The 2023 air quality assessment was conducted at five key industrial sites (Song Than II Industrial Zone, Thuan Giao Industrial Cluster, Thuong Tan Quarry, My Phuoc II Industrial Zone, Bau Bang Industrial Zone) in Binh Duong province, aiming to evaluate the potential air pollution in surrounding areas and the health impacts on workers in nearby residential areas. The survey results for several air pollution parameters, including NO2, total suspended particulates (TSP), and noise levels from the 2023 monitoring data provided by the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Technical Resources in Binh Duong province, indicated that at the Thuong Tan Quarry, TSP concentrations ranged from 26.0 to 374.8µg/Nm3, exceeding the standard by 74.8µg/Nm3 according to QCVN 05:2023/BTNMT. Noise levels at the quarry ranged from 59.7 to 72.1 dB(A), exceeding the standard by 2.1 dB(A) according to QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT. Additionally, air quality monitoring results at various industrial sites in Binh Duong indicated that the annual average levels of air pollutants at these industrial zones met the permissible limits set by QCVN 05:2023/BTNMT and QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT, with TPS concentrations ranging from 11.5 to 374.8µg/Nm3, noise levels from 57 to 72.1 dB(A), and NO2 concentrations from 18 to 85.5µg/Nm3. According to the 2023 air quality results, air quality in industrial zones has relatively improved compared to previous years, although some monitoring points still exceed the regulatory limits. Due to the different nature of production activities at the quarry compared to other industrial sites, more dust and noise are generated, necessitating management measures for production equipment and technological changes.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of credit risk management on profitability of commercial banks in Vietnam. While the existing literature emphasizes the necessity for a more in-depth study and additional empirical evidence to elucidate intricate relationships between market dynamics and credit risk, particularly in the context of commercial banks in Southeast Asia, there remains a gap in comprehensive studies, with a specific focus on Vietnam. The secondary data was collected from 20 commercial banks from the country for the period of 11 years, from 2012 to 2022. The study used non-performing loans ratio (NPLR), capital adequacy ratio (CAR) as well as loan-loss provision ratio (LLPR) as proxies of credit risk while the financial performance is measured by return on equity (ROE). Moreover, the bank's characteristics, such as its size (SIZE), the macroeconomic inflation rate (INF), and a dummy variable that looks at how ownership type (OWN) affects the bank's profitability are all applied to quantify the independent variables. The model does not exhibit the multicollinearity issue, according to the mean Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) data. The regression results reveal that SIZE, CAR and INF variables have a significant positive effect on ROE, while the NPLR variable has an opposite significant effect on ROE. Nevertheless, there is no connection between the ROE-measured financial performance of commercial banks and the OWN or LLPR variables. This offers further valuable insights to bankers and policy makers in credit risk management of commercial banks in Vietnam to enhance the stability of the Vietnamese banking system.
As the number of healthcare facilities increases, stringent management of
wastewater treatment systems becomes imperative. This study investigates a
wastewater treatment system designed for a general clinic in Bình Dương
Province, Vietnam, which complies with Vietnamese environmental standards.
The clinic, located in Bến Cát City, serves approximately 200 patients per day
and generates an average wastewater volume of 1.7m³/day. The treatment
system, with a capacity of 10m³/day, employs a combination of biological and
chemical methods, including anoxic and aerobic processes, to efficiently reduce
pollutants. Results indicate that the treated wastewater meets the QCVN
28:2010/BTNMT, column A standards, ensuring minimal environmental impact
when discharged into the Thi Tinh River. The study demonstrates the system's
effectiveness in managing hospital wastewater, contributing to environmental
protection and public health.
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the wastewater management system implemented at a medical center located within the Bau Bang Industrial Park in Binh Duong province, Vietnam. With a staff of 166 and 60 beds, the facility operates in accordance with TCVN 4470:2012 General Hospital design standards, serving a diverse range of water demands including domestic, medical, and auxiliary requirements. The wastewater management system is meticulously designed to handle both rainwater and wastewater separately. Rainwater is efficiently collected through surface and roof drainage networks, while domestic and medical wastewater undergo discrete collection processes. The medical center's wastewater treatment facility, operating at a capacity of 100 m³/day, employs a multistage treatment process to ensure compliance with stringent regulatory standards (QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT, column B, K = 1). This process includes preliminary treatment, anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment, membrane filtration, and disinfection. The facility consistently meets quality parameters outlined in QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT, exhibiting effective removal rates for organic pollutants, suspended solids, ammonia, phosphates, and pathogens. Furthermore, the medical center demonstrates commendable environmental stewardship through its stormwater drainage infrastructure, which integrates seamlessly with the local drainage network, safeguarding against environmental contamination. Overall, the wastewater management practices at the medical center exemplify best practices in environmental management within the healthcare sector. This study provides valuable insights into the design, implementation, and performance evaluation of wastewater treatment systems in industrial settings, contributing to the global discourse on sustainable wastewater management practices.
Political culture is a complex concept, containing many different understandings and research methods from many different perspectives. Studies of political culture have emerged since World War II, and scholars continue to discuss this concept in the context of many inconsistent views in the academic world because of the interdisciplinary nature of this concept. Based on research results on the definitions, functions, and relations of political culture with organizational culture and management culture; by secondary qualitative data analysis method; this article concludes that the most similar point between the definitions of "political culture" is the recognition of the relationship between political culture and the state, with society with nation-state and class, the recognition that the inner meaning of political culture always includes dynamic elements as well as static elements, and acknowledges that the subject of political culture can be studied at all three levels of the individual, institution (organization), and community (state, nation).
Currently, to make human life more convenient and easier, many utility services have been provided. Among them, online food ordering applications with high coverage and diverse forms become prominent. This research aims to examine the factors influencing the intention of using online food ordering applications among students in Ho Chi Minh City. Using a multivariate linear regression model and the Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the research team analyzed primary data based on 120 valid survey sheets collected from students studying in HCMC. The research results indicate that there are seven factors influencing the intention to use (ITU) online food ordering applications, including: (1) Ease of use (EOU), (2) Convenience (CV), (3) Aesthetic appeal (AA), (4) Price expectations (PE), (5) Social influence (SI), (6) Perceived risk (PR), and (7) Habits (HB). Among them, the three factors with the greatest impact on the students’ intention are ease of use, aesthetic appeal, and social influence. Based on the test results, the study proposes a management implication to help food delivery service providers enhance service quality, suggest development directions, and make suitable strategies for potential target customers.
Keywords: food delivery service providers, food ordering applications, management implication, students’ intention
The 5S approach is one of the strategies that can assist organizations, corporations, and educational institutions boost production and working efficiency. The Training Department - Thu Dau Mot University has used and implemented this strategy to create a clean and tidy working environment in which personnel can handle professional work and systematic archival records. This article presents the theoretical basis of the 5S method, the application process, and the results of implementing this method in the management of training at Thu Dau Mot University. Based on the approach to 5S principles, implementation steps according to the PDCD quality cycle, and practical implementation at the Training Department. The outcomes benefited the department by increasing work management efficiency without spending too much money. If 5S is adopted and reproduced in all functional departments and specialized units, it will generate a high-quality cultural environment that will strengthen the university's market position.
Nigeria and developing countries are suffering from infectious diseases due to a mixture of determinants. Parable, rotavirus is a major concern that causes a lot of deaths and hospitalization among children under five of age. Therefore, it is imperative to have more understanding of the rotavirus. A literature review to form concepts were made under the following headings: Historical background of the Rotaviruses, General Characteristics of Rotaviruses, Classification of Rotaviruses, Structure of Rotavirus particle, Rotavirus protein, Non- structural proteins, Structure of Rotavirus genome, Genetic reassortment of Rotaviruses, Mechanisms of Rotavirus genetic diversity, Rotavirus infection, Rotavirus replication, Transmission of Rotaviruses, Incubation period of Rotaviruses, Pathogenesis of Rotavirus infection, Signs and symptoms of Rotavirus infection, Immunity to Rotaviruses, Laboratory diagnosis of Rotaviruses, Epidemiology of Rotaviruses, Treatment of rotavirus infection, Antiviral therapy, Other Therapies, Management of Rotavirus infection, Prevention of Rotavirus infections, General Preventive Measures, Hospital Infection Control Measures. This information would invariably help in gaining understanding the basics of Rotavirus that causes diarrhea in children.
Van Phuc 2 General Hospital is one of the hospitals that is always concerned about environmental protection in medical checkups and treatment. However to affirm and enhance the prestige is a regional hospital in the region, step by step approaching the hospitals around the world. Therefore, the subject "Proposing solutions to remedy meaningful environmental aspects at Van Phuc 2 General Hospital" is important to building a sustainable hospital development image.
The subject focuses on the plan to develop the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 based on the current management status of the hospital
By the 3P and 4T methods, the criteria and methods of analysis and field survey were identified, There were five Environmental aspects at the hospital by followings: smells, dust, exhaustion, wastewater, infectious waste, and clinic waste. In addition, the subject also establishes objectives, environmental criteria, planning, resource-building procedures, communication systems, document systems, etc., to complete the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 for the hospital. At the same time make recommendations to help the hospital can complying with all requirements when building an Environmental Management System.
Keywords: Environment; Environmental aspects, hospital, solution
This article presents the implementation process of the smart university model at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Scotland), University of Sydney (Australia), National University of Singapore, Stanford University (American), and the University of Tokyo (Japan). The article highlights the similarities, differences, and issues encountered during the implementation of the smart university model in different countries. The research shows that all universities have implemented smart campus elements, while other elements are implemented uniquely by each university. These campuses integrate smart technologies to monitor and analyze energy consumption, emissions, and more. Real-time data about the campus informs what is happening within the university, thereby facilitating easier management, administration, security, and environmental protection.
Vietnam's economy is operated to serve more than ninety million people so this is a very vivid picture. The large population brings many advantages to the food production sector in general and the production of fresh noodles in particular. Fresh vermicelli is the raw material for processing many dishes of the Vietnamese people for a long time, that's why there are many Vietnamese dishes with indispensable ingredients, which as Noodles in the national culinary books. Vietnam. The production of fresh vermicelli with the main ingredient is fermented and shaped rice with simple steps, but hidden inside there are environmental issues that need to be considered. The production and business associated with environmental protection are the responsibility of most enterprises and production facilities in Vietnam. The fresh noodle food production industry is no exception. Instead of learning about the aspects that affect the environment in the traditional way of collecting information, analyzing, and evaluating the current situation, this time the research team looked at understanding the causes of environmental pollution in terms of consumption. ISO 14001 international standard.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is an international standard that helps businesses and establishments identify the important role of the environment as well as the risks brought by the environment, thereby realizing the environment as an activity of the Organization. In this standard, the commitment to prevent environmental pollution is a mandatory condition, so determining the environmental aspects to overcome the impacts is a key element of the standard. If a business achieves ISO 14001 Certification, it will have a very good effect in promoting the corporate image of being responsible for the environment and the community. (Lê Huy Bá, 2006), (Lê Thị Hồng Trân, 2008)
Through analysis of the DPSIR model, combined with research methods such as field surveys, and survey questionnaires, the author has given the following results: The amount of waste is increasing; Not paying attention to the classification at source, Solid waste collection is still limited; Environmental quality is degraded due to the stench caused by domestic waste in some neighborhoods; The soil environment is polluted due to solid waste treatment that is difficult to decompose; Surface water and groundwater are also leaked due to leachate, wastewater from landfills; The polluted environment has, directly and indirectly, affected the health and production and business activities of the people in the ward, degraded the ecosystem, and lost the urban beauty. The author has proposed solutions to reduce environmental pollution caused by domestic waste such as population policy, establishing collection groups, craft village planning, and applying the circular green model in economic development.
Over the past few years, there are many activities had negative impacts on the surface water of the Dong Nai river such as industry, agriculture, and service development activities; therefore river water quality is significantly relieved. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of elements on the water quality in 2022 through analyze the parameters of pH, temperature, DO, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, P-PO43-, TSS, turbidity, total Coliform on 54 samples, compared with QCVN 2015 for river water quality and the water quality index calculation WQI. The analysis results show that the water quality of Dong Nai river, sections flowing through Bien Hoa city from Jan to Dec is not quite good, most parameters reach the limit value B1 according to QCVN 08:2015/BTNMT; however, the values of parameters DO, total coliforms, TSS exceed the limit value B1 significantly. WQI values fluctuate at a fairly high level from 17 to 68, and the average WQI of the river reaches is quite low, so the authority should have promulgated the law to protect the water surface of this river; therefore water quality assessment is significant for better control and management of the surface water environment in Vietnam.
This report presents the process of conserving, restoring scientific works, as well as ensuring the method and principle of conservation. Besides, because there are many reasons, the restoration of the relic is not currently carried out in accordance with the current regulations and there are some mistakes in the conservation and restoration of the relic. Therefore, understanding the restoration process is the core scientific basis for proposing effective conservation projects and solutions.
Moreover, the content of report provides more the materials, and scientific foundations for conservation and restoration of the relic as follows:
- Understand the valuable aspects of the Ngo Mon relic;
- Help conservationists grasp some methods to identify the relic including analysing history, and construction schedule of the work; analysing actual state (architecture, materials, fine arts...); analysing documentary photos; analysing similar works.
- Support people who work in management, project planning, construction of the relics grasp the order, process, regime, and policy of the State when implementing a project to conserve and restore more professionalism.
This article is the results of the project "Assessment of health and safety risks for wood industry workers researched at Lap Giai company, Ben Cat district, Binh Duong province". Theory of change (ToC) is an intervention strategy to reduce worker health risk and safety that was initially established by the research team before being deployed at Lap Giai Company.
Preparation ToC helps promote and cooperate in the co-production of knowledge between the academic and management group. The paper is a summary of 10 steps of the ToC method, in which, planning, analyzing change needs, projecting impacts, mapping intermediate results, determining project outputs, identifying assumptions, creating diagrams and explaining the ToC are important steps.
The experiences drawn from the theory of change in transdisciplinary study are (1) Can be applied to digital transformation research and environmental management research in enterprises. (2) Role leadership is decisive in developing transdisciplinary topics in enterprises. (3) Both internal and external environments must be considered to design the most beneficial change interventions.
Abstract: The article is based on data from the research program "Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (ADB-GMS1)" jointly implemented by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Vietnam Institute of Water Resourches Research in Tien Giang and Dong Thap province. The results show that, in recent years, due to the increasingly severe global climate change, the intensity of various types of natural disasters occurs more frequently, irregularly and with greater intensity. This has greatly affected the production, daily life and properties of the people in the vulnerable areas. To reduce the impact of various types of disasters on people living in vulnerable areas, it is necessary to combine two types of solutions in disaster prevention, namely construction solutions and non- construction solutions. In which, non-construction solutions play a very important role, namely, people living in communities are considered as the main actors in preventing and mitigating disaster risks occurring in the community.
Performance-related pay (PRP) is an integral part of Reward Management (RM) and is considered to have beneficial effects on organisational performance and employee motivation. Drawing on 14 case studies, this paper examines the Reward Management practices of local and multinational companies in Australia with specific consideration to PRP within the debate over the applicability of the transfer of the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices between nations through subsidiary-parent company relationships. After reviewing the relevant literature(s), the study concentrates on finding whether multinational corporations (MNC) in Australia pursue similar or different RM practices compared to their domestically owned Australian counterparts with special reference to PRP. It also investigates whether there are national variations between multinational companies in terms of the nature and character of their practices. The findings reveal country of origin differences in the way PRP practices are applied in subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies in Australia and local Australian firms. The case studies are used to examine and explain the practices.
In the context of economic integration along with the development of industrial parks, enterprises are always innovating modern and advanced technology, improve the quality of products of enterprises to increase competitiveness in international economic integration. This study assesses the progress of completion, the inadequacies after applying the drawing management process in iso room age Vietnam and the management storage regulations of the enterprise, thereby making flawed comments and propose solutions in the management process after being put into practice at the company. Use interdisciplinary research methods of archiving, drawing records, survey results and speaks to the importance of managing and storing drawings in the mechanical engineering industry.showing the level of completion and outstanding shortcomings of the process. The survey results provide the basis for the shortcomings, which need to be improved in the process and thorough remedies to improve the quality of technical drawing management process
Research and assessment of sludge management in Thu Dau Mot wastewater treatment enterprise. The composition of the sludge depends on the composition of the wastewater, the wastewater treatment process and the sludge treatment process. The most common non-toxic organic compounds include materials of plant and animal origin such as proteins, amino acids, sugars, fats ... compounds containing N, P... Toxic organic compounds include compounds of PHA (Poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), alkyl phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls (PSBs) organochlorine pesticides, phenols, chloro-benzenes ... Heavy metals such as: Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, Cr, Hg, As… (in the range from 1ppm to 100ppm). Some of these compounds can be toxic to humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to control the concentration of heavy metals in the sludge before disposal or reuse. Harmful microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa together with parasitic helminths can increase the potential harm to human, animal and plant health. Inorganic compounds such as silicates, aluminates, calcium and magnesium compounds.
Bien Hoa City is an urban area of Dong Nai province located in the Southern key economic region. Currently, Bien Hoa City has 6 industrial parks in operation with large daily wastewater flow, causing environmental risks, especially from organic pollutants. The study applied the Nemerow risk index and the geographic information systems (GIS). The results showed that the industrial parks were mainly organic pollution levels including N-total, P-total, and Ammonium. The level of environmental risk from organic pollution was recorded in range of medium to very high levels, the ranked in descending order: Agtex Long Binh Industrial Park (P = 24)> Amata Industrial Park (P = 16)> Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Park ( P = 10),> Tam Phuoc Industrial Park (P = 5)> Loteco Industrial Park (P = 3). The results of the study provided good information for the management and improvement of wastewater quality in the industrial wastewater treatment plants of the industrial parks in Bien Hoa City.
Nowadays, the benefits of ISO 14001:2015 abound, for minimizing environmental footprints, providing operational improvements, bringing lucrative business and improving the company’s image. There is an annual audit to decide if the company’s environmental management system meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. This is a significant audit that strongly affects the current certificate. The study to “Evaluate the efficiency of the environmental management system ISO 14001:2015 at the Vietnam Onamba Company” has been conducted to research the internal audit and examine any discordance in the environmental management system. The study carries out the internal audit of the environmental management system ISO 14001:2015 at VTO company by 3P method (P1: Paper check, P2: People interview, P3: Practice Observe). The result of the study showed a minor discordance at (6.2) Environmental Objectives and planning to achieve them. Regarding other clauses, they meet the requirements of the environmental management system. The result shows that the responsibility and careful observation of the company in controlling the system. The study evaluates reducing consumption (electricity, water, and chemicals) through collecting and comparing the data between 2017 and 2018. The results show the efficiency of reducing consumption: monthly electricity consumption reduced 21,86% (377 MWh); monthly water usage reduced 17,89% (1421 m3 ); annual chemical usage reduced from 3 to 6%.