Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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8 papers

Tan An was a former province in the Mekong Delta, now part of Long An Province, Vietnam. During the Vietnamese resistance against French colonialism (1945-1954), in addition to military, political, and economic activities, Tan An province vigorously organized and developed general education, becoming a highlight of the educational movement during the war in southern Vietnam. Using the methods of writing educational history and oral history, this article outlines the process of organizing and conducting general education in Tan An and its impact on the local resistance efforts. The results show that despite continuous warfare, general education activities in Tan An persisted, achieving significant accomplishments in eradicating illiteracy, raising public awareness, developing teaching staff, and constructing schools and classrooms suitable for wartime conditions. The educational development process in Tan An provides valuable lessons for building and developing general education during wartime, including experiences in leveraging the tradition of self-reliance to advance education and mobilizing community contributions when the state focused all resources on the war effort.
Vocational guidance plays an important role in career orientation for secondary students. Before entering the secondary school graduation exam, schools around the country start to organize career counseling. This urgent issue drives parents, teachers, and students up the wall, especially students are the learners who directly suffer from this consequence leading to students’ mental health issues. The study aim is to find out the optimal solution that helps students overcome the high pressure of vocational counseling before the graduation exam. In this inquiry, quantitative research is the best method to focus on surveying students’ awareness based on comparative research which is typical research, and via this exploration to evaluate the research object comprehensively. The comparative research is applied in this article to discover the differences between vocational guidance before and after the 10th-grade entrance exam towards poorer and lower-scoring students. This study is put into operation at Chu Van An secondary school – in Binh Duong province – academic year 2023-2024 and the students of grade 9 are research objects which are chosen to answer survey questions. According to survey tables, more than 93.3% of students with poorer and lower scores select vocational guidance after the secondary school graduation exam and 6.7% of students take the reverse one. What we need to think about is whether this way of present career counseling is feasible
Physical Education plays an important role in improving health and physical development, contributing to fostering personality, and meeting comprehensive educational requirements for students. This is one of the contents of comprehensive education of learners' personality in schools in general and elementary schools in particular. It can be carried out in many ways, teaching physical education is the most basic and important ways. The article presents an overview of the theoretical system of physical education activities for students in primary schools to affirm the Party and State's policy views on physical education for the youth and children generation is completely correct, plays an extremely important role in the development of each individual and contributes to improving the quality of society.
The patriotic activities of teachers, students, and pupils in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong were a particularly important part of the open political struggle on enemy territory during the resistance against the United States. Immediately after the 1954 Geneva Agreement, many schools in Long An – Kien Tuong established revolutionary bases. Some teachers mobilized colleagues, students, and the public to fight against anti-communist activities, forced conscription, and to demand civil rights and democracy. In subsequent years, Long An – Kien Tuong became the site of numerous diverse and creative struggles (rallies, demonstrations, leafleting, journalism, cultural activities...), attracting the participation of many educators and students. Some teachers and students actively participated in armed and covert operations, displaying many heroic acts of combat and sacrifice. Alongside activities in liberated areas, the struggle of teachers and students in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong contributed distinctive values, enhancing the illustrious history and tradition of Long An province's education sector today.
Almajiri are students’ in an ancient Islamic system of teaching. This paper assesses food security, personal hygiene, living condition, and violence in Almajiri. Survey using questionnaire and analysed descriptive statistics, and x2 at p < 0.05 were used. Most schools were donated (66.7%), and minority (33.3%) were self-owned. Schools were built by zinc (33.3%), mud (33.3%), and modern (33.3%). There are urinals in all the schools (100.0%), overcrowding (100.0%), 66.7% have windows and doors, (33.3%) have no windows and doors. 66.% of the schools have mats for sitting, 33.3% have chairs. Risks found are: open defecation (33.3%), and nearby water (66.7%). Majority of students stay for 4 months before returning home (66.7%), and significant portion of them return after graduation (33.3%). Pertaining personal hygiene 66.7% of the students’ wear shoes, 33.3% didn’t wear; 66.7% have cleaned clothes, 33.3% dirty clothes, there was no water at (66.7%) of the schools, 33.3% have water. 66.7% wash hands after toilet, none wash hands before eating. On food security for Almajiri, 66.7% eat once, 33.3% eat twice. They eat Tuwo (33.3%) Gari, Tuwo (33.3%), and unspecified food (33.3%); source of food includes begging (33.3%), external labor (33.3%), and home (33.3%). Types of violence encountered are: weapon use (33.3%), fight (33.3%), and flogging (33.3%). Majority (66.7%) like western education, and (33.3%) replied no. All students are feeling their condition psychologically; some are at SS1 (33.3%), JSSI (33.3%), and (33.3%) never attend western school. Poor health determinants exist in Almajiri students in Sokoto.
This article presents the results of a study on the current application of Project-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of English productive skills to students at the Foreign Trade University - Ho Chi Minh City Campus and how students can improve them. The research also provides insights into the expectations of students and entrepreneurs on that matter. The research group used the 5-point Likert scale in a questionnaire to collect data from students and interviewed FTU - HCMC’s English teachers and entrepreneurs to give further suggestions. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze whether or not there is a significant difference in students’ English productive skills before and after using PBL in English language learning. This study found a significant difference in speaking skills of FTU - HCMC students before and after participating in PBL activities. The students improved their comprehension, range and the ability to deliver their ideas to the target reader for writing skills. However, no difference was found in their content, cohesion, and accuracy. Interviewed teachers and entrepreneurs supported the implementation of PBL in schools. Overall, PBL is encouraged in the settings of higher education institutions.
Cho Lon was a former province in southern Vietnam, now part of Ho Chi Minh City and Long An Province. During the Vietnam War from 1945 to 1954, Cho Lon province exemplified the practice of an all-people, all-out war across military, political, economic, and cultural fields. Using the method of writing history through oral narratives, this paper presents the process of organizing and developing general education in Cho Lon province in conjunction with the resistance movement led by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The results show that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Cho Lon province organized and developed general education throughout the resistance, even during the most intense periods of the war. The development of general education in Cho Lon province became an integral part of the resistance, contributing to its momentum and strength, and helping to achieve victory in the fight against French colonial invasion. The educational development in Cho Lon province from 1945 to 1954 provides valuable lessons for building an educational system during wartime.
The study is conducted to assess the level of noise pollution from traffic activities in urban areas (in the case of Thuan An city, Binh Duong province) with the specific goal of applying geographic information systems. (GIS) in building noise pollution distribution maps in the study area. The research team collected noise data at peak hours and normal hours on weekdays and weekends using noise meters at 61 survey points. Noise measurement data was then interpolated using IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting) method to assess the spatial distribution of noise in Thuan An city. In addition, the study digitizes traffic routes and special areas (hospitals, schools, churches - pagodas) in the study area to identify areas affected by sound noisy. The results show that the areas near the main road are most affected by noise during rush hour, while areas in the small lane are noise level within the permitted range. In addition, the results also show the difference in noise level and noise time between weekdays and weekends

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University