Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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Entropy Measurement to Extract the Signification of Abnormal Activity from Camera’s Frames and its Application for Fall Detection

Entropy Measurement to Extract the Signification of Abnormal Activity from Camera’s Frames and its Application for Fall Detection

By Hoang Manh Ha, Tran Ba Minh Son, Nguyen Xuan Dung, Vo Quoc Thong
Most of the indoor accidents are related with fall down. Many medical studies are point out that key factor for keeping patient’s life is fast response of monitoring system. In modern life, peoples are isolated with neighbor, especially in living quarters. Therefore many solutions are developed for falling down monitoring ...
An Overview of Emerging Technologies for 5G: Full-Duplex Relaying Cognitive Radio Networks, Device-to-Device Communications and Cell-free Massive MIMO

An Overview of Emerging Technologies for 5G: Full-Duplex Relaying Cognitive Radio Networks, Device-to-Device Communications and Cell-free Massive MIMO

By Doan Xuan Toan, Thanh Quoc Trinh
The fifth generation (5G) cellular network has been commercialized recently to fulfill the new demands such as very high data exchange rate, extra low latency and high reliability. Many new technologies have been introduced and exploited since the early of the 2010s. Among these emerging technologies, full-duplex relaying cognitive radio ...
Pattern Discovering for Ontology Based Activity Recognition in Multi-resident Homes

Pattern Discovering for Ontology Based Activity Recognition in Multi-resident Homes

By Nguyen Duy, Son Nguyen
Activity recognition is one of the preliminary steps in designing and implementing assistive services in smart homes. Such services help identify abnormality or automate events generated while occupants do as well as intend to do their desired Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) inside a smart home environment. However, most existing ...
A new class of bilevel weak vector variational inequality problems

A new class of bilevel weak vector variational inequality problems

By Nguyen Van Hung, Vo Viet Tri
In this paper, we first introduce a new class of bilevel weak vector variational
inequality problems in locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces.
Then, using the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed-point theorem, we establish
some existence conditions of the solution for this problem.
An review on bioethanol production using lignocellulosic biomass

An review on bioethanol production using lignocellulosic biomass

By Trương Nguyễn Phương Vi
Declining supplies of fossil fuels, increasing population, global industrialization and demand for transportation fuels has triggered an increase in the demand for renewable energy sources. To address such problems most of the green research in the recent years has focused on the development of bioethanol (23 MJ/L) as a substitute ...
Bioactivities of extracts and phytochemicals of Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC.

Bioactivities of extracts and phytochemicals of Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC.

By Authinarayanan Rajesh, Saravanan Vievekanandarajah Sathasivampillai, Pholtan Rajeev Sebastian Rajamanoharan
Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC. belongs to the Fabaceae family. I. aspalathoides is applied to heal tumors, inflammations, diabetes, leprosy, and kidney illnesses in traditional medicines. Compounds including kaempferol, kaempferol 5-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, 5,4'-dihydroxy 6,8-dimethoxy 7-O-rhamnosyl flavone, indigocarpan, and mucronulatol have isolated from this plant species. Hitherto, there is no comprehensive review ...
Study on design and fabrication of a prototype equipment used for corrosion inspection on petrochemical tank bottom by magnetic flux leakage method

Study on design and fabrication of a prototype equipment used for corrosion inspection on petrochemical tank bottom by magnetic flux leakage method

By Dang Quoc Trieu, Vuong Duc Phung, Bui Trong Duy, Tran Minh Tien, Lai Viet Hai, Tran Trong Hieu
Corrosion of the bottom of the petroleum tank may lead to a product leak that could cause a fire or explosion resulting in damage to people and the environment, therefore the test of tank bottom corrosion is necessary to be conducted periodically to prevent the occurrence of the above problems. ...
Innovative Techniques and the Integrated Model of Teaching the First Accounting Course for English as Second Language learners

Innovative Techniques and the Integrated Model of Teaching the First Accounting Course for English as Second Language learners

By Mary Precy Aguilar-Lego
Across the world, the first accounting course provides serious challenges for teaching. These arise from powerful negative perceptions which include the anxiety associated with tertiary-level study and the differing backgrounds or majors of students required to take the course. This paper outlines some examples of nontraditional teaching techniques and highlights ...
Research and design a combined model of pile driving and pressing machine

Research and design a combined model of pile driving and pressing machine

By Ngô Bảo
The paper presents general theory about making small models for studying large machines. Here, the author refers to the design of pile driving and pressing machines. To express ideas, the author presents design drawings presented in three-dimensional perspective. Currently, pile drivers and pile presses are two separate machines, in which ...
Building the environmental performance index for industrial parks

Building the environmental performance index for industrial parks

By Phong Tran, Thuy Nguyen Thi Thanh, Pham Quoc Khanh, Than Nguyen Hien
Measuring environmental protection activities is a matter of great concern over the years. In this study, the indicators for evaluating environmental protection activities in industrial parks was built according to the PDSIR model and based on Vietnam's legal framework, including 18 main subjects and 35 indicators. The environmental performance index ...
Control and communication between PLC S7-1200 and ATV310 drive via modbus protocol

Control and communication between PLC S7-1200 and ATV310 drive via modbus protocol

By Pham Hong Thanh, Nguyen Thanh Doan
Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are electronic power controllers that allow for accurate control of the speed of alternating current (AC) induction motors that used in many kinds of machines including fans, pumps and compressors. These motors are used in most heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and account for a ...
Research Factors affect the consumption of men’s grooming products in Vietnam

Research Factors affect the consumption of men’s grooming products in Vietnam

By Le Huu Khanh, Mai Doan Kim Yen
Men's grooming products are very diverse and plentiful in the world today. In recent years, Vietnamese men have approached beauty trend, the old conception of beauty is also gradually changing. The demand for male beauty in Vietnam in recent years indicates that men's awareness of beauty products. The potential for ...
The nice m-system of parameters for Artinian modules

The nice m-system of parameters for Artinian modules

By Nguyễn Thị Khánh Hòa
This paper restates the definition of the nice m-system of parameters for Artinian modules. It also shows its effects on the differences between lengths and multiplicities of certain systems of parameters for Artinian modules.
Removal of copper (Cu2+) ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption on activated macadamia carbon using H3PO4 activating agent

Removal of copper (Cu2+) ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption on activated macadamia carbon using H3PO4 activating agent

By Đào Minh Trung, Dang Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tram
The study aims to investigate the possibility of processing copper metal (Cu2+) with activated carbon prepared from macadamia shell. Activated carbon is prepared from Macadamia shell by chemical agent H3PO4 with coke ratio: H3PO4 = 1:1, optimal temperature condition is 5000C and burning time is 60 minutes. Using the assumed ...
Evaluate the efficiency of the Environmental Management System Iso 14001:2015 at The Vietnam Onamba Company

Evaluate the efficiency of the Environmental Management System Iso 14001:2015 at The Vietnam Onamba Company

By Nguyễn Thị Xuân Hạnh, Do Thi Kim Ty
Nowadays, the benefits of ISO 14001:2015 abound, for minimizing environmental footprints, providing operational improvements, bringing lucrative business and improving the company’s image. There is an annual audit to decide if the company’s environmental management system meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. This is a significant audit that strongly affects the ...
Removal of Cu2+ In sewage with macadamia coal activated by K2CO3

Removal of Cu2+ In sewage with macadamia coal activated by K2CO3

By Đào Minh Trung, Duong Van Tung, Trinh Diep Phuong Danh
Investigation of the possibility of treating wastewater containing Cu2+ heavy metal with activated carbon material prepared from macadamia husk with activating K2CO3 in Optimal conditions such as temperature 6500C and burning time is 60 minutes. Survey results show that coal with the ability to handle heavy metals is best at ...
Isolating some fungi strains from diease roots of Dipterocarpus dyeri planted at the nursery in Dong Nai province

Isolating some fungi strains from diease roots of Dipterocarpus dyeri planted at the nursery in Dong Nai province

By Tran Ngoc Hung
Dipterocarpus dyeri is a typical plant of tropical evergreen moist forest at Southeast Vietnam. These plants have been planted popularly at parks and urban streets for the shade and it has been commonly materials for timber industry. Multiplication of Dipterocarpus dyeri at nurseries could face to some diseases, such as ...
Using modified macadamia carbon by H2O2 as adsorbent to remove zinc (Zn2+) in wastewater

Using modified macadamia carbon by H2O2 as adsorbent to remove zinc (Zn2+) in wastewater

By Đao Minh Trung, Nguyen Kim Nga, Le Thi Dao, Trinh Diep Phuong Danh
Using modified macadamia carbon by H2O2 as adsorbent to remove Zn2+ with H2O2 25% in 48 hours. The Parameters, such as pH, dosage and adsorption time affect the processing ability of modified macadamia carbon H2O2. The maximum removal efficiency of 64.52% was obtained at a pH of 4.5, the processing ...
Assessing the competitive advantages of tourism potentials in Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province

Assessing the competitive advantages of tourism potentials in Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province

By Nguyen Hien Than, Nguyen Huynh Anh Tuyet, Che Dinh Ly
This paper presents a Quantified SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analytical method and an analytical hierarchy process method which provides more detailed and quantified information on tourism potential in Tuy Hoa city. Quantified SWOT analysis was used to assess the competing strength of Tuy Hoa’s tourism potential with other ...
Removal of copper (Cu2+) by preparation modified carbon from macadamia shells by chemical agent with H2O2 in wastewater

Removal of copper (Cu2+) by preparation modified carbon from macadamia shells by chemical agent with H2O2 in wastewater

By Đao Minh Trung, Le Nguyen Phuong Anh, Nguyen Thanh Quang, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tram
Macadamia shells were used to prepare modified carbon by chemical agent H2O2 (25%) in 48 hours with coke ratio: H2O2 = 1:10. Modified carbon from Macadamia shells with chemical agent H2O2 has capable of adsorption heavy metal copper (Cu 2+ ) at an assumption concentration is 30ppm in the optimum ...
Semantic features of English collocations with the verb ‘make’ in international criminal documents: difficulties with, and sugges-tions for learning and translating

Semantic features of English collocations with the verb ‘make’ in international criminal documents: difficulties with, and sugges-tions for learning and translating

By Le Huong Hoa, Luong Duy Thanh
One of the most problematic areas for foreign language learning is collocation. It is often seen as a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to the attainment of native like fluency. The following study takes an approach as a linguistic one by analyzing semantic features of the English collocations with „make‟, which is ...
English language Errors in Academic writing: An analysis of English research papers of Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

English language Errors in Academic writing: An analysis of English research papers of Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

By Assistant. Nguyen Thi Man
This research aims to describe English language errors in the scientific papers. The research data consists of 104 scientific articles that authors sent to Journal of Thu Dau Mot University. The quantitative method was applied in the form of frequency charts for each category of surface strategy taxonomy and comparative ...
On the lower semicontinuity of the solution mapping for parametric vector mixed quasivariational inequality problem of the Minty type

On the lower semicontinuity of the solution mapping for parametric vector mixed quasivariational inequality problem of the Minty type

By Nguyen Van Hung, Vo Viet Tri
In this paper, we study a class of parametric vector mixed quasivariational
inequality problem of the Minty type (in short, (MQVIP)). Afterward, we
establish some sufficient conditions for the stability properties such as the
inner-openness, lower semicontinuity and Hausdorff lower semicontinuity of
the solution mapping for this problem. The results presented in this paper
is ...
The optimization of cordyceps militaris extraction process from fruiting body

The optimization of cordyceps militaris extraction process from fruiting body

By Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhi
Cordyceps has long been considered as a valuable medicinal herb known to possess numerous biological activities, including anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-metastasis and immunomodulatory effects. With its benefits, many studies on optimizing the cultivation and production of C. militaris have been carried out. In addition, extraction methods have also been improved to ...
Survey of zinc metal processing capability with coal-chemistry activated carbon by chemical K2CO3

Survey of zinc metal processing capability with coal-chemistry activated carbon by chemical K2CO3

By Đào Minh Trung, Trần Thị Bích Trâm, Lê Thị Đào, Trịnh Diệp Phương Danh
Seed coat macadamia preparation of activated carbon with chemical agent K2CO3 from macadamia shells as per ratio: K2CO3: distilled water = 1:1:10ml, optimal temperature condition 6500C and burning time 60 minutes. Efficiency removal of zinc (II) in wastewater efficiency (53.42%) with the concentration of 25ppm, conducted a survey at pH ...
Assessment of the effects of organic solvent to the health of workers in Printer - case study of Fuji Seal Vietnam Company, in VSIP II industrial park, Binh Duong province

Assessment of the effects of organic solvent to the health of workers in Printer - case study of Fuji Seal Vietnam Company, in VSIP II industrial park, Binh Duong province

By Trương Quốc Minh, Nguyễn Hiền Thân
The study was conducted at Fuji Seal Vietnam Co., Ltd. to examine the exposure and health risks of workers working in the printing and ink phase area when exposed to solvent vapor through the respiratory apparatus Toluene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Ethyl Acetate, Isopropyl Acohol. The results show that: During the ...
Methylene orange handling of cock cake casted by H3PO4 chemicals

Methylene orange handling of cock cake casted by H3PO4 chemicals

By Đào Minh Trung, Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Ngân, Nguyễn Thanh Quang, Lê Thị Đào, Trịnh Diệp Phương Danh
Survey of methylene orange wastewater treatment by activated carbon material prepared from macadamia husk with chemical activator H3PO4 shows that coal with the best methylene orange color treatment is achieved Optimal conditions such as pH = 5, coal dose 0.9 g/L and time 120 minutes. The results show that it ...
Investigation of Zn2+ heavy metal handling ability by macadamite activated by H3PO4

Investigation of Zn2+ heavy metal handling ability by macadamite activated by H3PO4

By Đào Minh Trung, Tran Phuoc Dong, Trịnh Diệp Phương Danh
Investigate the possibility of treating wastewater containing heavy metals Zn2+ with activated carbon material prepared from macadamia shell with chemical activating agent H3PO4, showing high efficiency of adsorption of Zn2+. The results of the study showed that activated carbon with H3PO4 activating agent has high adsorption capacity, capable of handling ...
Students’ difficulties in learning English for specific purpose grammar at the People’s Police University

Students’ difficulties in learning English for specific purpose grammar at the People’s Police University

By Lê Hương Hoa, Lê Quang Trúc
This study investigated grammatical difficulties encountered by students of the People’s Police University while learning grammar in ESP courses. The design included questionnaires to teachers and students, and classroom participant observations. The findings indicated that the student respondents only perceived four target features to be difficult to learn. The results ...
A study of fixed points and hopf bifurcation of hindmarsh-rose model

A study of fixed points and hopf bifurcation of hindmarsh-rose model

By Phan Văn Long Em
In this article, a class of Hindmarsh-Rose model is studied. First, all necessary conditions for the parameters of system are found in order to have one stable fixed point which presents the resting state for this famous model. After that, using the Hopf’s theorem proofs analytically the existence of a ...