Vietnam and India are two countries that had a very early diplomatic relationship nurtured by the people of two countries over time. Among the factors that create strong bond between Vietnam and India, it is impossible not to mention the presence of Indian community. The Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City is creating the cultural diversity of this land. They have also contributed to cultural exchanges with Vietnamese, attracting investment from India, tightening relations between two countries in the new stage of development. The article uses the theory of cultural exchange and acculturation to study the socio-cultural and economic life of Indians in Ho Chi Minh City in the context of urban culture in the era of globalization. The article is designed with two main contents: First, the historical movements of Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City, Second, the acculturation and cultural exchanges between Vietnamese and Indian community in Ho Chi Minh City. The research results aim to analyze and explain the phenomenon of cultural exchange and acculturation in the fields of economics, religion, and clothing. Thereby, the article contributes to providing documents for cultural preservation, attracting investment, and developing spiritual tourism in Ho Chi Minh City.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of credit risk management on profitability of commercial banks in Vietnam. While the existing literature emphasizes the necessity for a more in-depth study and additional empirical evidence to elucidate intricate relationships between market dynamics and credit risk, particularly in the context of commercial banks in Southeast Asia, there remains a gap in comprehensive studies, with a specific focus on Vietnam. The secondary data was collected from 20 commercial banks from the country for the period of 11 years, from 2012 to 2022. The study used non-performing loans ratio (NPLR), capital adequacy ratio (CAR) as well as loan-loss provision ratio (LLPR) as proxies of credit risk while the financial performance is measured by return on equity (ROE). Moreover, the bank's characteristics, such as its size (SIZE), the macroeconomic inflation rate (INF), and a dummy variable that looks at how ownership type (OWN) affects the bank's profitability are all applied to quantify the independent variables. The model does not exhibit the multicollinearity issue, according to the mean Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) data. The regression results reveal that SIZE, CAR and INF variables have a significant positive effect on ROE, while the NPLR variable has an opposite significant effect on ROE. Nevertheless, there is no connection between the ROE-measured financial performance of commercial banks and the OWN or LLPR variables. This offers further valuable insights to bankers and policy makers in credit risk management of commercial banks in Vietnam to enhance the stability of the Vietnamese banking system.
Loudspeakers are one of the state's means of communication used to propagate policies in recent times and have been very effective, contributing to propaganda and the development of legal policies. The issue of health communication has been effectively adopted through programs on health policy and health science. In order to have a scientific basis for surveying the role of loudspeakers in the new period in urban areas, creating a basis to advise industries, especially the health sector, on the satisfaction and effectiveness of loudspeakers. clear towards the people. With 7 in-depth interview samples in qualitative research conducted in Hiep An ward, Thu Dau Mot city, about the need to use and develop a quantitative assessment toolkit in the future. The results show that the rate of information reception is quite high, the age of reception increases gradually with age, the listening time per day fluctuates but still reaches a high rate, satisfaction with loudspeakers reaches a high level and the need to receive information from community loudspeakers in the future. Conclusion: Media reception from speakers is quite high, the received content is not proactive, so the incoming information does not meet the needs of today's low-tech and diverse media society. Therefore, there is a great need for a quantitative study with a more representative sample size to demonstrate the qualitative results that this study brings and at the same time, survey the content and effectiveness of health communication content from loudspeakers.
Phytoremediation is an ecofriendly that has shown promising results for the contaminants like heavy metals. Because of its advantages as a cost-effective, efficient, environment- and eco-friendly technology based on the use of metal-accumulating plants. This paper aims to compile some information about heavy metals of arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc (As, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) sources, effects and their treatment. It also reviews deeply about phytoremediation technology, including the heavy metal uptake mechanisms and several research studies associated about heavy metals (As, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) and aquatic plants are used to process these heavy metals.
Through assessment of surface water quality at Siep stream in Di An city, Binh Duong province. Siep Stream is a level 1 tributary that flows into Dong Nai River. Dong Nai River is currently being exploited and used for domestic water supply purposes. Sampling location of Siep stream at the culvert on National Highway 1K from January 2022 to November 2023, through statistical monitoring data compared with QCVN 08-2023/BTNMT (level A) and QCVN 08: 2015/BTNMT (column A2) - National technical regulation on surface water, it shows that the parameters increase or decrease without stable, most tend to increase with about 86.9% COD exceeding the standard 1.0 ÷ 7.8 times, 95.6% SS parameters exceeding the standard 1.8 ÷ 30.4 times, 95.6% N-NH4 number exceeds the standard of 0.16 ÷ 21.8 times, 52.1% of N-NO2 parameters exceed the standard by 0.52 ÷ 8.9 times, 65.2% of P-PO4 parameters exceed the standard by 0.35 ÷ 6.25 times, 91, 3% of Colifrom parameters exceeded the standard of 1.0 ÷ 3.3 times. The WQI (water quality index) results show that the surface water quality of Siep stream is mostly average, this result is not suitable for domestic water supply purposes, there needs to be solutions to improve water quality at the area Siep Stream.
Applying the AQI ( Air Quality Index) to evaluate the current air in 03 research areas: Go Dau Industrial Park, Long Thanh Industrial Park, and Binh Son commune in Long Thanh district. From there, create a table comparing the air quality of these three areas over the years from 2017 to 2020. On that basis, propose solutions to control and improve air environmental quality in the research areas. Assessment results can be used as a data source to build air quality zoning maps. Provide environmental information to the community in a simple, easy-to-understand, and intuitive way. It helps raise ecological awareness. The primary method used in this study is the method of calculating the air quality index Vn_AQI issued by the Vietnam Environment Administration.
This article provides a comprehensive review of ISBN codes, shedding light on their significance and outlining the process of generating a 13-digit ISBN check digit. ISBN codes (International Standard Book Number) play a crucial role in identifying and cataloging books, serving as a unique identifier for each publication.
This work presents a benchmarking study between Lagamine, an in-house developed finite element (FE) code, and COMSOL Multiphysics® (Comsol) commercial software in thermal analyses to investigate their capability in modeling complex manufacturing processes. For this purpose, two case studies, including a NAFEMS benchmark for heat transfer with convection and a Directed Energy Deposition (DED) of a bulk sample, were used as test cases. The simulation models using Lagamine and Comsol solvers for each case were described. The underlying algorithms and theories, as well as the soft-ware development, are investigated. The computational results indicate slight differ-ences between Lagamine and Comsol solutions in both case studies. For the NAFEMS test case, the results obtained with Comsol solver appear to be less dependent on the mesh size than those obtained with Lagamine. For the DED test case, within the chosen configurations of Lagamine and Comsol codes, the maximum difference in the highest peak temperatures obtained from the two codes is about 20%. From an engineering point of view, it is suggested to determine parameters of the FE model consistently with the selected FE code to provide the best match with experimental observations.
With the development of information technology and smart technology to meet the Industrial Revolution 4.0, and to meet life requirements. Automatic control devices require high-precision control quality. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on researching the Sliding mode controller to improve the control quality compared to the PID controller. First, the sliding mode control is designed using the Lyapunov algorithm. Next, the process of simulating the position signal of a DC motor with a PID controller is compared with a sliding mode control to prove the effectiveness of the proposed controller.
Van Phuc 2 General Hospital is one of the hospitals that is always concerned about environmental protection in medical checkups and treatment. However to affirm and enhance the prestige is a regional hospital in the region, step by step approaching the hospitals around the world. Therefore, the subject "Proposing solutions to remedy meaningful environmental aspects at Van Phuc 2 General Hospital" is important to building a sustainable hospital development image.
The subject focuses on the plan to develop the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 based on the current management status of the hospital
By the 3P and 4T methods, the criteria and methods of analysis and field survey were identified, There were five Environmental aspects at the hospital by followings: smells, dust, exhaustion, wastewater, infectious waste, and clinic waste. In addition, the subject also establishes objectives, environmental criteria, planning, resource-building procedures, communication systems, document systems, etc., to complete the environmental management system by ISO 14001: 2015 for the hospital. At the same time make recommendations to help the hospital can complying with all requirements when building an Environmental Management System.
Keywords: Environment; Environmental aspects, hospital, solution
The relationship between language and gender is an interesting topic which has been under discussion over the last few centuries. Throughout the history of language study, lots of studies have been conducted and different linguists have been looking at this issue from different angles. As a socially constructed notion of what is feminine and what is masculine, gender is considered to be closely interrelated to different aspects of our life, especially to our language. From interdisciplinary perspectives with the corpus being the language used in daily communication, the study pointed out various differences between genders both in language use and in aspects of the language used to talk about each gender. From these differences, the study can help us understand a great deal of American culture which, in turns, makes it easy for us to use the language effectively.
This paper analyzes the security performance of underlay cognitive energy-harvesting relay radio networks (UCEHRRN) through the Monter-Carlo simulation results. The results clarify the influence of critical operating parameters on the security performance of the system. Furthermore, the security capabilities of UCEHRRN have been compared with those of the live transmission system. Moreover, many results show that the security performance of the system is significantly improved. Analysis of the results also shows that UCEHRRN is especially effective when the direct transmission system cannot achieve security due to objective reasons such as path loss, severe fading, and shadowing.
Based on research methods such as methods such as data collection and processing, air quality index calculation methods, public health risk assessment methods to assess air quality and effects of substances on the health of people in Di An city. The data for the calculation are inherited from the environmental monitoring report of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Di An city in the period of 2019. The calculation results show that the air quality in the city. Di An is fluctuating at an average - poor level (especially in the Cay Lon junction area with the highest index of 150), the health risk assessment results show that when exposed to dust, the total group of people Adults (Women and Men) had a high fluctuating cancer risk index with the highest index of 2 subjects being in the first quarter 0.310, 0.295, in the second quarter 0.269, 0.282, in the third quarter 0.296, 0.282, Fourth quarter 0.289, 0.275. As for other indicators, the subjects assessed when exposed to substances in the air environment in Di An city can be affected to their health, of which the group of adults is still the group of people. Women and men) are the most affected group.
The objective of this study was to determine iodine levels in soils, grains, and goitrogenic content of common grains across zones of Sokoto state, Nigeria using standard methods and reagents of analytical grade. Obtained data were subjected to descriptive and ANOVA statistics. The Western zone has highest iodine (29±0.01ppm), followed by Central zone (26±0.01ppm), and last was East Zone (24±0.01ppm). The factors that affect iodine bioavailability such as pH and organic matter were determined in different soils of Sokoto (Table 1). East zone had the most elevated pH (6.55±0.08), followed by Central Zone (6.17±0.06) and lastly (5.82±0.05). However, organic matter was most elevated in EZ (5.4±0.01%), CZ (4.5±0.05), and lastly WZ (3.4±0.02). Iodine level in Rice (25±0.014ppm) was significantly higher (P
In this study, we examine students at Thu Dau Mot University specializing in Food Technology’s speaking and listening skills in English. We conducted a survey on 59 students majoring in Food Technology using the questionnaire approach. Students struggle to develop macro-English abilities like speaking and listening, as seen by their responses. mastering English grammar, vocabulary, and other micro-skills might be challenging. The findings indicate that significant obstacles to learning listening and speaking skills include a lousy sound system, a lack of a communicative context, a limited vocabulary, a lack of cultural understanding, and a fear of making mistakes in communication. The findings also demonstrate that students’ limited exposure to English and weak phonological skills are to blame for their difficulty acquiring pronunciation. Many words are long and complicated, making learning and recalling word parts like verbs, nouns, and adjectives challenging. Many words are also difficult to pronounce. Learning the grammar of verbs and articles is challenging for students. When the challenges are solved, this research aims to effective foreign language learning.
In this paper, the Neumann-Dirichlet boundary problem for a system of nonlinear viscoelastic
equations of Kirchhoff type with Balakrishnan-Taylor term is considered. At
first, a local existence is established by the linear approximation together with the Faedo-
Galerkin method. Then, by establishing several reasonable conditions and suitable energy
inequalities, the solution of the problem admits a general decay in time.
This paper is devoted to the study of a Kirchhoff wave equation with a viscoelastic
term in an annular associated with homogeneous Dirichlet conditions. At first, by
applying the Faedo-Galerkin, we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution of the
problem considered. Next, by constructing Lyapunov functional, we establish a sufficient
condition such that any global weak solution is general decay as t → +∞.
In this work, we study the problem of finding the source function of the inhomogeneous
diffusion equations with conformable derivative c∂α
t u−Δu = f(x), 0 < α < 1, associate
with random noisy input data. This problem is ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard. In
order to regulate the instablity of the solution, we applied the truncation method and
estimated the error estimate between the exact solution and the regularized solution.
Almajiri are students’ in an ancient Islamic system of teaching. This paper assesses food security, personal hygiene, living condition, and violence in Almajiri. Survey using questionnaire and analysed descriptive statistics, and x2 at p < 0.05 were used. Most schools were donated (66.7%), and minority (33.3%) were self-owned. Schools were built by zinc (33.3%), mud (33.3%), and modern (33.3%). There are urinals in all the schools (100.0%), overcrowding (100.0%), 66.7% have windows and doors, (33.3%) have no windows and doors. 66.% of the schools have mats for sitting, 33.3% have chairs. Risks found are: open defecation (33.3%), and nearby water (66.7%). Majority of students stay for 4 months before returning home (66.7%), and significant portion of them return after graduation (33.3%). Pertaining personal hygiene 66.7% of the students’ wear shoes, 33.3% didn’t wear; 66.7% have cleaned clothes, 33.3% dirty clothes, there was no water at (66.7%) of the schools, 33.3% have water. 66.7% wash hands after toilet, none wash hands before eating. On food security for Almajiri, 66.7% eat once, 33.3% eat twice. They eat Tuwo (33.3%) Gari, Tuwo (33.3%), and unspecified food (33.3%); source of food includes begging (33.3%), external labor (33.3%), and home (33.3%). Types of violence encountered are: weapon use (33.3%), fight (33.3%), and flogging (33.3%). Majority (66.7%) like western education, and (33.3%) replied no. All students are feeling their condition psychologically; some are at SS1 (33.3%), JSSI (33.3%), and (33.3%) never attend western school. Poor health determinants exist in Almajiri students in Sokoto.
In this study, the author researches the numerical results of the comparison of synchronization speed of regular neural networks with unidirectional and bidirectional coupling. Each neuron is linearly coupled with the others and is represented by a reaction-diffusion system of FitzHugh-Nagumo type. The result shows that the necessary coupling strength for the synchronization in two cases decreases when the coupling number of neurons increases. In other words, the bigger the coupling number of neurons in the regular networks is, the easier the synchronization occurs. Moreover, synchronizing the regular networks with bidirectional coupling is easier than the one with unidirectional coupling over the same given number of neurons.
Glioma is a deadly tumor that accounts for the majority of malignancies of the brain and central nervous system. Currently, applying biomarkers and combining with clinical treatments in the diagnosis and prognosis of Glioma is the optimal trend. Among the effective biomarkers, microRNA has emerged as a novel, efficient biomarker. In this study, we used data from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genome and Gene Routes Database (KEGG) and bioinformatics tools for functional prediction and annotation of two Glioma-associated molecules (miR-6780a-5p and miR-6754-3p). The result indicated that 361 genes relating with two molecules miR-6780a-5p and miR-6754-3p. In which, miR-6780a-5p interacts with 198 genes and miR-6754-3p interacts with 166 genes. PPI analysis (protein-protein interaction analysis) and functional enrichment analysis revealed that target molecules of two miRNAs (miR-6780a-5p, miR-6754-3p) belong to cancer signaling pathways such as MAPK (Mitogen-activated protein kinase) and WNT (Wingless-related integration site). In addition, two miRNAs (miR-6780a-5p and miR-6754-3p) affect not only Glioma but also regulation in many other cancers such as pancreatic, thyroid, and endometrial cancer. Briefly, the result has clarified the role of (miR-6780a-5p, miR-6754-3p) in regulating signaling pathway of Glioma, thereby evaluating the interaction between miRNAs, target genes and target signaling pathways, and also supporting for the selection of potential biomarkers in Glioma diagnosis
Vietnamese immigrants in the United States encounter a variety of acculturation issues that affect them as individuals, families, and as members of their communities. It is evidenced in the literature that low-socio status immigrants suffered from those acculturation challenges. However, there is scant research on how acculturation affects high-socio status immigrants in general and Vietnamese American immigrants in particular. To better understand how high-educated Vietnamese families coped with acculturation in the United States, this research used semi-structured interviews to examine the acculturation issues they encountered and the techniques they utilized to overcome those issues. Four well-educated participants were interviewed one-on-one for 20-30 minutes each by Google Meet in Vietnamese whenever they were available. The interviews were transcribed using unfocused transcription, and the data was analyzed using grounded theory technique. Results showed that high-educated Vietnamese immigrants in the United States face three major acculturation challenges: orientation, the necessity of better economic and self-esteem needs. However, women seemed to be under more acculturative stress owing to their lower levels of English proficiency and work satisfaction, according to the findings. In terms of coping methods, the husbands use integration acculturation tactics to deal with their issues. Separation methods were adopted by the women at various periods in their life, despite the fact that they are eager to become fully integrated members of American culture. They are unable to do so due to a lack of urgency and lack of access to cultural integration.
Recognized as a smart city, Binh Duong's smart city development strategy also includes the development of automated agriculture, typically large-scale livestock farming. A sustainable urban development will not be able to ignore the factor of providing food for urban and regional people. Phu Giao district - Binh Duong province is one of the leading districts in livestock farming, especially concentrated pig farming. The agricultural industry, pigs breeding, is one of the strengths of the district, besides the cultivation of short and long-term industrial crops such as rubber, cashew, Ho Tieu... Livestock is a very old profession of the Vietnamese people in Phu Giao district as well as in Binh Duong province. The contribution of livestock production to the socio-economic face of the district cannot be denied. However, animal husbandry activities, besides the economic values, also cause some consequences to the natural environment such as soil and water pollution, noise, odors in the air, etc. Hence, we decided to do the research of "Application of ISO 14001:2015 international standards in determination of environmental aspects at market hog farm with semiautomatic technology farm size 12,000 pigs per year in Phu Giao district, Binh Duong province" (TCVN ISO, 2015). This is a large-scale pig farm with modern semi-automatic technology equipment. We expect to find out environmental issues in the most detailed and specific way so that the owner can overcome the above environmental problems, rest assured to raise livestock and develop more expansion later. We conducted a review of the areas on the farm, evaluated the activities in each area, from which we found out the environmental problems through the material flow diagram (Phạm Thị Hồng Cẩm, 2020). Next, through the multi-criteria method (Phạm Thị Hồng Cẩm, 2020) we calculated the score and found the most significant environmental aspects (most environmental risk). The research results will be a general picture to provide farm owners with an intuitive and easy-to-understand view for suitable solutions. Developing farm economy along with environmental protection towards sustainable development of livestock agriculture.
In this paper, we establish compactness and continuous dependence on parameters for solution-set of the second order differential inclusion including self-adjoint operator in the form
\left\{ \begin{gathered}
\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2} u(t,x) +2\mathcal{A} \frac{\partial}{\partial t}u(t,x)+\mathcal{A}^{2} u(t,x) \in F(t,u(t),\mu),\,\, \hfill (t,x)\in [0,T)\times\Omega \\
u(0,x)=\frac{\partial }{\partial t}u(0,x)=0, \,\, \hfill x \in \Omega, \\
%u(T,x) = h(x), \,\, \hfill x\in\Omega,
\end{gathered}\right. %\label{MainProblem}
where $\mathcal A$ is a self-adjoint operator.
We use the spectral theory on Hilbert spaces to obtain formulation for mild solutions. Using the mild solution formula together with a measure of non-compactness with values in an ordered space, we construct useful bounds for solution operators. Then, we establish necessarily upper semi-continuous and condensing settings, which mainly help to obtain the global existence of mild solutions and the compactness of the mild solution set. Finally, we provide a brief discussion on the continuous dependence of the solution-set on parameter $\mu$.