This research provided a comprehensive linguistic analysis of translation practices applied to two articles on "Advances in Nuclear Fusion and Its Application," employing Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as the primary analytical framework. The study meticulously examined the contextual, grammatical, and cohesion aspects of the English source text from The Guardian and its Vietnamese counterpart from VietnamNet. Through comparative analysis, the study identified key linguistic phenomena, translation challenges, and strategic decisions made during the translation process. This research contributes to the field by offering insights into the complexities of translating scientific and technical content between English and Vietnamese, highlighting the role of the SFL in achieving accurate and contextually appropriate translations.
The world’s financial market has recently suffered from many fluctuations due to currency changes and the crisis, especially after the bank collapsed in the United States, cryptocurrencies have become one of the leading choices made by many investors in the world. It is undoubted that the development of cryptocurrency is an inevitable trend in society's future. In that context, updating knowledge about the general development trend of the financial market as well as about the cryptocurrency system is indispensable for everyone, especially young people - the generation that holds the global economy's future. Therefore, it is urgent to present and educate the cryptocurrency framework to college students. If there is no action taken, economics instructors will run the risk their students are left back in this flourishing and endlessly changeable economy. To start the educational story about cryptocurrency, it is crucial to define the measurements of students' awareness about the medium ahead of teaching-related materials.
The data of the study are collected from 355 survey samples conducted by students in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey consists of 15 questions using various scales, designed by the researchers and using MS Excel 2016 for quantitative analysis, including using percentages, frequencies. The results show that the students' awareness is still low despite the significance of knowing about cryptocurrency. But they are also gradually realizing the necessity of things and are willing to improve their own knowledge of this aspect.
Keywords: education, cryptocurrencies, students’ perceptions
The present paper was to discuss how the use of the progressive forms with stative verbs has changed in present-day English and discuss what the teachers should do to deal with this issue in English grammar teaching. The discussion of the paper was based on theoretical framework of progressive aspect and stative verbs. Data collected from three corpus-informed grammar textbooks show that there has been being a change in grammatical usage, specifically in the use of the progressive form with stative verbs. In particular, traditional views support the limitation of the use of the progressive form with stative verbs, while present-day English ones prove that many stative verbs can be used in progressive form. Through the discussion, the writer of the present paper finally suggested two pedagogical implications for teaching English progressive aspect.
The novel is a constantly changing and evolving genre when it shows the width and depth in the reflection of reality, opening up endless dialogues about the value of human existence in its flexible structural framework. The article exploits, points out and evaluates theoretical achievements of the twentieth century novel. From this evaluation, the text identify the theoretical development trend of this genre in the twenty-first century, placed in the movement correlation, movement of contemporary Vietnamese literature seen from creative writing and receptive innovation.
This paper analyzes the interpersonal metafunction in text messages of teachers of English at Viet Anh School. The paper uses Systemic Functional Grammar as the theoretical framework which aims to investigate into a language from a qualitative approach. The aim of this paper is to discover how interpersonal metafunction is being served in text messages of teachers of English in terms of mood, speech function, modality and personal pronouns. The analysis indicates that the English teachers often use text messages for providing more information and demanding services by the dominant use of declaratives clauses in their interaction. These English teachers also perform their plans or desires about their future intention through the frequent use of modality such as ‘will’, ‘can’ or ‘could’. Through the analysis of personal pronouns, it can be clear that the English teachers tend to interact with each other by sharing their points of view rather than mentioning about other things or persons. Their social relation is shorten through the popular use of pronouns ‘I’, ‘we’ and ‘you’. Thus, it can be concluded that the social relationship among the English teachers is established and maintained through the use of interpersonal metafunction.
Several companies apply lean manufacturing however the implementation in organisations is not always successful. One of the difficulties is deciding which of the lean approach to avoid the failure; therefore this paper reviews the key concepts and attributes of the lean paradigm, and identifies how they can be applied to ETP’s current operational practices. The study results show a successful lean transformation case study. Practically, this is a comprehensive guideline for practitioners to implement Lean in their organisations to make better decisions
Measuring environmental protection activities is a matter of great concern over the years. In this study, the indicators for evaluating environmental protection activities in industrial parks was built according to the PDSIR model and based on Vietnam's legal framework, including 18 main subjects and 35 indicators. The environmental performance index of industrial park (EPIIP) was established based on the multi-criteria evaluation method and the analytic hierarchy process method. The results of the study indicated that the VSIP I industrial park reached 68.95 points (relatively good level). Moreover, the results also showed that VSIP I was one of the industrial parks practicing good performance to protect environmental problems.
Publication Information
Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam
Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương Thu Dau Mot University
Editorial Board
Prof. Tran Van Doan Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)
Prof. Bui The Cuong Southern Institute of Social Sciences
Prof. Le Quang Tri Can Tho University
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu National Pingtung University, Taiwan
PhD. Anita Doraisami Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)
Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh Asia Pacific University, Malaysia
Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien Thu Dau Mot University
PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Raqib Chowdhury Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan Thu Dau Mot University
PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong Thu Dau Mot University