The wastewater treatment plant is an extremely important infrastructure to ensure the quality of life, water use of human life, and other ways to ensure water quality for the natural environment. In the operation of it, there are always potential hazards affecting the health of the workers working in the factory. The study was performed using the Semi-quantitative risk assessment method to calculate the values of operational risks in the water treatment plant (WWP). The results of the study obtained 18 high potential hazards that may lead to the present in the water treatment process. The hazards were the leakage of deodorizing towers and the generation of toxic emissions of dead microorganisms that have the highest value with a risk scale of 20 points- frequent impacts on employees. The study has also identified the dangers present in WWP and this will be the premise for mitigating solutions for problems occurring at its.
Environmental issues such as the wastewater have influenced each aspect of our lives. For human and environmental health protection, it is necessary to remove excess zinc in industrial wastewaters before discharging them to environment. Modified diatomite displayed larger surface area and pore volumes in comparison with untreated natural diatomite, which favored heavy metals sorption behavior. In this study, the removal of Zn(II) ions from aqueous solution was studied using Fe/Mn modified diatomite sample at different adsorption parameters such as contact initial metal ions concentration, dosage of Fe/Mn-Diatomite and ionic strength Na2CO3 on ionic Zn2+ adsorption capacity of diatomite modified. The residual zinc concentration in the solution was determined using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results showed that: the gravitational increase increases with increasing time and then becomes almost stable, with 120 minutes timeliness; absorption increases when Fe/Mn-Ditomite is increased, absorption reaches 89.48% at a dose of 1.5 g/l; additional different concentrations Na2CO3 ranged from 0 ppm to 80 ppm the results showed that performance treatment Zn2+ of correspond 94,85%.
This study could lay an essential foundation to develop modified diatomite for heavy metal removal from wastewater.
With the development of information technology, many applications of robots are increasingly being applied to support research, learning, and teaching. This paper mainly investigates the modeling and simulation of a robotic arm with 3 degrees of freedom (dofs) for different applications. First, Kinematics and dynamics model of the robot based on the standard Denavit Hartenberg (D-H) modeling method, where the forward kinematics of robot is analyzed and computed to obtain by using the inverse kinematics, and then the solution of the robot dynamics is derived. Second, a CAD model of the robot is designed on CATIA software to convert to MapleSim software to simulation and control. Final, numerical simulation is presented to display results. This work provides a potential basis for the realization of the robotic arm in the industrial, education, and research field, which is of great significance for improving manufacturing efficiency and support teaching and research in the robot field.
Youth in a nation is the most viable and potential human resource in both demographic and social structure. Without the youth's adequate and integrated bio-social development a nation cannot attain its anticipated human goals. Based on government initiative a2i, the empowerment of youth towards sustainable development in Bangladesh is described in this paper. Although the Bangladesh Government has formulated and implemented policies, plans and programs for youth welfare are still through GOs and NGOs. Related literature indicates that, regardless of all age and regions, young people in this country face several socio-cultural problems where they cannot grow and empower themselves adequately. As a result, they cannot play their important roles in sustainable development and changes within the country. To resolve the problems of the youth in relation to their development and empowerment, the Government of Bangladesh is developing and implementing some solutions. The case study focuses on the role of a2i for development of youth in the successful design of public development and sustainable development programs.
Most of the indoor accidents are related with fall down. Many medical studies are point out that key factor for keeping patient’s life is fast response of monitoring system. In modern life, peoples are isolated with neighbor, especially in living quarters. Therefore many solutions are developed for falling down monitoring that base on wearable sensors. These methods require of an expensive sensors system with electric power supplier and telecommunication devices. In context of patients with disease and weak status, patients are trend to remove sensor system. This issue requires to find out another approach so that sensors system will not be needed. We study the fall detection by monitoring camera. For increase the accuracy, we proposed a simple and effective method to extract features of abnormal activities. By tracking the magnitude of entropy and its distribution, our fall detection model has a capability of differentiating falls from other activities
In this paper, we first introduce a new class of bilevel weak vector variational
inequality problems in locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces.
Then, using the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed-point theorem, we establish
some existence conditions of the solution for this problem.
The study aims to investigate the possibility of processing copper metal (Cu2+) with activated carbon prepared from macadamia shell. Activated carbon is prepared from Macadamia shell by chemical agent H3PO4 with coke ratio: H3PO4 = 1:1, optimal temperature condition is 5000C and burning time is 60 minutes. Using the assumed Cu2+ metal treats materials in the laboratory with a concentration of 30ppm. The research to result ability material adsorbed Cu2+ metal achieve good performance 95.92% handle, corresponding to the concentration of Cu2+ reduced from 30 mg/l to 1.2mg/l in optimal conditions is pH = 4.5 , dosage 1.8g/l, time 30 minutes. The results showed that activated carbon prepared from macadamia husk with chemical agent H3PO4 was capable of treating copper metal in wastewater.
In this paper, we study a class of parametric vector mixed quasivariational
inequality problem of the Minty type (in short, (MQVIP)). Afterward, we
establish some sufficient conditions for the stability properties such as the
inner-openness, lower semicontinuity and Hausdorff lower semicontinuity of
the solution mapping for this problem. The results presented in this paper
is new and wide to the corresponding results in the literature
In this article, a class of Hindmarsh-Rose model is studied. First, all necessary conditions for the parameters of system are found in order to have one stable fixed point which presents the resting state for this famous model. After that, using the Hopf’s theorem proofs analytically the existence of a Hopf bifurcation, which is a critical point where a system’s stability switches and a periodic solution arises. More precisely, it is a local bifurcation in which a fixed point of a dynamical system loses stability, as a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues cross the complex plane imaginary axis. Moreover, with the suitable assumptions for the dynamical system, a small-amplitude limit cycle branches from the fixed point.