Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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27 papers

This paper focuses on the application of the two-step flow theory in university admission communication strategies, particularly in the context of university autonomy in Vietnam. The two-step flow theory, developed by Katz and Lazarsfeld (1955), emphasizes the role of opinion leaders in transmitting messages from the information source to the target audience. In addition to analyzing the core elements of the theory and the methods of identifying and utilizing influential individuals within the educational community, this study proposes solutions for applying digital tools to support communication processes. These solutions include optimizing content and search engine tools, organizing both online and offline communication events, and closely coordinating with opinion leaders to implement proactive, flexible, and creative admission communication campaigns that are sustained throughout the process. Consequently, the study aims to enhance the quality of university admissions in the context of digital transformation
Tan An was a former province in the Mekong Delta, now part of Long An Province, Vietnam. During the Vietnamese resistance against French colonialism (1945-1954), in addition to military, political, and economic activities, Tan An province vigorously organized and developed general education, becoming a highlight of the educational movement during the war in southern Vietnam. Using the methods of writing educational history and oral history, this article outlines the process of organizing and conducting general education in Tan An and its impact on the local resistance efforts. The results show that despite continuous warfare, general education activities in Tan An persisted, achieving significant accomplishments in eradicating illiteracy, raising public awareness, developing teaching staff, and constructing schools and classrooms suitable for wartime conditions. The educational development process in Tan An provides valuable lessons for building and developing general education during wartime, including experiences in leveraging the tradition of self-reliance to advance education and mobilizing community contributions when the state focused all resources on the war effort.
Binh Duong Province is one of the leading regions in Vietnam in attracting foreign investment, with thousands of expatriates living and working in the province. The demand for an international education environment (in-country study abroad) among parents and students in the province is increasing. Additionally, the current globalization trend and international integration demand a high-quality workforce with adaptability and international integration skills, requiring educational institutions to innovate to keep up with the rapidly changing society. Given the situation and trends, establishing an international high school under Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU) is necessary to meet the demand for high-quality human resources in Binh Duong Province, serving the economic, social development, and international integration of the province, the Southeast region, and the whole country. Furthermore, the establishment of an international high school by TDMU also contributes to enhancing TDMU’s position, image, and reputation within the national and international education systems. This article analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities of TDMU in establishing an international high school, thereby providing implementation directions in the context of the economic and social situation in Binh Duong Province.
Physical Education plays an important role in improving health and physical development, contributing to fostering personality, and meeting comprehensive educational requirements for students. This is one of the contents of comprehensive education of learners' personality in schools in general and elementary schools in particular. It can be carried out in many ways, teaching physical education is the most basic and important ways. The article presents an overview of the theoretical system of physical education activities for students in primary schools to affirm the Party and State's policy views on physical education for the youth and children generation is completely correct, plays an extremely important role in the development of each individual and contributes to improving the quality of society.


Dang Thi My Dung, Dang Nhu Quynh, Vo Nhu Minh Quan, Phan Thi Ha Phuong, Pham Truong Uyen Thy
ABSTRACT The world’s financial market has recently suffered from many fluctuations due to currency changes and the crisis, especially after the bank collapsed in the United States, cryptocurrencies have become one of the leading choices made by many investors in the world. It is undoubted that the development of cryptocurrency is an inevitable trend in society's future. In that context, updating knowledge about the general development trend of the financial market as well as about the cryptocurrency system is indispensable for everyone, especially young people - the generation that holds the global economy's future. Therefore, it is urgent to present and educate the cryptocurrency framework to college students. If there is no action taken, economics instructors will run the risk their students are left back in this flourishing and endlessly changeable economy. To start the educational story about cryptocurrency, it is crucial to define the measurements of students' awareness about the medium ahead of teaching-related materials. The data of the study are collected from 355 survey samples conducted by students in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey consists of 15 questions using various scales, designed by the researchers and using MS Excel 2016 for quantitative analysis, including using percentages, frequencies. The results show that the students' awareness is still low despite the significance of knowing about cryptocurrency. But they are also gradually realizing the necessity of things and are willing to improve their own knowledge of this aspect. Keywords: education, cryptocurrencies, students’ perceptions
The 5S approach is one of the strategies that can assist organizations, corporations, and educational institutions boost production and working efficiency. The Training Department - Thu Dau Mot University has used and implemented this strategy to create a clean and tidy working environment in which personnel can handle professional work and systematic archival records. This article presents the theoretical basis of the 5S method, the application process, and the results of implementing this method in the management of training at Thu Dau Mot University. Based on the approach to 5S principles, implementation steps according to the PDCD quality cycle, and practical implementation at the Training Department. The outcomes benefited the department by increasing work management efficiency without spending too much money. If 5S is adopted and reproduced in all functional departments and specialized units, it will generate a high-quality cultural environment that will strengthen the university's market position.
E-learning has many exceptional advantages in teaching and training, and it has been applied in many universities and colleges in Dong Nai with a variety of scopes and levels; especially at a time with the motto "learning everywhere at any time", Dong Nai province sees this as a good opportunity to accelerate digital transformation in education. Simultaneously, underlining that online teaching is not only a temporary solution during epidemic seasons, but also an important way to improve educational quality. The research is carried out to examine the realities of online training in higher education in order to satisfy the demands of society's need for high-quality human resources. In addition, lecturer questionnaire and student questionnaire design would be used to collect quantitative data to answer research questions through the employment of questionnaire. The survey result showed that an average score of 4.03 to 4.19 with the “agree” level in student survey and another 4.19 to 4.29 in lecturer survey. It is indicated that the attitudes of students and lecturers on the survey items are very similar through two surveys. As a result, e-learning plays an important role in conveying the knowledge to all students at anytime and anywhere.
Implementing specific mechanisms and policies to develop the economy and society in certain localities is an innovative step in the legislative process in Vietnam. This initiative has timely addressed practical issues, helping localities overcome many difficulties and obstacles in legal documents, harnessing advantages, mobilizing resources, accelerating economic and social development, and achieving significant results. Binh Duong Province has recently experienced a period of strong industrial growth but faces some sustainability challenges. In the planning for economic and social development, Binh Duong needs to research specific mechanisms and policies in several areas, such as developing industry linked with innovation, transforming the workforce, investing in high-quality education, and managing and synchronizing urban planning and development. The specific mechanisms and policies for Binh Duong should aim to address national issues by overcoming the middle-income trap, making it the first locality in Vietnam to achieve high income.
Thu Dau Mot University is one of the main public education institutions in the South-Eastern region of Vietnam. The vision of the university is to adopt innovative teaching methodologies to improve education quality and attract more students. Thu Dau Mot University envisions becoming a smart university as one of its long-term strategies in order to be aligned with the smart city orientation of Binh Duong province. The paper evaluates the potential of buiding Thu Dau Mot university model by SWOT analysis. It’s results will serve as a reference for Thu Dau Mot university’s leaders to identifying where are the strengths, the weakenesses, the opportunities and the threats in their process of smart university development. Finally, the paper has provided recommendations to Thu Dau Mot university for becoming a smart university.
The patriotic activities of teachers, students, and pupils in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong were a particularly important part of the open political struggle on enemy territory during the resistance against the United States. Immediately after the 1954 Geneva Agreement, many schools in Long An – Kien Tuong established revolutionary bases. Some teachers mobilized colleagues, students, and the public to fight against anti-communist activities, forced conscription, and to demand civil rights and democracy. In subsequent years, Long An – Kien Tuong became the site of numerous diverse and creative struggles (rallies, demonstrations, leafleting, journalism, cultural activities...), attracting the participation of many educators and students. Some teachers and students actively participated in armed and covert operations, displaying many heroic acts of combat and sacrifice. Alongside activities in liberated areas, the struggle of teachers and students in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong contributed distinctive values, enhancing the illustrious history and tradition of Long An province's education sector today.
Culture plays an important role in shaping the perceptions, beliefs, and experiences of refugees as they navigate decisions and actions in a new society. Based on an analysis of 88 oral history interviews conducted by the Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation (VAHF) with Vietnamese refugees in the US after the war, this paper examines the relationship between culture and social integration, particularly the cultural values that Vietnamese refugees have chosen and promoted to help them adapt quickly and successfully in the new society. Using a thematic analysis method, cultural values such as self-effort, a studious tradition, sacrifice, and intergenerational responsibility help Vietnamese refugees improve their socio-economic status after a period of settlement in the U.S. The stories specifically illustrate how Vietnamese people have applied cultural values to social integration strategies, establishing connections between culture and economic opportunities within the socio-economic conditions of the United States.
International students’ experiences are a major concern for universities and educational researchers. Globally, Vietnam is a top source country for international students but little is known about their experience. This study explores the everyday experiences of 10 Vietnamese master’s students from a New Zealand university through a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews. A qualitative approach enabled me to capture the essential meanings of the participants’ experiences and understand what it was like to be Vietnamese students in New Zealand. In academic settings, the students initially struggled to deal with a range of problems related to language and communication. These made them feel overwhelmed and bewildered. During these formative months, many of them experienced language difficulties. These difficulties forced them to learn to deal with challenges and become independent. This research helps universities become more aware of the experience of foreign students studying at the host universities, and thereby take measures to support them in their studies and daily life.
Almajiri are students’ in an ancient Islamic system of teaching. This paper assesses food security, personal hygiene, living condition, and violence in Almajiri. Survey using questionnaire and analysed descriptive statistics, and x2 at p < 0.05 were used. Most schools were donated (66.7%), and minority (33.3%) were self-owned. Schools were built by zinc (33.3%), mud (33.3%), and modern (33.3%). There are urinals in all the schools (100.0%), overcrowding (100.0%), 66.7% have windows and doors, (33.3%) have no windows and doors. 66.% of the schools have mats for sitting, 33.3% have chairs. Risks found are: open defecation (33.3%), and nearby water (66.7%). Majority of students stay for 4 months before returning home (66.7%), and significant portion of them return after graduation (33.3%). Pertaining personal hygiene 66.7% of the students’ wear shoes, 33.3% didn’t wear; 66.7% have cleaned clothes, 33.3% dirty clothes, there was no water at (66.7%) of the schools, 33.3% have water. 66.7% wash hands after toilet, none wash hands before eating. On food security for Almajiri, 66.7% eat once, 33.3% eat twice. They eat Tuwo (33.3%) Gari, Tuwo (33.3%), and unspecified food (33.3%); source of food includes begging (33.3%), external labor (33.3%), and home (33.3%). Types of violence encountered are: weapon use (33.3%), fight (33.3%), and flogging (33.3%). Majority (66.7%) like western education, and (33.3%) replied no. All students are feeling their condition psychologically; some are at SS1 (33.3%), JSSI (33.3%), and (33.3%) never attend western school. Poor health determinants exist in Almajiri students in Sokoto.
In recent years, society has been evolving rapidly, and contemporary education is being adapted to satisfy people's requirements in accordance with 4.0 trends and the industrial revolution.This gives birth to the definition of Smart University, the study of which seeks to identify the required components for constructing a smart learning environment. The research group analysed nationally and internationally advanced models, proposing a smart university model for Thu Dau Mot University (T-SMARTHS) with smart levels matching the phases established and developed at Thu Dau Mot University.
This article presents the results of a study on the current application of Project-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of English productive skills to students at the Foreign Trade University - Ho Chi Minh City Campus and how students can improve them. The research also provides insights into the expectations of students and entrepreneurs on that matter. The research group used the 5-point Likert scale in a questionnaire to collect data from students and interviewed FTU - HCMC’s English teachers and entrepreneurs to give further suggestions. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze whether or not there is a significant difference in students’ English productive skills before and after using PBL in English language learning. This study found a significant difference in speaking skills of FTU - HCMC students before and after participating in PBL activities. The students improved their comprehension, range and the ability to deliver their ideas to the target reader for writing skills. However, no difference was found in their content, cohesion, and accuracy. Interviewed teachers and entrepreneurs supported the implementation of PBL in schools. Overall, PBL is encouraged in the settings of higher education institutions.
Premarital sex is one of the issues that female migrant workers currently face. This increases the risk of sexual and reproductive health issues among this vulnerable group. The article's goal is to comprehend and explain the attitude of female migrant workers regarding premarital sex while also analyzing the factors that influence their attitudes toward this issue. The theories of social control and migration are the foundation for this objective. The combined approach used in this paper collects quantitative data from 420 female migrant workers and qualitative data from seven female migrant workers who participated in in-depth interviews. According to research findings, female migrant workers are considerably more agreeable to premarital sex if both are voluntary, but they do not feel ready to discuss premarital sex with those around them. The level of education and length of residence are factors that affect how female migrant workers feel about the premarital sex concern. In order to enhance their autonomy and reduce risky sexual behaviors, we can thus propose that female migrant workers, especially those with a residence length of more than five years, should have greater reproductive health capacity, including reproductive health knowledge and skills.
Cho Lon was a former province in southern Vietnam, now part of Ho Chi Minh City and Long An Province. During the Vietnam War from 1945 to 1954, Cho Lon province exemplified the practice of an all-people, all-out war across military, political, economic, and cultural fields. Using the method of writing history through oral narratives, this paper presents the process of organizing and developing general education in Cho Lon province in conjunction with the resistance movement led by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The results show that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Cho Lon province organized and developed general education throughout the resistance, even during the most intense periods of the war. The development of general education in Cho Lon province became an integral part of the resistance, contributing to its momentum and strength, and helping to achieve victory in the fight against French colonial invasion. The educational development in Cho Lon province from 1945 to 1954 provides valuable lessons for building an educational system during wartime.
ABSTRACT With the ever-increasing development of technology, online teaching is more readily accepted as a viable component in teaching and learning, and blended learning, the combining of online and face-to-face learning, is becoming commonplace in many higher education institutions. Definitely, challenges cannot be denied; however, it has been suggested and deployed globally including Vietnam. To some extent, both teachers and students present their positive points of view on this learning approach. However, there are a huge number of students expressing their lack of understanding the blended learning, which negatively affects their attitudes towards deployment of this learning approach as well as particular reference to motivation and interest. This paper is to assess the English majors’ perceptions on blended learning environment at tertiary level, which especially affects their learning the writing skills. Results of the study are absolutely helpful for the author to understand the students’ perceptions of the effects on the blended learning; then, she can give some suggestions to enhance the learning of writing skills in the light of blended learning. Key word: Blended learning, academic writing, perception
International scientific publication is one of the activities that help improve the quality of scientific research and develop the brand name of the university. This paper presents some key features of Thu Dau Mot university’s international scientific publications through statistics from 2015 to 202 which based on criteria: the number of publications in international journals (included ISI, Scopus and non-ISI, Scopus), field of science, gender and research collaboration. In addition, this paper will discuss some initial identifications: (1) the number of international scientific publications has grown rapidly and steadily over the years; (2) the number of international scientific publications is concentrated in the natural science, engineering and technology; (3) social science and education’s contribution in international scientific publications has limited;(4) there is a significant difference in the number of international scientific publications between male and female; (5) Research collaboration has an important role in the international scientific publications of Thu Dau Mot university.
In Vietnam, deviant behaviour in adolescents is increasingly popular and gradually becomes a major concern of the whole society. The purpose of this study is to identify Factors affecting deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents, including: Nature of adolescence (Biology, Intelligence and Cognitive functions) and Nurture (Family atmosphere, Education environment, Media and technology, Peer Pressure, and Religion and Politics). 426 survey samples were collected to serve the data analysis process as well as all hypotheses were examined by using STATISTIC 10 ver., LISREL 8.8 with Covariance Matrix, and LISREL model. This research showed that Nature of adolescence, Family atmosphere, Education environment, Social media and technology, Peer pressure have significant influence on deviant behavior of adolescents in Vietnam. The research also indicated that deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents is not affected by Religion and politics. The study also makes suggestions to improve morality and foster personality for adolescents in Vietnam, makes a small contribution to the country's further development.
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of using games in teaching vocabulary from the viewpoints of learners who already participated in language games. Through questionnaire, data for analysis were collected from 100 learners at a foreign language center in Binh Duong province. The results show that most of the participants are motivated to learn when they are in games. Moreover, they can acquire vocabulary more quickly and easily if the games are based on some factors such as learners’ gender, age and education status. The study suggests that in spite of the effectiveness of using games in vocabulary teaching, games should not be used too much or too less in the classrooms.
To explain transnational marriage between Vietnamese brides and Taiwanese, Korean grooms. The author will figure out and discuss some issues related to this type of marriage such as divorce and one of concerning issues that Vietnamese-Taiwanese and Korean-Vietnamese children have been existing in Vietnam as ‘being abandoned’ phenomenon of transitional migration in the context of globalization. This research aims to gain an insight into accessibility to education services amongst Taiwanese-Vietnamese and Korean-Vietnamese children living with their mother and maternal family/relatives in Hau Giang by applying sociological approaches, thus to explain a modern social phenomenon emerging in the process of development and integration of Vietnam. Research subject: Accessibility to s amongst Vietnamese-Taiwanese and Vietnamese-Korean children in Hau Giang. Research objects: Mixed race children nursed/ care taken by their mother or maternal parents/relatives.
This paper explores the pros and cons of using online setting for teaching and learning English comparing with in-class setting. Online setting is undergoing a fast transformation and becomes a widely promoted platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. By reviewing different studies on online teaching, this paper aims to provide readers a better understanding about online setting. These information would be useful in Vietnam where online class just has a medium used and short history comparing with other developed and developing countries, so online class in Vietnam may need adjust and consideration based on different culture and learner’s experience. This paper also give some suggestions in design of online learning for English languages to increase the learning effectiveness.
An effective teacher plays a crucial role in the process of learning English as a foreign language (EFL) when students’ opportunities to English exposure outside the classroom are limited. The aim of this study was to examine professional characteristics that an effective EFL teacher should have as perceived by Taiwanese university students. A four-section questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, and the study sample included responses from 68 senior students majoring in EFL. The results show that the three most significant characteristics of an effective teacher of English in the eyes of Taiwanese university students are not related specifically to the teacher’s knowledge of the subject or English proficiency level. Those characteristics can be attributed to any teacher, and they include providing clear grading guidelines, giving clear explanations, and preparing each lesson well. The findings may contribute valid information on college students’ expectations of EFL teachers in the Asian educational context and help make the language learning process more effective.

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University