Industrial robots have become one of the effective support tools for human labor. Robots are a solution to replace humans in repetitive tasks and in environments where humans cannot work. Robots have become one of the factors responding to the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Automatic control devices require high-precision control quality. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on researching controlling the position of the actuator accurately based on the PID algorithm. First, we study the forward and inverse kinematics of a three-joint robot. Second, we design the robot model on inventor software and transfer the 3d model in inventor software to Matlab Simmechanics. Third, modeling robot model on Simulink to simulate and evaluate the results achieved
In engineering and science problems, the data being considered are often known in the form of sets of discrete points, not as a continuous function. In applications, the values of the discrete data at specific points may be required to estimate. To solve these problems, a common mathematical approach is to use the interpolation method. In this paper, we use the cubic natural spline interpolation method to build approximate functions for some real data in Vietnam such as data on rice output and rice area of cultivation, data on expenditure and income per capita. The data used in this paper are extracted from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam. We develop some Matlab programs to find the coefficients of splines and calculate the values of the interpolation functions at specific points. Using the obtained interpolation function, some missing values in the data on income and expenditure per capita in the Southeast region of Vietnam in 2019 and 2021 are estimated. Furthermore, some unknown data on rice productivity and cultivation area are obtained in a similar manner. A good agreement between the calculated values and actual values are found.
In the accelerating pace of globalization and internationalization of trade, professionals from a wide range of organizations believed that English as an international language, which is a way of thinking, researching and practicing, was used in almost all areas of life, study, and work. That’s why the study's foremost objectives were to comprehend reading learning strategies used by English-majored students at Thu Dau Mot University.
A quantitative method was used to conduct the research with a questionnaire divided into four parts. The subjects of this study are 100 English majors from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Thu Dau Mot University. According to the results, the majority of students agree with the difficulties faced when learning English reading. Likewise, students also subscribe that they also use some reading learning strategies such as extensive reading strategy, the phonics strategy, the whole language strategy, reading comprehension strategy and vocabulary building strategy.
Moreover, some solutions, such as the function of the word in the sentence, the main gist, guessing the unfamiliar word and reading aloud are recommended to them to read more effectively and improve their reading ability. Ultimately, some recommendations are made in the hope of helping both teachers and students.
Keywords: challenges, English reading, reading learning strategies, Thu Dau Mot University
This article's primary goals are to provide design drawings, a description of the
structure, an explanation of the working principle, and a kinematics calculation for text
stamping machines. This machine has an electric motor, a gear-pinion transmission, a
rotating disc-rod-slider mechanism and a hinged four-way mechanism. This is a simple,
reasonably priced and useful device for administrative agencies' workstations. An
ordinary administrative worker can also operate it. This device is about the same size
as a laptop or printer.
It operates by clamping the seal, stamping constantly onto A4 pages. The stamping
speed can also be changed by varying the shaft speed of the electric motor. It is
convenient, but it also has the disadvantage of requiring someone to put the paper in
and take it out.
The box frame of this machine is made of plastic or wood. Some transmission
components are made of steel. When this machine works, the force applied to it and the
force caused by it are very small, so in general it is very simple and safe.
Keywords: Gear transmission – rack, rotating disc mechanism – connecting rod –
slider, four-hinged mechanism, stamping machine.
In this topic, we applied the Fmincon function to the optimum question when choosing the structure of a 7-bar bearing steel bearing, divided into groups of the same size, including group 1 (1, 2 bars), group 2 (3, 4, and 5 bars), and group 3 (6, and 7 bars) with three fixed head points and two bearing points. Using the Matlab software code, we have identified the structures of each group of steel bars corresponding to the radius of 1.564 cm, 3.509 cm, and 4.724 cm, respectively. Through this, we can identify the 1, 2, and 3 bars that are resistant to traction; the 3, 5, 6, and 7 bars that are subject to compression; and the 4 bars alone that are not subject to the action of the force. The results show that using the optimal method, we choose the different sizes, thicknesses, and volumes of the pipe so that it best suits the technical requirements of the paper, to avoid waste of raw materials, affecting the economic cost.
Nigeria and developing countries are suffering from infectious diseases due to a mixture of determinants. Parable, rotavirus is a major concern that causes a lot of deaths and hospitalization among children under five of age. Therefore, it is imperative to have more understanding of the rotavirus. A literature review to form concepts were made under the following headings: Historical background of the Rotaviruses, General Characteristics of Rotaviruses, Classification of Rotaviruses, Structure of Rotavirus particle, Rotavirus protein, Non- structural proteins, Structure of Rotavirus genome, Genetic reassortment of Rotaviruses, Mechanisms of Rotavirus genetic diversity, Rotavirus infection, Rotavirus replication, Transmission of Rotaviruses, Incubation period of Rotaviruses, Pathogenesis of Rotavirus infection, Signs and symptoms of Rotavirus infection, Immunity to Rotaviruses, Laboratory diagnosis of Rotaviruses, Epidemiology of Rotaviruses, Treatment of rotavirus infection, Antiviral therapy, Other Therapies, Management of Rotavirus infection, Prevention of Rotavirus infections, General Preventive Measures, Hospital Infection Control Measures. This information would invariably help in gaining understanding the basics of Rotavirus that causes diarrhea in children.
The article presents the disease pattern of inpatients at Pham Ngoc Thach Traditional Medicine Hospital in Lam Dong from 2021 to 2023. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive method, utilizing data from the hospital's medical records system and statistical reports from 2021 stored in the hospital's archives. Information was collected from patient records following predefined selection criteria, encompassing all adequately documented cases during the inpatient treatment period from January 1st, 2021 to August 31st, 2023. The research findings revealed that the group of diseases related to musculoskeletal and connective tissue accounted for the highest proportion at 57.79%, followed by circulatory diseases at 24.18%, and nervous system diseases at 7.75%. Other groups of diseases such as digestive, trauma, and respiratory systems also appeared, albeit with lower proportions. Particularly, rare disease groups like ear and mastoid bone diseases, and skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases were noted. These results provide a comprehensive overview of the disease distribution, supporting decision-making and the development of effective treatment strategies for inpatients in the upcoming period.
S-TiO2 typically exhibits high photocatalytic activity, but its powdered form makes it difficult to apply practically in environmental treatment. Diatomite from different locations varies in purity and integrity of the diatomaceous earth, making it a suitable catalyst support for synthesizing mixed-phase S-TiO2 catalysts using the sol-gel technique. The synthesized photocatalyst exhibits similar photocatalytic activity to S-TiO2. The NO gas treatment efficiency under the same conditions with different catalyst supports only decreases by approximately 3% within 30 minutes at a reaction rate of 0.0950 min-1, with an optimal mass ratio of 70:30 for S-TiO2 and diatomite. This composite material holds promise for addressing the application of photocatalytic materials in practical environmental treatment, including NO removal and the treatment of other environmental pollutants, as diatomite is a naturally available and environmentally friendly material.
Implementing specific mechanisms and policies to develop the economy and society in certain localities is an innovative step in the legislative process in Vietnam. This initiative has timely addressed practical issues, helping localities overcome many difficulties and obstacles in legal documents, harnessing advantages, mobilizing resources, accelerating economic and social development, and achieving significant results. Binh Duong Province has recently experienced a period of strong industrial growth but faces some sustainability challenges. In the planning for economic and social development, Binh Duong needs to research specific mechanisms and policies in several areas, such as developing industry linked with innovation, transforming the workforce, investing in high-quality education, and managing and synchronizing urban planning and development. The specific mechanisms and policies for Binh Duong should aim to address national issues by overcoming the middle-income trap, making it the first locality in Vietnam to achieve high income.
With the development of information technology and smart technology to meet the Industrial Revolution 4.0, and to meet life requirements. Automatic control devices require high-precision control quality. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on researching the Sliding mode controller to improve the control quality compared to the PID controller. First, the sliding mode control is designed using the Lyapunov algorithm. Next, the process of simulating the position signal of a DC motor with a PID controller is compared with a sliding mode control to prove the effectiveness of the proposed controller.
Van Phuc 2 General Hospital is one of the hospitals that is always concerned about environmental protection in medical checkups and treatment. However to affirm and enhance the prestige is a regional hospital in the region, step by step approaching the hospitals around the world. Therefore, the subject "Proposing solutions to remedy meaningful environmental aspects at Van Phuc 2 General Hospital" is important to building a sustainable hospital development image.
The subject focuses on the plan to develop the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 based on the current management status of the hospital
By the 3P and 4T methods, the criteria and methods of analysis and field survey were identified, There were five Environmental aspects at the hospital by followings: smells, dust, exhaustion, wastewater, infectious waste, and clinic waste. In addition, the subject also establishes objectives, environmental criteria, planning, resource-building procedures, communication systems, document systems, etc., to complete the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 for the hospital. At the same time make recommendations to help the hospital can complying with all requirements when building an Environmental Management System.
Keywords: Environment; Environmental aspects, hospital, solution
The study was undertaken to compare the lead accumulation and removal of Dracaena sanderiana, Dracaena reflexa, and Dracaena deremensis on artificial lead solutions to apply plants in lead pollution treatment. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments corresponding to 3 investigated species of Dracaena. Each treatment was grown on 2 types of solution with Pb and without Pb used as control. The results indicated that the growth of D. sanderiana, D. reflexa, and D. deremensis was not affected at Pb concentrations of 100 ppm. All three plant species had the ability to absorb and accumulate Pb. In which D. sanderiana was a typical lead excluder because the lead concentration in roots (1952.14 mg/kg), shoots (221.78 mg/kg), and leaves (166.46 mg/kg) of the plants were the highest among the three plants tested. The most of lead accumulated in the root, and transportation of lead in D. sanderiana, D. reflexa, and D. deremensis from root to shoot was restricted. Besides, the highest % removal of Pb was found at D. sanderiana (93.16%) and the minimum of 66.77% at D. reflexa. D. sanderiana is the best choice among the three Dracaena species used for phytoremediation of lead contaminated wastewater.
The patriotic activities of teachers, students, and pupils in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong were a particularly important part of the open political struggle on enemy territory during the resistance against the United States. Immediately after the 1954 Geneva Agreement, many schools in Long An – Kien Tuong established revolutionary bases. Some teachers mobilized colleagues, students, and the public to fight against anti-communist activities, forced conscription, and to demand civil rights and democracy. In subsequent years, Long An – Kien Tuong became the site of numerous diverse and creative struggles (rallies, demonstrations, leafleting, journalism, cultural activities...), attracting the participation of many educators and students. Some teachers and students actively participated in armed and covert operations, displaying many heroic acts of combat and sacrifice. Alongside activities in liberated areas, the struggle of teachers and students in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong contributed distinctive values, enhancing the illustrious history and tradition of Long An province's education sector today.
Cultural relations between Vietnam and China, of course, need no further assertions. But this process of cultural relations, then requires further studies to see the diversity of this cultural relationship. We, in this report, present the cultural relationship between Vietnam and China through poems written on the topic of Zen - Buddhist on the way to the mission of Vietnamese ambassadors in the last 18th century and early 19th century, in three main aspects: the reception of the Buddhist cultural space, the sense of meditation in front of the temple, and the intimacy between the envoyers and the Zen masters and officials of the North. From there, we hope to contribute an additional perspective on the Vietnamese people's position - the same level position, in the cultural exchange between Vietnam and China.
Keywords: Cultural relations, Enyoy poetry, Envoyer, Vietnam - China, Zen - Buddhist.
This article presents how to speculate, design and simulate a mechanical horse based on the point of view of the military man Khong Minh, a talented character in the work "Three Kingdoms" (author La Quan Trung). The behavior of this type of horse closely resembles that of a real horse. That is, it can walk, run, carry goods or people. It is made mainly of wood or steel. The authors speculated that Khong Minh placed a leaf spring in the belly of the mechanical horse. Soldiers just need to rotate so that the leaf spring twists, it will store energy in the form of potential energy. Then, it slowly unfolds, and the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, transmitting motion to the mechanisms connected to the horse's legs. Finally, the mechanical horse lifted his leg and was able to walk. Despite such speculation, when recreating a mechanical horse, our team of authors used a battery-powered motor instead of leaf springs and gear transmissions as a pre-assembled transmission part in the belly of the mechanical horse. We design additional parts such as the head, tail, belly, legs, etc. to create a complete mechanical horse. The design goal of the author's mechanical horse is to clear people's doubts about the "wooden buffalo mechanical horse" in the literary work "Three Kingdoms". At the same time, this type of mechanical horse is also applied as an amusement ride for people in tourist areas and as a children's toy in the family.
The issue of marine pollution in general, as well as pollution brought on by oil spills into the sea, in rivers and lakes, or wastewater from factories, businesses, mechanical repair shops, gas stations, universities, and auto repair shops, is one that the world is currently facing, particularly since when it does, it invariably results in harm to the environment and people. Oil spills result in oil plaques on the ground, in rock crevices, washed up on the coast, a foul smell, a loss of tourism beauty, harm to the ocean's ecosystem, and even equipment damage. equipment, supplies, water transportation, etc. We had to use very expensive oil spill blotting papers at the time. The amount of hair that individuals discard each day is not little, and even when it is burned, it emits unpleasant scents and polluting gases that are harmful to human health. Furthermore, it is very easy to make a hair mat at vehicle wash facilities, school restaurants with big parking lots, and car repair shops. To prevent the majority of the oil from being spilled into the environment, handmade oil-absorbing carpets made of hair materials are laid over the drains in these locations.
Vietnam's economy is operated to serve more than ninety million people so this is a very vivid picture. The large population brings many advantages to the food production sector in general and the production of fresh noodles in particular. Fresh vermicelli is the raw material for processing many dishes of the Vietnamese people for a long time, that's why there are many Vietnamese dishes with indispensable ingredients, which as Noodles in the national culinary books. Vietnam. The production of fresh vermicelli with the main ingredient is fermented and shaped rice with simple steps, but hidden inside there are environmental issues that need to be considered. The production and business associated with environmental protection are the responsibility of most enterprises and production facilities in Vietnam. The fresh noodle food production industry is no exception. Instead of learning about the aspects that affect the environment in the traditional way of collecting information, analyzing, and evaluating the current situation, this time the research team looked at understanding the causes of environmental pollution in terms of consumption. ISO 14001 international standard.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is an international standard that helps businesses and establishments identify the important role of the environment as well as the risks brought by the environment, thereby realizing the environment as an activity of the Organization. In this standard, the commitment to prevent environmental pollution is a mandatory condition, so determining the environmental aspects to overcome the impacts is a key element of the standard. If a business achieves ISO 14001 Certification, it will have a very good effect in promoting the corporate image of being responsible for the environment and the community. (Lê Huy Bá, 2006), (Lê Thị Hồng Trân, 2008)
Culture plays an important role in shaping the perceptions, beliefs, and experiences of refugees as they navigate decisions and actions in a new society. Based on an analysis of 88 oral history interviews conducted by the Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation (VAHF) with Vietnamese refugees in the US after the war, this paper examines the relationship between culture and social integration, particularly the cultural values that Vietnamese refugees have chosen and promoted to help them adapt quickly and successfully in the new society. Using a thematic analysis method, cultural values such as self-effort, a studious tradition, sacrifice, and intergenerational responsibility help Vietnamese refugees improve their socio-economic status after a period of settlement in the U.S. The stories specifically illustrate how Vietnamese people have applied cultural values to social integration strategies, establishing connections between culture and economic opportunities within the socio-economic conditions of the United States.
The relationship between language and gender is an interesting topic which has been under discussion over the last few centuries. Throughout the history of language study, lots of studies have been conducted and different linguists have been looking at this issue from different angles. As a socially constructed notion of what is feminine and what is masculine, gender is considered to be closely interrelated to different aspects of our life, especially to our language. From interdisciplinary perspectives with the corpus being the language used in daily communication, the study pointed out various differences between genders both in language use and in aspects of the language used to talk about each gender. From these differences, the study can help us understand a great deal of American culture which, in turns, makes it easy for us to use the language effectively.
Binh Duong, a dynamic province in the Southern Key Economic Region in Vietnam, has a fast growing economy and strong economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization, have affected many aspects of economy, culture, society and environment. This study analyzes the influence of economic restructuring on urban development in Binh Duong province by utilizing the time series data throughout 2000 - 2020 and the household interview method of the topic "Urbanization and its effects on land use restructuring in Binh Duong province" shows the shift of occupations from agriculture to non-agriculture. The research results show that economic restructuring contributes to promoting economic and social development in general and expanding the urban network of Binh Duong province in particular, but it has some limitations in the process of development. Therefore, Binh Duong wants to successfully integrate into the world economy and develop urban areas towards sustainability (by 2030), it must have specific, scientific and objective analysis and evaluation on the success and limitations of the economic restructuring process and its impact on the urban system in recent times. The research results also have a scientific basis for proposing appropriate and effective solutions and policies to successfully implement the goals and orientations of economic restructuring and urban development that Binh Duong has been approved.
This paper aims to identify the English-learning motivation of Thu Dau Mot University’s students. Based on the questionnaire, the data for analysis were collected from more than 100 students of different majors studying non-majored English at Thu Dau Mot University’s Foreign Language Center. The findings show that students have relatively positive learning motivation. In the relationship between learning achievement and motivation, the motive that comes from the students’ desire to get a better job occupies 58.4% of all the students surveyed because they believe it is essential and decisive to ensure their future income (applying for a job to earn money), and motivation to integrate into modern world life (because English is a global language: 40.4%) are the factors affecting students’ achievement.
In this work, we focus on investigating ill-posed problems (according to the definition
given by Hadamard) in the topic of its application. Specifically, we present some theories
about the properties of the ill-posed problem in image processing. By using discrete
Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform methods, we present several results on
image processing topic. Finally, some illustrative examples are presented through algorithms
running on Python software.
In the current work, we study a Cauchy problem for a time-fractional pseudo-parabolic
equation with a globally Lipschitz source term. We prove the unique existence of a mild
solution to the problem, by the common Banach fixed point theorem. This solution is
then verified that exists globally in time by Gr¨onwall’s inequality. Compare to previous
works about the similar issuse, we approach in a way that does not require using
weighted spaces. Although our approach share a similar spirit to previous studies, our
method seems to be more precise and natural.