This paper focuses on the application of the two-step flow theory in university admission communication strategies, particularly in the context of university autonomy in Vietnam. The two-step flow theory, developed by Katz and Lazarsfeld (1955), emphasizes the role of opinion leaders in transmitting messages from the information source to the target audience. In addition to analyzing the core elements of the theory and the methods of identifying and utilizing influential individuals within the educational community, this study proposes solutions for applying digital tools to support communication processes. These solutions include optimizing content and search engine tools, organizing both online and offline communication events, and closely coordinating with opinion leaders to implement proactive, flexible, and creative admission communication campaigns that are sustained throughout the process. Consequently, the study aims to enhance the quality of university admissions in the context of digital transformation
Based on previous surveys, it is evident that Food Technology students at Thu
Dau Mot University face challenges in learning English, such as limited
vocabulary, weak grammar, inaccurate pronunciation, and poor listening and
speaking skills. These can lead to declining academic performance and restricted
career opportunities. The paper highlights the potential of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) in overcoming these challenges. AI tools like Gemini Google can provide
personalized learning experiences, improve interaction with the language, and
offer immediate feedback. Gemini is specifically chosen due to its free access,
Vietnamese interface, and support for over 40 languages. This study
demonstrates that Gemini is an effective tool for undergraduate students,
particularly those in Food Technology who have weak English backgrounds, to
improve their English skills. Gemini improves vocabulary, grammar, speaking,
listening, pronunciation, reading, and writing. It offers simple instructions and
ideas in both English and Vietnamese, making it ideal for beginners, selflearners, and people with limited English proficiency. Unlike traditional
learning, Gemini provides access at any time and from any location, as well as
the ability to overcome shyness and blunders. Gemini's large, up-to-date
database and user-friendly interface enable personalized learning paths and can
be paired with other methods for best language learning. The study also proposes
various strategies for utilizing Gemini Google to improve English learning
effectiveness in areas like vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and creating a positive learning environment. Furthermore, Gemini's
value extends beyond languages, offering assistance in a variety of other areas.
The act of picking fruit is very familiar and associated with the history of hunting, catching, gathering, and gathering of humans, so they have come up with many types of tools for this job. The practice of wrapping fruit in bags before harvest has only been applied recently, so it is still very new and rudimentary. These tools only perform each function individually. Therefore, the author has inherited and proposed a tool that has two functions at the same time: wrapping bags and picking fruit at high altitude. This article presents the structure, operating principles, and instructions for using this tool. This tool is compact, inexpensive, and easy to use. It consists of a long handle, a set of clamps that close and open, and a control cable connecting from the top to the middle of the handle. Farmers just need to stand on the ground, put the clamps over the fruit, and pull the control cable to make the clamps close or open. From there, they can wrap bag or pick fruits from high above easily. This research will help farmers have a tool that has two functions, which certainly has many advantages and is useful for farmers.
Keywords: cloth bags, cover fruit bags, fruit pickers, plastic bags, tools.
The Covid pandemic and economic recession have seriously affected the business and production activities of businesses. This article proposes the application of Lean manufacturing to identify waste and propose solutions to reduce waste at Protrade Garment Joint Stock Company. In this study, tools in Lean and JIT were used to identify waste in the production process and calculate the cost of losses caused by waste. Research results have reduced waste due to transportation and help Protrade Garment Joint Stock Company increase its competitiveness in the market.
Keywords:Lean, waste, cost , 5S.
Industrial robots have become one of the effective support tools for human labor. Robots are a solution to replace humans in repetitive tasks and in environments where humans cannot work. Robots have become one of the factors responding to the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Automatic control devices require high-precision control quality. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on researching controlling the position of the actuator accurately based on the PID algorithm. First, we study the forward and inverse kinematics of a three-joint robot. Second, we design the robot model on inventor software and transfer the 3d model in inventor software to Matlab Simmechanics. Third, modeling robot model on Simulink to simulate and evaluate the results achieved
In this paper, we study the Robin-Dirchlet problem (Pn) for a wave equation with the
u2( i−1
n , t), n ∈ N. First, for each n ∈ N, under suitable conditions, we prove
the local existence and uniqueness of the weak solution un of (Pn). Next, we prove that
the sequence of solutions un of (Pn) converges strongly in appropriate spaces to the weak
solution u of the problem (P), where (P) is defined by (Pn) by replacing
u2( i−1
n , t)
Z 1
u2(y, t)dy. The main tools used here are the linearization method together with
the Faedo-Galerkin method and the weak compact method. We end the paper with a
remark related to a similar problem.
Glioma is a deadly tumor that accounts for the majority of malignancies of the brain and central nervous system. Currently, applying biomarkers and combining with clinical treatments in the diagnosis and prognosis of Glioma is the optimal trend. Among the effective biomarkers, microRNA has emerged as a novel, efficient biomarker. In this study, we used data from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genome and Gene Routes Database (KEGG) and bioinformatics tools for functional prediction and annotation of two Glioma-associated molecules (miR-6780a-5p and miR-6754-3p). The result indicated that 361 genes relating with two molecules miR-6780a-5p and miR-6754-3p. In which, miR-6780a-5p interacts with 198 genes and miR-6754-3p interacts with 166 genes. PPI analysis (protein-protein interaction analysis) and functional enrichment analysis revealed that target molecules of two miRNAs (miR-6780a-5p, miR-6754-3p) belong to cancer signaling pathways such as MAPK (Mitogen-activated protein kinase) and WNT (Wingless-related integration site). In addition, two miRNAs (miR-6780a-5p and miR-6754-3p) affect not only Glioma but also regulation in many other cancers such as pancreatic, thyroid, and endometrial cancer. Briefly, the result has clarified the role of (miR-6780a-5p, miR-6754-3p) in regulating signaling pathway of Glioma, thereby evaluating the interaction between miRNAs, target genes and target signaling pathways, and also supporting for the selection of potential biomarkers in Glioma diagnosis
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become an indispensable trend in the development process of Vietnam and is increasingly applied in university education. The essence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the application of technology, data science and the use of artificial intelligence for production and human life. In this impact, modern education, especially higher education, is the field most affected. Online teaching, with tools to support the teaching of the digital age, has been changing dramatically in the teaching and learning situation in universities, helping to modernize education and integrate with the world, but there are many issues that teachers and managers must consider to change teaching methods and training strategies, in order to deliver the best results. Starting from the actual situation, we propose specific and comprehensive measures to improve the teaching efficiency of Thu Dau Mot University and, to meet the needs of Vietnamese society and the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0.