Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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Abstract The 2023 air quality assessment was conducted at five key industrial sites (Song Than II Industrial Zone, Thuan Giao Industrial Cluster, Thuong Tan Quarry, My Phuoc II Industrial Zone, Bau Bang Industrial Zone) in Binh Duong province, aiming to evaluate the potential air pollution in surrounding areas and the health impacts on workers in nearby residential areas. The survey results for several air pollution parameters, including NO2, total suspended particulates (TSP), and noise levels from the 2023 monitoring data provided by the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Technical Resources in Binh Duong province, indicated that at the Thuong Tan Quarry, TSP concentrations ranged from 26.0 to 374.8µg/Nm3, exceeding the standard by 74.8µg/Nm3 according to QCVN 05:2023/BTNMT. Noise levels at the quarry ranged from 59.7 to 72.1 dB(A), exceeding the standard by 2.1 dB(A) according to QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT. Additionally, air quality monitoring results at various industrial sites in Binh Duong indicated that the annual average levels of air pollutants at these industrial zones met the permissible limits set by QCVN 05:2023/BTNMT and QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT, with TPS concentrations ranging from 11.5 to 374.8µg/Nm3, noise levels from 57 to 72.1 dB(A), and NO2 concentrations from 18 to 85.5µg/Nm3. According to the 2023 air quality results, air quality in industrial zones has relatively improved compared to previous years, although some monitoring points still exceed the regulatory limits. Due to the different nature of production activities at the quarry compared to other industrial sites, more dust and noise are generated, necessitating management measures for production equipment and technological changes.
Vietnam and India are two countries that had a very early diplomatic relationship nurtured by the people of two countries over time. Among the factors that create strong bond between Vietnam and India, it is impossible not to mention the presence of Indian community. The Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City is creating the cultural diversity of this land. They have also contributed to cultural exchanges with Vietnamese, attracting investment from India, tightening relations between two countries in the new stage of development. The article uses the theory of cultural exchange and acculturation to study the socio-cultural and economic life of Indians in Ho Chi Minh City in the context of urban culture in the era of globalization. The article is designed with two main contents: First, the historical movements of Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City, Second, the acculturation and cultural exchanges between Vietnamese and Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City. The research results aim to analyze and explain the phenomenon of cultural exchange and acculturation in the fields of economics, religion, and clothing. Thereby, the article contributes to providing documents for cultural preservation, attracting investment, and developing spiritual tourism in Ho Chi Minh City.


Dang Thi My Dung, Dang Nhu Quynh, Vo Nhu Minh Quan, Phan Thi Ha Phuong, Pham Truong Uyen Thy
ABSTRACT The world’s financial market has recently suffered from many fluctuations due to currency changes and the crisis, especially after the bank collapsed in the United States, cryptocurrencies have become one of the leading choices made by many investors in the world. It is undoubted that the development of cryptocurrency is an inevitable trend in society's future. In that context, updating knowledge about the general development trend of the financial market as well as about the cryptocurrency system is indispensable for everyone, especially young people - the generation that holds the global economy's future. Therefore, it is urgent to present and educate the cryptocurrency framework to college students. If there is no action taken, economics instructors will run the risk their students are left back in this flourishing and endlessly changeable economy. To start the educational story about cryptocurrency, it is crucial to define the measurements of students' awareness about the medium ahead of teaching-related materials. The data of the study are collected from 355 survey samples conducted by students in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey consists of 15 questions using various scales, designed by the researchers and using MS Excel 2016 for quantitative analysis, including using percentages, frequencies. The results show that the students' awareness is still low despite the significance of knowing about cryptocurrency. But they are also gradually realizing the necessity of things and are willing to improve their own knowledge of this aspect. Keywords: education, cryptocurrencies, students’ perceptions
This article presents the history of Caritas Phu Cuong as a charity and social organization that plays an important role in helping the poor and disabled people of Binh Dương province. In addition, the article will also analyze the role and contributions of Caritas Phu Cuong in the field of charity for Binh Duong province in the following aspects: medical examination and medicine distribution for the poor people; life protection program; taking care of lonely elderly people; support people with disabilities to integrate into the community; build a library of books and toys for children; organize compassion classes for children of workers in difficult circumstances; bright path scholarship (Slovakia); environmental protection and human trafficking prevention programs. Finally, the article will discuss the role, functions and scope of activities of Caritas Phu Cuong in different historical periods to adapt to the changes in the socio-political context of Vietnam.
This article's primary goals are to provide design drawings, a description of the structure, an explanation of the working principle, and a kinematics calculation for text stamping machines. This machine has an electric motor, a gear-pinion transmission, a rotating disc-rod-slider mechanism and a hinged four-way mechanism. This is a simple, reasonably priced and useful device for administrative agencies' workstations. An ordinary administrative worker can also operate it. This device is about the same size as a laptop or printer. It operates by clamping the seal, stamping constantly onto A4 pages. The stamping speed can also be changed by varying the shaft speed of the electric motor. It is convenient, but it also has the disadvantage of requiring someone to put the paper in and take it out. The box frame of this machine is made of plastic or wood. Some transmission components are made of steel. When this machine works, the force applied to it and the force caused by it are very small, so in general it is very simple and safe. Keywords: Gear transmission – rack, rotating disc mechanism – connecting rod – slider, four-hinged mechanism, stamping machine.
Abstract Cultural relations between Vietnam and China, of course, need no further assertions. But this process of cultural relations, then requires further studies to see the diversity of this cultural relationship. We, in this report, present the cultural relationship between Vietnam and China through poems written on the topic of Zen - Buddhist on the way to the mission of Vietnamese ambassadors in the last 18th century and early 19th century, in three main aspects: the reception of the Buddhist cultural space, the sense of meditation in front of the temple, and the intimacy between the envoyers and the Zen masters and officials of the North. From there, we hope to contribute an additional perspective on the Vietnamese people's position - the same level position, in the cultural exchange between Vietnam and China. Keywords: Cultural relations, Enyoy poetry, Envoyer, Vietnam - China, Zen - Buddhist.
As a response to global warming and climate change, climate change adaptation aims to lessen the susceptibility of social and biological systems to relatively abrupt change and so counteract the effects of global warming. Openness and cooperation are key tenets of an adaptation strategy; as a result, mechanisms for a wide range of stakeholders are included in the creation and execution of adaptation strategies. However, few poor nations have made a point of involving stakeholders in decision-making processes for climate change adaptation. In many regions of the world, there is a notable dearth of concrete plans to include stakeholders in the adaptation of policy-making and implementation. This study uses Viet Nam as a case study to evaluate the level of stakeholder involvement in climate change adaptation strategies. The findings demonstrate that the Vietnamese government has adopted a "top-down" decision-making strategy, in which the government plays the primary role, communities and NGOs have a minimal impact on the creation and implementation of policies, and the private sector is only involved in the implementation phase. Stakeholder participation has generally been acknowledged in Vietnam, although the country's national climate change policies have not been adequately implemented. As a result, the policies for adaptation are unlikely to be effective in the unique settings of diverse places and may not be embraced by all stakeholders, which may ultimately limit adaptation activities. Viet Nam is advised to encourage participation by many stakeholders in the formulation of policy. Other countries can adopt the lessons from Vietnam while creating their adaptation policies.
The present paper was to discuss how the use of the progressive forms with stative verbs has changed in present-day English and discuss what the teachers should do to deal with this issue in English grammar teaching. The discussion of the paper was based on theoretical framework of progressive aspect and stative verbs. Data collected from three corpus-informed grammar textbooks show that there has been being a change in grammatical usage, specifically in the use of the progressive form with stative verbs. In particular, traditional views support the limitation of the use of the progressive form with stative verbs, while present-day English ones prove that many stative verbs can be used in progressive form. Through the discussion, the writer of the present paper finally suggested two pedagogical implications for teaching English progressive aspect.
This article is the results of the project "Assessment of health and safety risks for wood industry workers researched at Lap Giai company, Ben Cat district, Binh Duong province". Theory of change (ToC) is an intervention strategy to reduce worker health risk and safety that was initially established by the research team before being deployed at Lap Giai Company. Preparation ToC helps promote and cooperate in the co-production of knowledge between the academic and management group. The paper is a summary of 10 steps of the ToC method, in which, planning, analyzing change needs, projecting impacts, mapping intermediate results, determining project outputs, identifying assumptions, creating diagrams and explaining the ToC are important steps. The experiences drawn from the theory of change in transdisciplinary study are (1) Can be applied to digital transformation research and environmental management research in enterprises. (2) Role leadership is decisive in developing transdisciplinary topics in enterprises. (3) Both internal and external environments must be considered to design the most beneficial change interventions.
For more than a hundred years, the people of Kien Giang have maintained the celebration of Nguyen Trung Truc’s death anniversary in order to pay tribute to this “Born as a general, die as a god”. According to the movement and development of history, the death anniversary of Nguyen Trung Truc must also have certain changes, to match the content anh nature of the historical – cultural time. This is an important issue, helping to better identify the regular adaptations and changes of national cultural values. However, to date this issue has not been studied. The purpose of the article is to analyze and clarify the process of organizing the death anniversary celebration and its changes, contributing to explaining the adaptation and regular change of cultural values.
The Southeast region, in prehistory and protohistory, established the space of Dong Nai archeological culture. Since the 16th to 17th centuries, the Southeast had been discovered by the Vietnamese people, in which they established sovereignty and administrative structure. Over three centuries of formation and development, the Southeast region has created many changes in geographic names and administrative structures as required by the historical context of each period. This article presents the overview of the administrative restructuring process in the Southeast region in some important historical milestones during the development process hereof. With the presentation of administrative structures in the Southeast region, the article contributes to systemizing the historical periods of formation and development of the region. It also opens further dialogues for the study of historical and cultural characteristics of the Southeast region.
Abstract: The article is based on data from the research program "Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (ADB-GMS1)" jointly implemented by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Vietnam Institute of Water Resourches Research in Tien Giang and Dong Thap province. The results show that, in recent years, due to the increasingly severe global climate change, the intensity of various types of natural disasters occurs more frequently, irregularly and with greater intensity. This has greatly affected the production, daily life and properties of the people in the vulnerable areas. To reduce the impact of various types of disasters on people living in vulnerable areas, it is necessary to combine two types of solutions in disaster prevention, namely construction solutions and non- construction solutions. In which, non-construction solutions play a very important role, namely, people living in communities are considered as the main actors in preventing and mitigating disaster risks occurring in the community.
Applying first-principles calculations, the investigation of the geometrical and electronic properties of Pr adsorption armchair silicene nanoribbons structure has been established. The results show that the bandgap doped Pr has been changed, which is the case for chemical adsorption on the surface of ASiNRs; this material became metallic with the peak of valance band contact fermi level. Moreover, the survey to find the optimal height 1.82 Å of Pr and 2.24 Å bond length Si-Si, and Si-Si-Si bond angle 108005’, energy adsorption is -7.65 eV, buckling is 0.43 Å with structure stability close to the pristine case, has brought good results for actively creating newly applied materials for the spintronic and optoelectronics field in the future.
The paper demonstrates the role of globalization and localization in the process of Vietnam’s interaction and integration with other cultures, causing changes in Vietnamese language. Globalization is defined as the free movement of goods, services and people of the worldwide scope across the borders of countries, resulted from the opening up of the global economy and advances of technologies. The increasing interconnectedness and integration of the economies of the world furnish more influx of information among countries which do not have anything in common and Internet and social media well contribute to such spread. Not only the pros but the cons of globalization are used to explain the part of localization as the entire process of adapting a product or content to a specific location or market. The paper indicates localization as the Vietnamese people’s endeavor to adapt Vietnamese language to the world while protecting and enhancing the national characters. The differences between localization and globalization are analyzed to demonstrate the value and requirements of localization in the present time. The influences of Sino-Vietnamese and French language are also found out as evidences of the phenomena. The changes of Vietnamese language from globalization and localization are illustrated with devices, ideas and images referring to the objects, actions or ideas.
The current status assessment research of water use and quality of supplied domestic water in Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province, as well as the clean water use situation of the local people. Sampling and assessment of the quality of supplied water at Thu Dau Mot Water supply enterprise. The water treatment process here is strictly conducted to ensure stability, constant pressure, inlet and outlet water flow. The analysis results of physical and chemical parameters of water quality at Thu Dau Mot Water supply enterprise show parameters within the allowable limits of water standards for domestic use QCVN 02: 2009/BYT and domestic water QCVN 01: 2009/BYT. However, during the water treatment process in the rainy season, it is time consuming and costly for the use of many chemicals in the treatment process, as high turbidity and high color temperature, low TDS, low pH, low chloride, high SS, Fe and Mn content changes in the wet season higher than in the dry season. After sampling for analysis and treatment, the output water meets the clean water standard to meet the needs of the people in Thu Dau Mot City and surrounding areas. Keywords: water quality, physical and chemical parameters, water standards, clean water.
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become an indispensable trend in the development process of Vietnam and is increasingly applied in university education. The essence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the application of technology, data science and the use of artificial intelligence for production and human life. In this impact, modern education, especially higher education, is the field most affected. Online teaching, with tools to support the teaching of the digital age, has been changing dramatically in the teaching and learning situation in universities, helping to modernize education and integrate with the world, but there are many issues that teachers and managers must consider to change teaching methods and training strategies, in order to deliver the best results. Starting from the actual situation, we propose specific and comprehensive measures to improve the teaching efficiency of Thu Dau Mot University and, to meet the needs of Vietnamese society and the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the intelligentsia of the colonial countries and ones being threatened by Western colonial dominance in Asia began to re-perceive the problems of sovereignty, nation-state, and re-ask questions like "What is history for?" as well as review what previous historians wrote about their national history. From re-realizing history and rewriting history according to new perspectives, historiography in these countries has shifted from "traditional" to "modern" with taking Western science as the main direction. Vietnamese historiography is also not out of that general change. Examining the product of historical books at the beginning of the twentieth century, Phan Boi Chau is considered as the pioneer historian for that historiographical turn. The article focuses on analyzing the new historical viewpoints of Phan Boi Chau from the global perspective of the flow of thought in Asian countries at that time.
This paper examines the main challenges of the processes of space and social policy change present to current urbanization trends of Taiwan. The chapter argues that one of the main challenges is economic growth, increasing integration into the global economy and making Taiwan competitive in the global economy. This process leads to the growth of large urban regions that present many challenges to the urban development in the future. In particular, the paper focuses on the most fragile areas of the extended urban spaces are the rural and urban margins, where urban activities are expanding into densely populated agricultural regions. It is argued that in these areas, local policies should be developed that adapt to local ecosystems. The paper presents lessons of interventions in this field for Ho Chi Minh, Dong Nai and Binh Duong Region for urban expansion.
Along with changes in Economy, Tourism and the influence of foreign waves, the market of Food Service in Vietnam has also changed to meet the needs of customers. At many restaurants in Vietnam, customer satisfaction can greatly affect restaurant revenue. Therefore, it is essential to determine which perceived quality factors affect customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted through questionnaires collected from 329 respondents, who experienced in restaurant services in Vietnam. In this paper, four factors are found that have influence on customer satisfaction in restaurants: Service quality, Product quality, Environment and Price. In addition, the research also gives some contributions based on the research results, helping businesses understand customers and meet customer satisfaction requirements in the restaurant.
Youth in a nation is the most viable and potential human resource in both demographic and social structure. Without the youth's adequate and integrated bio-social development a nation cannot attain its anticipated human goals. Based on government initiative a2i, the empowerment of youth towards sustainable development in Bangladesh is described in this paper. Although the Bangladesh Government has formulated and implemented policies, plans and programs for youth welfare are still through GOs and NGOs. Related literature indicates that, regardless of all age and regions, young people in this country face several socio-cultural problems where they cannot grow and empower themselves adequately. As a result, they cannot play their important roles in sustainable development and changes within the country. To resolve the problems of the youth in relation to their development and empowerment, the Government of Bangladesh is developing and implementing some solutions. The case study focuses on the role of a2i for development of youth in the successful design of public development and sustainable development programs.
The fifth generation (5G) cellular network has been commercialized recently to fulfill the new demands such as very high data exchange rate, extra low latency and high reliability. Many new technologies have been introduced and exploited since the early of the 2010s. Among these emerging technologies, full-duplex relaying cognitive radio networks, device-to-device communications and cell-free massive multiple-input and multiple-output have been considered as promising technologies/systems for 5G and beyond. This work provides a comprehensive study on the concepts, advantages and challenges of the above-mentioned technologies. In addition, we also introduce four new research directions which are challenges of 5G and beyond.
Across the world, the first accounting course provides serious challenges for teaching. These arise from powerful negative perceptions which include the anxiety associated with tertiary-level study and the differing backgrounds or majors of students required to take the course. This paper outlines some examples of nontraditional teaching techniques and highlights how the course could be best structured to overcome such negative views while at the same time responding to the changes in the industry. The design and content of the proposed course emphasizes the USER approach and is directed to English as second language learners. This is a case study in an Australian offshore campus and is the end result of the progressive improvement in the structure and delivery of the course.
The Southeast plays a very important role in Vietnam’s economic development. Despite a high concentration of social scientists in the Southeast region, there remains a paradox that the Southeast culture has not been sufficiently researched into. Applying the method of cultural zoning based on the changes of the three dimensions Subject – Space - Time developed by the author, the article concludes that the Southeast is a separate cultural zone besides the Southwest and lists some typical characteristics of the Southeast in terms of cultural elements (focusing on the organizational culture) and the system of cultural personality characteristics of Vietnamese people in the Southeast. An analysis of the Human Development Index (HDI) of the Southeast shows that this development is unbalanced and unsustainable. To achieve balance and sustainability, more investment must be made on the culture and the people; community-village type behaviors should be replaced by community-society type behaviors; and the urban way of living, the urban culture and good urban citizen character should be promoed while limiting the rural/agricultural lifestyle and characteristics.
Binh Duong has rapidly transformed during the period 1999-2009, from a agricultural province to industrial one. The paper explores the shift of occupation-based social structure of Binh Duong during that period. Using the data sets of Census 1999 and 2009, the paper analyses the evolution of the occupational figure in Binh Duong by ten occupational categories and four occupational strata, and the differences in this figure by residence, gender, ethnic, and religious variables. Findings show that the occupational structure of Binh Duong is more developed than the one of the Southern Key Economic Zone. Its change in rural areas is more significant than in urban areas. There are not considerable differences by gender, ethnicity, and religiousness. The findings are suggestive for a further analysis using the data set of Census 2019 on the evolution of occupational figures in Binh Duong during the previous twenty years (1999-2019).

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University