This study focused on the wastewater treatment system in Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong, aiming to assess its operational effectiveness. The research was carried out over a period of six weeks, with data collected at regular intervals during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks. The results demonstrate that the treatment process is highly efficient, achieving impressive removal rates across multiple parameters. Specifically, the average treatment efficiency for color was 93.10%, TSS (total suspended solids) was 98.62%, COD (chemical oxygen demand) reached 93.24%, BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) was 99.28%, NH4+ (ammonium) removal was 99.16%, while total nitrogen and total phosphorus were treated at 87.80% and 86.57%, respectively. Notably, the system exhibited the highest performance in coliform removal, with an actual treatment efficiency of 99.62%.
Cooking oil is an indispensable ingredient in everyday family cooking. The oil after use is often discharged directly into wastewater systems, leading to risks of environmental pollution, water pollution, clogging of drainage systems... In recent years, water hyacinth plants have been considered weeds, floating on rivers, canals, ponds and lakes, obstructing the circulation of boats and preventing water flow. Water hyacinth plants are often found in large rivers and almost no one cares about their uses, making them truly wasteful.
Realizing the flexibility of water hyacinth when dried, it can be woven into pieces with good absorbent properties, our team has researched using water hyacinth as a material to absorb used cooking oil that is discarded into the environment. school. The research uses the main methods of experimental method and sample analysis method in its research. The result is that a product that absorbs discarded cooking oil scum is formed and is tested for cooking oil contaminated water with results consistent with QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT. The purpose of the research is to find effective products to absorb discarded cooking oil to save costs and contribute to environmental protection. The problem of using naturally available materials to create products that absorb cooking oil scum at the same time solves two current environmental problems. The research is a preliminary result, so there are still many shortcomings. We hope that in the future there will be further research to make the product more and more perfect
As the number of healthcare facilities increases, stringent management of
wastewater treatment systems becomes imperative. This study investigates a
wastewater treatment system designed for a general clinic in Bình Dương
Province, Vietnam, which complies with Vietnamese environmental standards.
The clinic, located in Bến Cát City, serves approximately 200 patients per day
and generates an average wastewater volume of 1.7m³/day. The treatment
system, with a capacity of 10m³/day, employs a combination of biological and
chemical methods, including anoxic and aerobic processes, to efficiently reduce
pollutants. Results indicate that the treated wastewater meets the QCVN
28:2010/BTNMT, column A standards, ensuring minimal environmental impact
when discharged into the Thi Tinh River. The study demonstrates the system's
effectiveness in managing hospital wastewater, contributing to environmental
protection and public health.
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the wastewater management system implemented at a medical center located within the Bau Bang Industrial Park in Binh Duong province, Vietnam. With a staff of 166 and 60 beds, the facility operates in accordance with TCVN 4470:2012 General Hospital design standards, serving a diverse range of water demands including domestic, medical, and auxiliary requirements. The wastewater management system is meticulously designed to handle both rainwater and wastewater separately. Rainwater is efficiently collected through surface and roof drainage networks, while domestic and medical wastewater undergo discrete collection processes. The medical center's wastewater treatment facility, operating at a capacity of 100 m³/day, employs a multistage treatment process to ensure compliance with stringent regulatory standards (QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT, column B, K = 1). This process includes preliminary treatment, anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment, membrane filtration, and disinfection. The facility consistently meets quality parameters outlined in QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT, exhibiting effective removal rates for organic pollutants, suspended solids, ammonia, phosphates, and pathogens. Furthermore, the medical center demonstrates commendable environmental stewardship through its stormwater drainage infrastructure, which integrates seamlessly with the local drainage network, safeguarding against environmental contamination. Overall, the wastewater management practices at the medical center exemplify best practices in environmental management within the healthcare sector. This study provides valuable insights into the design, implementation, and performance evaluation of wastewater treatment systems in industrial settings, contributing to the global discourse on sustainable wastewater management practices.
Nowadays, parents' needs are increasing to choose toys, especially painting colors, that are both beautiful, ensure their children's health, and are also environmentally friendly. In the production of industrial painting colors, waste from steps in the watercolor production line, if not treated to meet environmental standards according to regulations, will become a huge hazard to the environment and human health. human. Including causing skin, eye, digestive, and respiratory allergies. Causes poisoning, disease, cancer... Destroys the aquatic environment, trees, pollutes rivers and lakes. When building an industrial painting colors production line and putting it into use, if you do not think about solutions to treat wastewater from the production process, it will not be able to operate long term. Wastewater from color factories is mainly heavy metals contained in painting colors such as lead carbonate, oxide, and metal salts containing cadmium chromate. These substances cause mass death of organisms in the water, and polluted water cannot be used for agriculture. This research uses two main methods: experimental research to create products; combined with the questionnaire survey method to get customer opinions after using the painting colors test. Research results show that painting colors products made from fruits and vegetables combined with beeswax and coconut oil are very eye-catching and receive positive feedback from customers. With the im of protecting children in the future and responding to the green environmental message in the world, we hope that safe painting colors products from vegetables and fruits will be popularized in the community in the future.
Keywords: vegetables, painting colors, environmental protection, safe products, beeswax.
Through assessment of surface water quality at Siep stream in Di An city, Binh Duong province. Siep Stream is a level 1 tributary that flows into Dong Nai River. Dong Nai River is currently being exploited and used for domestic water supply purposes. Sampling location of Siep stream at the culvert on National Highway 1K from January 2022 to November 2023, through statistical monitoring data compared with QCVN 08-2023/BTNMT (level A) and QCVN 08: 2015/BTNMT (column A2) - National technical regulation on surface water, it shows that the parameters increase or decrease without stable, most tend to increase with about 86.9% COD exceeding the standard 1.0 ÷ 7.8 times, 95.6% SS parameters exceeding the standard 1.8 ÷ 30.4 times, 95.6% N-NH4 number exceeds the standard of 0.16 ÷ 21.8 times, 52.1% of N-NO2 parameters exceed the standard by 0.52 ÷ 8.9 times, 65.2% of P-PO4 parameters exceed the standard by 0.35 ÷ 6.25 times, 91, 3% of Colifrom parameters exceeded the standard of 1.0 ÷ 3.3 times. The WQI (water quality index) results show that the surface water quality of Siep stream is mostly average, this result is not suitable for domestic water supply purposes, there needs to be solutions to improve water quality at the area Siep Stream.
The present study aims to investigate the possibility of domestic wastewater treatment using biological system combined with chemical-physical processes, including Upflow Sludge Blanket Filtration (USBF) technology and PolyAluminium Chloride (PAC). Experimental results showed that the added PAC content plays an essential role in improving the treatment efficiency and reached National Technical Regulation on domestic wastewater QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT (Column A). With Jar-test results, the optimal pH of 7.0 and the PAC dosage of 170 mg/L were recorded with the highest removal efficiencies for suspended solids and organic matter. In the modified USBF bioreactor, the findings illustrated the pollutant removal efficiencies such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Suspended Solids (SS) were equal to 96.2 ± 1.4%, 85.8 ± 4.4% and 99.3 ± 2.1%, respectively. The parameters of BOD5 and SS met QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT - Column A. In the future, this advanced filtration technology can be helpful for wastewater reclamation and reuse to cope with water scarcity.
Van Phuc 2 General Hospital is one of the hospitals that is always concerned about environmental protection in medical checkups and treatment. However to affirm and enhance the prestige is a regional hospital in the region, step by step approaching the hospitals around the world. Therefore, the subject "Proposing solutions to remedy meaningful environmental aspects at Van Phuc 2 General Hospital" is important to building a sustainable hospital development image.
The subject focuses on the plan to develop the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 based on the current management status of the hospital
By the 3P and 4T methods, the criteria and methods of analysis and field survey were identified, There were five Environmental aspects at the hospital by followings: smells, dust, exhaustion, wastewater, infectious waste, and clinic waste. In addition, the subject also establishes objectives, environmental criteria, planning, resource-building procedures, communication systems, document systems, etc., to complete the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 for the hospital. At the same time make recommendations to help the hospital can complying with all requirements when building an Environmental Management System.
Keywords: Environment; Environmental aspects, hospital, solution
The study was undertaken to compare the lead accumulation and removal of Dracaena sanderiana, Dracaena reflexa, and Dracaena deremensis on artificial lead solutions to apply plants in lead pollution treatment. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments corresponding to 3 investigated species of Dracaena. Each treatment was grown on 2 types of solution with Pb and without Pb used as control. The results indicated that the growth of D. sanderiana, D. reflexa, and D. deremensis was not affected at Pb concentrations of 100 ppm. All three plant species had the ability to absorb and accumulate Pb. In which D. sanderiana was a typical lead excluder because the lead concentration in roots (1952.14 mg/kg), shoots (221.78 mg/kg), and leaves (166.46 mg/kg) of the plants were the highest among the three plants tested. The most of lead accumulated in the root, and transportation of lead in D. sanderiana, D. reflexa, and D. deremensis from root to shoot was restricted. Besides, the highest % removal of Pb was found at D. sanderiana (93.16%) and the minimum of 66.77% at D. reflexa. D. sanderiana is the best choice among the three Dracaena species used for phytoremediation of lead contaminated wastewater.
subjects in many countries and the treatment of breeding waste has to be taken as a priority. Nowadays, biogas technology sets up and operates primarily to treat breeding waste. However, this technology formed a considerable amount of wastewater the effluent quality is still poor and the concentration of pollutants is higher than the required national technical regulation (QCVN 40:2021/BTNMT). Thus, the project aimed to find out an appropriate procedure to reduce environmental pollution from breeding wastewater of the biogas system which then can be applied in the constructed wetlands system. Two units of Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland (HFCW) and Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VFCW) were located and set up in two treatments with three replications. Both of these units were planted with Cyperus involucratus. Wastewater was fed into the wetland units at a mean flow rate of 312 ml/day. Major parameters including COD, BOD5, SS, N-NH3; P-PO43- were measured. The results indicated that vertically Flow Constructed Wetlands exhibited a higher treatment efficiency than horizontally Flow Constructed Wetlands with the average removal efficiency for COD, BOD, SS, N-NH3, and P-PO43- were 55.2 %, 75.3 %, 82.3 %, 75.9 %, and 70.1 %, respectively. Generally, the study demonstrated that the constructed wetlands can be used as an option for improving the quality of biogas wastewater.
The issue of marine pollution in general, as well as pollution brought on by oil spills into the sea, in rivers and lakes, or wastewater from factories, businesses, mechanical repair shops, gas stations, universities, and auto repair shops, is one that the world is currently facing, particularly since when it does, it invariably results in harm to the environment and people. Oil spills result in oil plaques on the ground, in rock crevices, washed up on the coast, a foul smell, a loss of tourism beauty, harm to the ocean's ecosystem, and even equipment damage. equipment, supplies, water transportation, etc. We had to use very expensive oil spill blotting papers at the time. The amount of hair that individuals discard each day is not little, and even when it is burned, it emits unpleasant scents and polluting gases that are harmful to human health. Furthermore, it is very easy to make a hair mat at vehicle wash facilities, school restaurants with big parking lots, and car repair shops. To prevent the majority of the oil from being spilled into the environment, handmade oil-absorbing carpets made of hair materials are laid over the drains in these locations.
Through analysis of the DPSIR model, combined with research methods such as field surveys, and survey questionnaires, the author has given the following results: The amount of waste is increasing; Not paying attention to the classification at source, Solid waste collection is still limited; Environmental quality is degraded due to the stench caused by domestic waste in some neighborhoods; The soil environment is polluted due to solid waste treatment that is difficult to decompose; Surface water and groundwater are also leaked due to leachate, wastewater from landfills; The polluted environment has, directly and indirectly, affected the health and production and business activities of the people in the ward, degraded the ecosystem, and lost the urban beauty. The author has proposed solutions to reduce environmental pollution caused by domestic waste such as population policy, establishing collection groups, craft village planning, and applying the circular green model in economic development.
Selecting wastewater treatment technology is not an easy matter. In this study, TOPSIS and AHP methods are used to support decision-making in choosing a wastewater treatment alternative for Poong In Vina factory. A total of 9 criteria belonging to 3 groups of economic, social - technical and environmental issues were used to select an alternative. The results of TOPSIS and AHP analysis showed that aerobic biotechnology integrated with membrane bioreactor technology is the optimal solution. The outcomes of this study will help the company in choosing the best option among these technologies. Furthermore, it will provide an insight for relevant stakeholders such as engineers, manufacturers and other ogranizations for making decisions.
Research and assessment of sludge management in Thu Dau Mot wastewater treatment enterprise. The composition of the sludge depends on the composition of the wastewater, the wastewater treatment process and the sludge treatment process. The most common non-toxic organic compounds include materials of plant and animal origin such as proteins, amino acids, sugars, fats ... compounds containing N, P... Toxic organic compounds include compounds of PHA (Poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), alkyl phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls (PSBs) organochlorine pesticides, phenols, chloro-benzenes ... Heavy metals such as: Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, Cr, Hg, As… (in the range from 1ppm to 100ppm). Some of these compounds can be toxic to humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to control the concentration of heavy metals in the sludge before disposal or reuse. Harmful microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa together with parasitic helminths can increase the potential harm to human, animal and plant health. Inorganic compounds such as silicates, aluminates, calcium and magnesium compounds.
Heavy metal pollution is a major problems in the environment. The impact of toxic metal ions can be minimized by different technologies, viz., chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, oxidation, reverse osmosis, flotation and adsorption. But among them, adsorption was found to be very efficient and common due to the low concentration of metal uptake and economically feasible properties. In this review paper, Fe–Mn binary oxide incorporated into diatomite (Fe/Mn-diatomite) was prepared by a simple coating method , and removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions. The effects of three independent variables including initial ion concentration, removal time, and adsorbent dosage were investigated on the maximum adsorption of Cu (II). The optimum conditions for the adsorption of Cu(II) was obtained: 75 ppm of initial ion concentration, 150 min of removal time and 1.5 g/l of adsorbent. The maximum removal efficiencies of Cu(II) was obtained 86.25%. The results showed that Fe/Mn-diatomite was apable of treating copper metal in wastewater.
This study aims to assess environmental risk using the improved Nemerow index and the principal component analysis (PCA) method in Long Thanh's Industrial Park in Dong Nai Province. The study was implemented in five industrial parks of Long Thanh District in 2019. The result showed that Loc An - Binh Son industrial park was at extreme high risk of the level (6.7). Three industrial parks of Long Thanh, Go Dau and An Phuoc were high-risk (from 3 to 5) respectively. On the other hand, Long Duc Industrial Park has obtained no environmental risk.
The wastewater treatment plant is an extremely important infrastructure to ensure the quality of life, water use of human life, and other ways to ensure water quality for the natural environment. In the operation of it, there are always potential hazards affecting the health of the workers working in the factory. The study was performed using the Semi-quantitative risk assessment method to calculate the values of operational risks in the water treatment plant (WWP). The results of the study obtained 18 high potential hazards that may lead to the present in the water treatment process. The hazards were the leakage of deodorizing towers and the generation of toxic emissions of dead microorganisms that have the highest value with a risk scale of 20 points- frequent impacts on employees. The study has also identified the dangers present in WWP and this will be the premise for mitigating solutions for problems occurring at its.
Environmental issues such as the wastewater have influenced each aspect of our lives. For human and environmental health protection, it is necessary to remove excess zinc in industrial wastewaters before discharging them to environment. Modified diatomite displayed larger surface area and pore volumes in comparison with untreated natural diatomite, which favored heavy metals sorption behavior. In this study, the removal of Zn(II) ions from aqueous solution was studied using Fe/Mn modified diatomite sample at different adsorption parameters such as contact initial metal ions concentration, dosage of Fe/Mn-Diatomite and ionic strength Na2CO3 on ionic Zn2+ adsorption capacity of diatomite modified. The residual zinc concentration in the solution was determined using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results showed that: the gravitational increase increases with increasing time and then becomes almost stable, with 120 minutes timeliness; absorption increases when Fe/Mn-Ditomite is increased, absorption reaches 89.48% at a dose of 1.5 g/l; additional different concentrations Na2CO3 ranged from 0 ppm to 80 ppm the results showed that performance treatment Zn2+ of correspond 94,85%.
This study could lay an essential foundation to develop modified diatomite for heavy metal removal from wastewater.
Study on sampling sludge from 04 industrial parks in Binh Duong province such as My Phuoc, Dong An, Viet Huong 1, Song Than 2 to analyze the pollution criteria to assess the pollution possibility of industrial waste sludge. The research results show that: at present, the total volume of sludge generated today in the industrial park fluctuates about 4,450 – 6,255 kg/day, equivalent to dry sludge volume is 1,035.725 – 1,532.11 kg/day. The estimated volume of dry sludge generated from industrial parks in the future from 2019 to 2020 ranges from 30,023 to 31,396 kg/day. Most sludge from 04 wastewater treatment plants hadn’t heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cd), especially Dong An Industrial park Treatment plant had Zn, value 49.7 – 49.9 mg/l. The sludge from the wastewater treatment plants of 04 industrial parks had amount of helminth eggs that exceeds the USEPA's regulations on pathogens (type A sludge).
Bien Hoa City is an urban area of Dong Nai province located in the Southern key economic region. Currently, Bien Hoa City has 6 industrial parks in operation with large daily wastewater flow, causing environmental risks, especially from organic pollutants. The study applied the Nemerow risk index and the geographic information systems (GIS). The results showed that the industrial parks were mainly organic pollution levels including N-total, P-total, and Ammonium. The level of environmental risk from organic pollution was recorded in range of medium to very high levels, the ranked in descending order: Agtex Long Binh Industrial Park (P = 24)> Amata Industrial Park (P = 16)> Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Park ( P = 10),> Tam Phuoc Industrial Park (P = 5)> Loteco Industrial Park (P = 3). The results of the study provided good information for the management and improvement of wastewater quality in the industrial wastewater treatment plants of the industrial parks in Bien Hoa City.
The study aims to investigate the possibility of processing copper metal (Cu2+) with activated carbon prepared from macadamia shell. Activated carbon is prepared from Macadamia shell by chemical agent H3PO4 with coke ratio: H3PO4 = 1:1, optimal temperature condition is 5000C and burning time is 60 minutes. Using the assumed Cu2+ metal treats materials in the laboratory with a concentration of 30ppm. The research to result ability material adsorbed Cu2+ metal achieve good performance 95.92% handle, corresponding to the concentration of Cu2+ reduced from 30 mg/l to 1.2mg/l in optimal conditions is pH = 4.5 , dosage 1.8g/l, time 30 minutes. The results showed that activated carbon prepared from macadamia husk with chemical agent H3PO4 was capable of treating copper metal in wastewater.
Investigation of the possibility of treating wastewater containing Cu2+ heavy metal with activated carbon material prepared from macadamia husk with activating K2CO3 in Optimal conditions such as temperature 6500C and burning time is 60 minutes. Survey results show that coal with the ability to handle heavy metals is best at 84.02% in optimal conditions such as pH=5 and time. Baking is 30 minutes. The results show similarities with other research results and are applicable to wastewater treatment Cu2+.
Using modified macadamia carbon by H2O2 as adsorbent to remove Zn2+ with H2O2 25% in 48 hours. The Parameters, such as pH, dosage and adsorption time affect the processing ability of modified macadamia carbon H2O2. The maximum removal efficiency of 64.52% was obtained at a pH of 4.5, the processing time is 80 minutes, dosage 1.8 g/L and an initial heavy metal concentration of 25ppm.
Macadamia shells were used to prepare modified carbon by chemical agent H2O2 (25%) in 48 hours with coke ratio: H2O2 = 1:10. Modified carbon from Macadamia shells with chemical agent H2O2 has capable of adsorption heavy metal copper (Cu 2+ ) at an assumption concentration is 30ppm in the optimum conditions such as pH = 4, dose is 1.8 g/l, and the processing time is 30 minutes. The result showed that the adsorption ability of the material reached the highest efficiency is 78.33%. This result showed that modified carbon from shells Macadamia by chemical agent H2O2 capable of removing applications on heavy metal copper (Cu2+) in wastewater.