations of students and entrepreneurs on that matter. The research group used the 5-point Likert scale in a questionnaire to collect data from students and interviewed FTU - HCMC’s English teachers and entrepreneurs to give further suggestions. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze whether or not there is a significant difference in students’ English productive skills before and after using PBL in English language learning. This study found a significant difference in speaking skills of FTU - HCMC students before and after participating in PBL activities. The students improved their comprehension, range and the ability to deliver their ideas to the target reader for writing skills. However, no difference was found in their content, cohesion, and accuracy. Interviewed teachers and entrepreneurs supported the implementation of PBL in schools. Overall, PBL is encouraged in the settings of higher education institutions.
Premarital sex is one of the issues that female migrant workers currently face. This increases the risk of sexual and reproductive health issues among this vulnerable group. The article's goal is to comprehend and explain the attitude of female migrant workers regarding premarital sex while also analyzing the factors that influence their attitudes toward this issue. The theories of social control and migration are the foundation for this objective. The combined approach used in this paper collects quantitative data from 420 female migrant workers and qualitative data from seven female migrant workers who participated in in-depth interviews. According to research findings, female migrant workers are considerably more agreeable to premarital sex if both are voluntary, but they do not feel ready to discuss premarital sex with those around them. The level of education and length of residence are factors that affect how female migrant workers feel about the premarital sex concern. In order to enhance their autonomy and reduce risky sexual behaviors, we can thus propose that female migrant workers, especially those with a residence length of more than five years, should have greater reproductive health capacity, including reproductive health knowledge and skills.
Recognized as a smart city, Binh Duong's smart city development strategy also includes the development of automated agriculture, typically large-scale livestock farming. A sustainable urban development will not be able to ignore the factor of providing food for urban and regional people. Phu Giao district - Binh Duong province is one of the leading districts in livestock farming, especially concentrated pig farming. The agricultural industry, pigs breeding, is one of the strengths of the district, besides the cultivation of short and long-term industrial crops such as rubber, cashew, Ho Tieu... Livestock is a very old profession of the Vietnamese people in Phu Giao district as well as in Binh Duong province. The contribution of livestock production to the socio-economic face of the district cannot be denied. However, animal husbandry activities, besides the economic values, also cause some consequences to the natural environment such as soil and water pollution, noise, odors in the air, etc. Hence, we decided to do the research of "Application of ISO 14001:2015 international standards in determination of environmental aspects at market hog farm with semiautomatic technology farm size 12,000 pigs per year in Phu Giao district, Binh Duong province" (TCVN ISO, 2015). This is a large-scale pig farm with modern semi-automatic technology equipment. We expect to find out environmental issues in the most detailed and specific way so that the owner can overcome the above environmental problems, rest assured to raise livestock and develop more expansion later. We conducted a review of the areas on the farm, evaluated the activities in each area, from which we found out the environmental problems through the material flow diagram (Phạm Thị Hồng Cẩm, 2020). Next, through the multi-criteria method (Phạm Thị Hồng Cẩm, 2020) we calculated the score and found the most significant environmental aspects (most environmental risk). The research results will be a general picture to provide farm owners with an intuitive and easy-to-understand view for suitable solutions. Developing farm economy along with environmental protection towards sustainable development of livestock agriculture.
In this article, the primary purpose is to design and implement a remote light control example that makes use of the Arduino IDE platform for programming, the MQTT protocol, and an ESP32 microcontroller, which has a dual-core CPU as well as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. This aspect is related to the Internet of Things (IoT), which allows any fundamental device to be linked and become a smart device via the application of the Internet. As a result, these devices can be operated from a significantly long-distance, eliminating the need to physically interact with the switches to turn them on or off. The first part of the paper is a discussion of the fundamental theory that is provided to examine the potential of remote control methods, followed by a short overview of the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), MQTT communication protocol, and PWM technique to regulate the brightness of lights. The second section is devoted to hands-on work, such as setting up an environment connection over the Internet, compiling and designing a printed circuit board (PCB).
This article is the results of the project "Assessment of health and safety risks for wood industry workers researched at Lap Giai company, Ben Cat district, Binh Duong province". Theory of change (ToC) is an intervention strategy to reduce worker health risk and safety that was initially established by the research team before being deployed at Lap Giai Company. Preparation ToC helps promote and cooperate in the co-production of knowledge between the academic and management group. The paper is a summary of 10 steps of the ToC method, in which, planning, analyzing change needs, projecting impacts, mapping intermediate results, determining project outputs, identifying assumptions, creating diagrams and explaining the ToC are important steps. The experiences drawn from the theory of change in transdisciplinary study are (1) Can be applied to digital transformation research and environmental management research in enterprises. (2) Role leadership is decisive in developing transdisciplinary topics in enterprises. (3) Both internal and external environments must be considered to design the most beneficial change interventions.
Cho Lon was a former province in southern Vietnam, now part of Ho Chi Minh City and Long An Province. During the Vietnam War from 1945 to 1954, Cho Lon province exemplified the practice of an all-people, all-out war across military, political, economic, and cultural fields. Using the method of writing history through oral narratives, this paper presents the process of organizing and developing general education in Cho Lon province in conjunction with the resistance movement led by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The results show that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Cho Lon province organized and developed general education throughout the resistance, even during the most intense periods of the war. The development of general education in Cho Lon province became an integral part of the resistance, contributing to its momentum and strength, and helping to achieve victory in the fight against French colonial invasion. The educational development in Cho Lon province from 1945 to 1954 provides valuable lessons for building an educational system during wartime.
Research results show that compost was created at the rate of C / N: 25/1 by mixing ingredients 2.5 grams of cow manure, 3g of organic waste, 0.01g of coir based on calculation of content. C and N in each material; With the humidity of 60% based on the calculation of the moisture content from the compost materials combined with the amount of water to add is 670ml, from which a Compost fertilizer has been produced. Determination of the optimal values for the mixratio and function has been verified on experimental crops. Research also shows that the use of probiotics in composting will shorten the compost time, limit the odor escaping from the compost.

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University