Seed coat macadamia preparation of activated carbon with chemical agent K2CO3 from macadamia shells as per ratio: K2CO3: distilled water = 1:1:10ml, optimal temperature condition 6500C and burning time 60 minutes. Efficiency removal of zinc (II) in wastewater efficiency (53.42%) with the concentration of 25ppm, conducted a survey at pH = 4.5 with 1.8g/l of carbon, treated in 100 minutes. Survey results have similarities with other studies and are applicable to application removal of zinc (II) in wastewater.
Survey of methylene orange wastewater treatment by activated carbon material prepared from macadamia husk with chemical activator H3PO4 shows that coal with the best methylene orange color treatment is achieved Optimal conditions such as pH = 5, coal dose 0.9 g/L and time 120 minutes. The results show that it is applicable to color wastewater treatment and the results are similar to other research results.
Investigate the possibility of treating wastewater containing heavy metals Zn2+ with activated carbon material prepared from macadamia shell with chemical activating agent H3PO4, showing high efficiency of adsorption of Zn2+. The results of the study showed that activated carbon with H3PO4 activating agent has high adsorption capacity, capable of handling Zn2+ best at pH = 4.5, dosage 1.8 g/L and time is 120 minutes. . The results show similarities with other research results and are capable of treating wastewater containing heavy metals Zn2+.