The cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS) method enables the application of coatings with various functional properties to nearly any substrate material, facilitates the restoration of geometric dimensions of parts damaged during use, and allows for the renewal of protective anticorrosive coatings without the need for complex structural dismantling. This review describes the latest developments in the processes and applications of CGDS technology.The ease and manufacturability of the process, along with the mobility of CGDS coating systems, make it suitable for use both in industrial settings with robotic systems and in "field" environments.
Publication Information
Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam
Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương Thu Dau Mot University
Editorial Board
Prof. Tran Van Doan Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)
Prof. Bui The Cuong Southern Institute of Social Sciences
Prof. Le Quang Tri Can Tho University
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu National Pingtung University, Taiwan
PhD. Anita Doraisami Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)
Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh Asia Pacific University, Malaysia
Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien Thu Dau Mot University
PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Raqib Chowdhury Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan Thu Dau Mot University
PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong Thu Dau Mot University