The international cooperation environment is the issue affecting international cooperation relations, creating interactions between it and international cooperation relations. There are two types of international cooperation environment: the external environment and the internal environment. Based on the analysis of the international cooperation environment in Binh Duong over the past decade, the article summarizes the opportunities and challenges in exploiting the international cooperation environment to develop high-quality human resources of Binh Duong province.
Vietnam's economy is operated to serve more than ninety million people so this is a very vivid picture. The large population brings many advantages to the food production sector in general and the production of fresh noodles in particular. Fresh vermicelli is the raw material for processing many dishes of the Vietnamese people for a long time, that's why there are many Vietnamese dishes with indispensable ingredients, which as Noodles in the national culinary books. Vietnam. The production of fresh vermicelli with the main ingredient is fermented and shaped rice with simple steps, but hidden inside there are environmental issues that need to be considered. The production and business associated with environmental protection are the responsibility of most enterprises and production facilities in Vietnam. The fresh noodle food production industry is no exception. Instead of learning about the aspects that affect the environment in the traditional way of collecting information, analyzing, and evaluating the current situation, this time the research team looked at understanding the causes of environmental pollution in terms of consumption. ISO 14001 international standard.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is an international standard that helps businesses and establishments identify the important role of the environment as well as the risks brought by the environment, thereby realizing the environment as an activity of the Organization. In this standard, the commitment to prevent environmental pollution is a mandatory condition, so determining the environmental aspects to overcome the impacts is a key element of the standard. If a business achieves ISO 14001 Certification, it will have a very good effect in promoting the corporate image of being responsible for the environment and the community. (Lê Huy Bá, 2006), (Lê Thị Hồng Trân, 2008)
Culture plays an important role in shaping the perceptions, beliefs, and experiences of refugees as they navigate decisions and actions in a new society. Based on an analysis of 88 oral history interviews conducted by the Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation (VAHF) with Vietnamese refugees in the US after the war, this paper examines the relationship between culture and social integration, particularly the cultural values that Vietnamese refugees have chosen and promoted to help them adapt quickly and successfully in the new society. Using a thematic analysis method, cultural values such as self-effort, a studious tradition, sacrifice, and intergenerational responsibility help Vietnamese refugees improve their socio-economic status after a period of settlement in the U.S. The stories specifically illustrate how Vietnamese people have applied cultural values to social integration strategies, establishing connections between culture and economic opportunities within the socio-economic conditions of the United States.
International students’ experiences are a major concern for universities and educational researchers. Globally, Vietnam is a top source country for international students but little is known about their experience.
This study explores the everyday experiences of 10 Vietnamese master’s students from a New Zealand university through a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews. A qualitative approach enabled me to capture the essential meanings of the participants’ experiences and understand what it was like to be Vietnamese students in New Zealand.
In academic settings, the students initially struggled to deal with a range of problems related to language and communication. These made them feel overwhelmed and bewildered. During these formative months, many of them experienced language difficulties. These difficulties forced them to learn to deal with challenges and become independent.
This research helps universities become more aware of the experience of foreign students studying at the host universities, and thereby take measures to support them in their studies and daily life.
Binh Duong, a dynamic province in the Southern Key Economic Region in Vietnam, has a fast growing economy and strong economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization, have affected many aspects of economy, culture, society and environment. This study analyzes the influence of economic restructuring on urban development in Binh Duong province by utilizing the time series data throughout 2000 - 2020 and the household interview method of the topic "Urbanization and its effects on land use restructuring in Binh Duong province" shows the shift of occupations from agriculture to non-agriculture. The research results show that economic restructuring contributes to promoting economic and social development in general and expanding the urban network of Binh Duong province in particular, but it has some limitations in the process of development. Therefore, Binh Duong wants to successfully integrate into the world economy and develop urban areas towards sustainability (by 2030), it must have specific, scientific and objective analysis and evaluation on the success and limitations of the economic restructuring process and its impact on the urban system in recent times. The research results also have a scientific basis for proposing appropriate and effective solutions and policies to successfully implement the goals and orientations of economic restructuring and urban development that Binh Duong has been approved.
Over the past few years, there are many activities had negative impacts on the surface water of the Dong Nai river such as industry, agriculture, and service development activities; therefore river water quality is significantly relieved. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of elements on the water quality in 2022 through analyze the parameters of pH, temperature, DO, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, P-PO43-, TSS, turbidity, total Coliform on 54 samples, compared with QCVN 2015 for river water quality and the water quality index calculation WQI. The analysis results show that the water quality of Dong Nai river, sections flowing through Bien Hoa city from Jan to Dec is not quite good, most parameters reach the limit value B1 according to QCVN 08:2015/BTNMT; however, the values of parameters DO, total coliforms, TSS exceed the limit value B1 significantly. WQI values fluctuate at a fairly high level from 17 to 68, and the average WQI of the river reaches is quite low, so the authority should have promulgated the law to protect the water surface of this river; therefore water quality assessment is significant for better control and management of the surface water environment in Vietnam.
This paper aims to apply FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) tool in the wood production process of Minh Duong Wood Company. In this study, the process evaluation indicators according to FMEA were analyzed such as failure severity - S (Severity value), failure frequency - O (Occurrence number), error detection ability. failure - D (Detection number), risk priority factor - RPN (Risk Priority Number). The research results show that the failure modes of the process have been systematically and comprehensively identified. Fault types are ranked as priority for improvement and corresponding solutions have been proposed.
As a response to global warming and climate change, climate change adaptation aims to lessen the susceptibility of social and biological systems to relatively abrupt change and so counteract the effects of global warming. Openness and cooperation are key tenets of an adaptation strategy; as a result, mechanisms for a wide range of stakeholders are included in the creation and execution of adaptation strategies.
However, few poor nations have made a point of involving stakeholders in decision-making processes for climate change adaptation. In many regions of the world, there is a notable dearth of concrete plans to include stakeholders in the adaptation of policy-making and implementation. This study uses Viet Nam as a case study to evaluate the level of stakeholder involvement in climate change adaptation strategies. The findings demonstrate that the Vietnamese government has adopted a "top-down" decision-making strategy, in which the government plays the primary role, communities and NGOs have a minimal impact on the creation and implementation of policies, and the private sector is only involved in the implementation phase. Stakeholder participation has generally been acknowledged in Vietnam, although the country's national climate change policies have not been adequately implemented.
As a result, the policies for adaptation are unlikely to be effective in the unique settings of diverse places and may not be embraced by all stakeholders, which may ultimately limit adaptation activities. Viet Nam is advised to encourage participation by many stakeholders in the formulation of policy. Other countries can adopt the lessons from Vietnam while creating their adaptation policies.
Plagiarism is a very common problem in many universities. A lot of students plagiarize unconsciously because they don't understand the concept. The study will clarify the concept of plagiarism, as well as ways for universities to help their students avoid the habit of plagiarism. The aim of this study is to explore Thu Dau Mot University Students Knowledge about the seriousness of Plagiarism; Find out the most common types of plagiarism committed by students; Analyzing and finding out the possible common reason a student unintentionally commits plagiarism. In terms of purposes of the study, to answer the research question and based on the background of previous studies, in this study, one hundred students in different majors - Freshman students to senior students are taken as samples. The results of this study showed that the majority of students are aware of plagiarism and the consequences of plagiarizing, plagiarism is fairly common on campus and students are aware of it. The study indicates that plagiarism does exist at Thu Dau Mot University and students are willing to take the risk of plagiarizing, regardless of knowing that it is unacceptable. It also confirms that plagiarism is common amongst students across all departments at Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam.
This report presents the process of conserving, restoring scientific works, as well as ensuring the method and principle of conservation. Besides, because there are many reasons, the restoration of the relic is not currently carried out in accordance with the current regulations and there are some mistakes in the conservation and restoration of the relic. Therefore, understanding the restoration process is the core scientific basis for proposing effective conservation projects and solutions.
Moreover, the content of report provides more the materials, and scientific foundations for conservation and restoration of the relic as follows:
- Understand the valuable aspects of the Ngo Mon relic;
- Help conservationists grasp some methods to identify the relic including analysing history, and construction schedule of the work; analysing actual state (architecture, materials, fine arts...); analysing documentary photos; analysing similar works.
- Support people who work in management, project planning, construction of the relics grasp the order, process, regime, and policy of the State when implementing a project to conserve and restore more professionalism.
Vietnamese immigrants in the United States encounter a variety of acculturation issues that affect them as individuals, families, and as members of their communities. It is evidenced in the literature that low-socio status immigrants suffered from those acculturation challenges. However, there is scant research on how acculturation affects high-socio status immigrants in general and Vietnamese American immigrants in particular. To better understand how high-educated Vietnamese families coped with acculturation in the United States, this research used semi-structured interviews to examine the acculturation issues they encountered and the techniques they utilized to overcome those issues. Four well-educated participants were interviewed one-on-one for 20-30 minutes each by Google Meet in Vietnamese whenever they were available. The interviews were transcribed using unfocused transcription, and the data was analyzed using grounded theory technique. Results showed that high-educated Vietnamese immigrants in the United States face three major acculturation challenges: orientation, the necessity of better economic and self-esteem needs. However, women seemed to be under more acculturative stress owing to their lower levels of English proficiency and work satisfaction, according to the findings. In terms of coping methods, the husbands use integration acculturation tactics to deal with their issues. Separation methods were adopted by the women at various periods in their life, despite the fact that they are eager to become fully integrated members of American culture. They are unable to do so due to a lack of urgency and lack of access to cultural integration.
Recognized as a smart city, Binh Duong's smart city development strategy also includes the development of automated agriculture, typically large-scale livestock farming. A sustainable urban development will not be able to ignore the factor of providing food for urban and regional people. Phu Giao district - Binh Duong province is one of the leading districts in livestock farming, especially concentrated pig farming. The agricultural industry, pigs breeding, is one of the strengths of the district, besides the cultivation of short and long-term industrial crops such as rubber, cashew, Ho Tieu... Livestock is a very old profession of the Vietnamese people in Phu Giao district as well as in Binh Duong province. The contribution of livestock production to the socio-economic face of the district cannot be denied. However, animal husbandry activities, besides the economic values, also cause some consequences to the natural environment such as soil and water pollution, noise, odors in the air, etc. Hence, we decided to do the research of "Application of ISO 14001:2015 international standards in determination of environmental aspects at market hog farm with semiautomatic technology farm size 12,000 pigs per year in Phu Giao district, Binh Duong province" (TCVN ISO, 2015). This is a large-scale pig farm with modern semi-automatic technology equipment. We expect to find out environmental issues in the most detailed and specific way so that the owner can overcome the above environmental problems, rest assured to raise livestock and develop more expansion later. We conducted a review of the areas on the farm, evaluated the activities in each area, from which we found out the environmental problems through the material flow diagram (Phạm Thị Hồng Cẩm, 2020). Next, through the multi-criteria method (Phạm Thị Hồng Cẩm, 2020) we calculated the score and found the most significant environmental aspects (most environmental risk). The research results will be a general picture to provide farm owners with an intuitive and easy-to-understand view for suitable solutions. Developing farm economy along with environmental protection towards sustainable development of livestock agriculture.
Oral history is both a method of gathering information and an important source of historical data in social history and public history. The narratives of individuals are not only exploited to find historical facts or “additional” details to a grand narrative but uncover the meaning of individuals’ stories for a broader social context. That shift has made oral history increasingly an interdisciplinary research method. However, compared with the popularity of oral history in international academic disciplines, the application of this research method restricts in Vietnam. This article presents the possibilities and prospects of oral history through different research topics/fields in history, at the same time, specify the causes of obstacles to the legitimization of oral history in Vietnam.
Cho Lon was a former province in southern Vietnam, now part of Ho Chi Minh City and Long An Province. During the Vietnam War from 1945 to 1954, Cho Lon province exemplified the practice of an all-people, all-out war across military, political, economic, and cultural fields. Using the method of writing history through oral narratives, this paper presents the process of organizing and developing general education in Cho Lon province in conjunction with the resistance movement led by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The results show that the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Cho Lon province organized and developed general education throughout the resistance, even during the most intense periods of the war. The development of general education in Cho Lon province became an integral part of the resistance, contributing to its momentum and strength, and helping to achieve victory in the fight against French colonial invasion. The educational development in Cho Lon province from 1945 to 1954 provides valuable lessons for building an educational system during wartime.
With the ever-increasing development of technology, online teaching is more readily accepted as a viable component in teaching and learning, and blended learning, the combining of online and face-to-face learning, is becoming commonplace in many higher education institutions. Definitely, challenges cannot be denied; however, it has been suggested and deployed globally including Vietnam. To some extent, both teachers and students present their positive points of view on this learning approach. However, there are a huge number of students expressing their lack of understanding the blended learning, which negatively affects their attitudes towards deployment of this learning approach as well as particular reference to motivation and interest. This paper is to assess the English majors’ perceptions on blended learning environment at tertiary level, which especially affects their learning the writing skills.
Results of the study are absolutely helpful for the author to understand the students’ perceptions of the effects on the blended learning; then, she can give some suggestions to enhance the learning of writing skills in the light of blended learning.
Key word: Blended learning, academic writing, perception
Vegetables are the major source of dietary nitrate, with wide variations in nitrate content. The presence of nitrate in vegetables is often associated with harmful effects on human health. The study investigated nitrate of vegetables in Phu My ward, Hiep An ward, Tuong Binh Hiep ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province in 2020 by UV-VIS for determining of nitrat concentration, measurement wavelength of 410 nm. The vegetable samples were collected in the fields according to method of TCVN 9016:2011 and the nitrate contents were determinated according to method of TCVN 8742:2011 (Vietnam Ministry of Sciences and Technology, 2011). The results showed that there were 3 fresh spinach samples, 3 bok choy samples, contained the nitrate contents exceeded the regulations according to the regulations of nitrate contents in vegetables in the decisions of world health organization site (WHO). These results warn the farmers and policy administers of Thu Dau Mot city to give the solutions of nitrate-content controling in vegetables producing in Binh Duong.
The Southeast region, in prehistory and protohistory, established the space of Dong Nai archeological culture. Since the 16th to 17th centuries, the Southeast had been discovered by the Vietnamese people, in which they established sovereignty and administrative structure. Over three centuries of formation and development, the Southeast region has created many changes in geographic names and administrative structures as required by the historical context of each period. This article presents the overview of the administrative restructuring process in the Southeast region in some important historical milestones during the development process hereof. With the presentation of administrative structures in the Southeast region, the article contributes to systemizing the historical periods of formation and development of the region. It also opens further dialogues for the study of historical and cultural characteristics of the Southeast region.
Abstract: The article is based on data from the research program "Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (ADB-GMS1)" jointly implemented by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Vietnam Institute of Water Resourches Research in Tien Giang and Dong Thap province. The results show that, in recent years, due to the increasingly severe global climate change, the intensity of various types of natural disasters occurs more frequently, irregularly and with greater intensity. This has greatly affected the production, daily life and properties of the people in the vulnerable areas. To reduce the impact of various types of disasters on people living in vulnerable areas, it is necessary to combine two types of solutions in disaster prevention, namely construction solutions and non- construction solutions. In which, non-construction solutions play a very important role, namely, people living in communities are considered as the main actors in preventing and mitigating disaster risks occurring in the community.
Chau Pha Lake is one of the large reservoirs providing water for domestic, irrigation and production of people in Phu My town, Ba Ria Vung Tau province. This study was conducted to analyze the parameters of pH, temperature, DO, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, P-PO43-, TSS, turbidity, total Coliform on 16 samples in 2020 and the water quality index calculation WQI. The analysis results show that the water quality of Chau Pha lake in the rainy season is quite good, all parameters reach the limit value A2 according to QCVN 08:2015/BTNMT; however, in the dry season, the values of parameters DO, BOD5, P-PO43, TSS exceed the limit value A2 but not significantly; WQI values fluctuate at a fairly high level from 71 to 92, which is correlated with turbidity, COD, and BOD5 parameters. Thus, the average WQI of the lake reaches 85.4 points, corresponding to level 2 (green) - water used for domestic water supply purposes but needs appropriate treatment measures.
In the context of economic integration along with the development of industrial parks, enterprises are always innovating modern and advanced technology, improve the quality of products of enterprises to increase competitiveness in international economic integration. This study assesses the progress of completion, the inadequacies after applying the drawing management process in iso room age Vietnam and the management storage regulations of the enterprise, thereby making flawed comments and propose solutions in the management process after being put into practice at the company. Use interdisciplinary research methods of archiving, drawing records, survey results and speaks to the importance of managing and storing drawings in the mechanical engineering industry.showing the level of completion and outstanding shortcomings of the process. The survey results provide the basis for the shortcomings, which need to be improved in the process and thorough remedies to improve the quality of technical drawing management process
Context: In the period of Vietnam, gradually developing industrialization and modernization.
Purpose: To research the needs of English language learning among office workers in Hanoi during the aforementioned period.
Methods: Using questionnaires on 120 employees at companies in Hanoi.
Results: Most respondents rarely use English at work. However, they still need to learn foreign languages to improve their professional English or satisfy their self-satisfaction.
Conclusion: Survey is an essential suggestion in English lessons for working people.
The electricity obtained from the photovoltaic (PV) system highly depends on various factors such as geographical location, solar radiation, weather conditions and orientation of solar panels. The electricity produced by the solar PV system can be assessed by using simulations. This paper presents a technical feasibility assessment of a 10 kWp rooftop solar PV system for a household in Thu Dau Mot City, Vietnam. The study presents the amount of electricity produced, the performance of the PV system and the system potential to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment. The designing and evaluating of the system performance is done by PV*SOL, PVsyst and PVGIS software. The project provides useful information for the pre-feasibility assessment phase of a residential solar PV project in Vietnam.
The novel is a constantly changing and evolving genre when it shows the width and depth in the reflection of reality, opening up endless dialogues about the value of human existence in its flexible structural framework. The article exploits, points out and evaluates theoretical achievements of the twentieth century novel. From this evaluation, the text identify the theoretical development trend of this genre in the twenty-first century, placed in the movement correlation, movement of contemporary Vietnamese literature seen from creative writing and receptive innovation.
In Vietnam, deviant behaviour in adolescents is increasingly popular and gradually becomes a major concern of the whole society. The purpose of this study is to identify Factors affecting deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents, including: Nature of adolescence (Biology, Intelligence and Cognitive functions) and Nurture (Family atmosphere, Education environment, Media and technology, Peer Pressure, and Religion and Politics). 426 survey samples were collected to serve the data analysis process as well as all hypotheses were examined by using STATISTIC 10 ver., LISREL 8.8 with Covariance Matrix, and LISREL model. This research showed that Nature of adolescence, Family atmosphere, Education environment, Social media and technology, Peer pressure have significant influence on deviant behavior of adolescents in Vietnam. The research also indicated that deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents is not affected by Religion and politics. The study also makes suggestions to improve morality and foster personality for adolescents in Vietnam, makes a small contribution to the country's further development.