Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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295 papers

The patriotic activities of teachers, students, and pupils in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong were a particularly important part of the open political struggle on enemy territory during the resistance against the United States. Immediately after the 1954 Geneva Agreement, many schools in Long An – Kien Tuong established revolutionary bases. Some teachers mobilized colleagues, students, and the public to fight against anti-communist activities, forced conscription, and to demand civil rights and democracy. In subsequent years, Long An – Kien Tuong became the site of numerous diverse and creative struggles (rallies, demonstrations, leafleting, journalism, cultural activities...), attracting the participation of many educators and students. Some teachers and students actively participated in armed and covert operations, displaying many heroic acts of combat and sacrifice. Alongside activities in liberated areas, the struggle of teachers and students in the temporarily occupied regions of Long An – Kien Tuong contributed distinctive values, enhancing the illustrious history and tradition of Long An province's education sector today.
This article presents the implementation process of the smart university model at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Scotland), University of Sydney (Australia), National University of Singapore, Stanford University (American), and the University of Tokyo (Japan). The article highlights the similarities, differences, and issues encountered during the implementation of the smart university model in different countries. The research shows that all universities have implemented smart campus elements, while other elements are implemented uniquely by each university. These campuses integrate smart technologies to monitor and analyze energy consumption, emissions, and more. Real-time data about the campus informs what is happening within the university, thereby facilitating easier management, administration, security, and environmental protection.
Abstract Cultural relations between Vietnam and China, of course, need no further assertions. But this process of cultural relations, then requires further studies to see the diversity of this cultural relationship. We, in this report, present the cultural relationship between Vietnam and China through poems written on the topic of Zen - Buddhist on the way to the mission of Vietnamese ambassadors in the last 18th century and early 19th century, in three main aspects: the reception of the Buddhist cultural space, the sense of meditation in front of the temple, and the intimacy between the envoyers and the Zen masters and officials of the North. From there, we hope to contribute an additional perspective on the Vietnamese people's position - the same level position, in the cultural exchange between Vietnam and China. Keywords: Cultural relations, Enyoy poetry, Envoyer, Vietnam - China, Zen - Buddhist.
The international cooperation environment is the issue affecting international cooperation relations, creating interactions between it and international cooperation relations. There are two types of international cooperation environment: the external environment and the internal environment. Based on the analysis of the international cooperation environment in Binh Duong over the past decade, the article summarizes the opportunities and challenges in exploiting the international cooperation environment to develop high-quality human resources of Binh Duong province.
This article presents how to speculate, design and simulate a mechanical horse based on the point of view of the military man Khong Minh, a talented character in the work "Three Kingdoms" (author La Quan Trung). The behavior of this type of horse closely resembles that of a real horse. That is, it can walk, run, carry goods or people. It is made mainly of wood or steel. The authors speculated that Khong Minh placed a leaf spring in the belly of the mechanical horse. Soldiers just need to rotate so that the leaf spring twists, it will store energy in the form of potential energy. Then, it slowly unfolds, and the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, transmitting motion to the mechanisms connected to the horse's legs. Finally, the mechanical horse lifted his leg and was able to walk. Despite such speculation, when recreating a mechanical horse, our team of authors used a battery-powered motor instead of leaf springs and gear transmissions as a pre-assembled transmission part in the belly of the mechanical horse. We design additional parts such as the head, tail, belly, legs, etc. to create a complete mechanical horse. The design goal of the author's mechanical horse is to clear people's doubts about the "wooden buffalo mechanical horse" in the literary work "Three Kingdoms". At the same time, this type of mechanical horse is also applied as an amusement ride for people in tourist areas and as a children's toy in the family.
This study which entitles “Learners’ Attitudes towards the Project Works in promoting English learner autonomy: a Case Study at Foreign Trade University-Ho Chi Minh Campus” was conducted with the following objectives: (1) to investigate students’ attitudes towards the use of project works to enhance their autonomous learning in an English speaking class; (2) to find out to what extent students believe that using project works can promote their autonomous learning; and (3) to figure out difficulties that learners have during the time they conduct Video making project. The study population was 73 second-year students who took the course English listening and speaking 2. An open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview were employed as research instruments for data collection. The result firstly shows that the students have positive attitudes towards the use of project works in English class that may have enhanced their autonomous learning. Then, it reveals students’ preference in having more project works to do in their English classes. Nonetheless, using project works’ evaluation as one of criteria for course assessment is a controversial issue among these students. In addition, students’ interest in utilizing information technology devices is remarked as one of the significant findings in this study. Furthermore, some difficulties when conducting projects are found including time constraints, teamwork conflicts, cultural differences and technology problems. In short, because of students’ positive attitudes toward Video making project in enhancing their autonomous learning, it is suggested that teachers should consider applying the project in their language teaching.
subjects in many countries and the treatment of breeding waste has to be taken as a priority. Nowadays, biogas technology sets up and operates primarily to treat breeding waste. However, this technology formed a considerable amount of wastewater the effluent quality is still poor and the concentration of pollutants is higher than the required national technical regulation (QCVN 40:2021/BTNMT). Thus, the project aimed to find out an appropriate procedure to reduce environmental pollution from breeding wastewater of the biogas system which then can be applied in the constructed wetlands system. Two units of Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland (HFCW) and Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VFCW) were located and set up in two treatments with three replications. Both of these units were planted with Cyperus involucratus. Wastewater was fed into the wetland units at a mean flow rate of 312 ml/day. Major parameters including COD, BOD5, SS, N-NH3; P-PO43- were measured. The results indicated that vertically Flow Constructed Wetlands exhibited a higher treatment efficiency than horizontally Flow Constructed Wetlands with the average removal efficiency for COD, BOD, SS, N-NH3, and P-PO43- were 55.2 %, 75.3 %, 82.3 %, 75.9 %, and 70.1 %, respectively. Generally, the study demonstrated that the constructed wetlands can be used as an option for improving the quality of biogas wastewater.

Research for Oil-Absorbing carpets using hair materials

Nguyen Thi Mai Thao, Bui Pham Phuong Thanh, Tran Thi Khanh Hoa, Nguyen Thi Xuan Hanh
The issue of marine pollution in general, as well as pollution brought on by oil spills into the sea, in rivers and lakes, or wastewater from factories, businesses, mechanical repair shops, gas stations, universities, and auto repair shops, is one that the world is currently facing, particularly since when it does, it invariably results in harm to the environment and people. Oil spills result in oil plaques on the ground, in rock crevices, washed up on the coast, a foul smell, a loss of tourism beauty, harm to the ocean's ecosystem, and even equipment damage. equipment, supplies, water transportation, etc. We had to use very expensive oil spill blotting papers at the time. The amount of hair that individuals discard each day is not little, and even when it is burned, it emits unpleasant scents and polluting gases that are harmful to human health. Furthermore, it is very easy to make a hair mat at vehicle wash facilities, school restaurants with big parking lots, and car repair shops. To prevent the majority of the oil from being spilled into the environment, handmade oil-absorbing carpets made of hair materials are laid over the drains in these locations.
Vietnam's economy is operated to serve more than ninety million people so this is a very vivid picture. The large population brings many advantages to the food production sector in general and the production of fresh noodles in particular. Fresh vermicelli is the raw material for processing many dishes of the Vietnamese people for a long time, that's why there are many Vietnamese dishes with indispensable ingredients, which as Noodles in the national culinary books. Vietnam. The production of fresh vermicelli with the main ingredient is fermented and shaped rice with simple steps, but hidden inside there are environmental issues that need to be considered. The production and business associated with environmental protection are the responsibility of most enterprises and production facilities in Vietnam. The fresh noodle food production industry is no exception. Instead of learning about the aspects that affect the environment in the traditional way of collecting information, analyzing, and evaluating the current situation, this time the research team looked at understanding the causes of environmental pollution in terms of consumption. ISO 14001 international standard. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is an international standard that helps businesses and establishments identify the important role of the environment as well as the risks brought by the environment, thereby realizing the environment as an activity of the Organization. In this standard, the commitment to prevent environmental pollution is a mandatory condition, so determining the environmental aspects to overcome the impacts is a key element of the standard. If a business achieves ISO 14001 Certification, it will have a very good effect in promoting the corporate image of being responsible for the environment and the community. (Lê Huy Bá, 2006), (Lê Thị Hồng Trân, 2008)
Culture plays an important role in shaping the perceptions, beliefs, and experiences of refugees as they navigate decisions and actions in a new society. Based on an analysis of 88 oral history interviews conducted by the Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation (VAHF) with Vietnamese refugees in the US after the war, this paper examines the relationship between culture and social integration, particularly the cultural values that Vietnamese refugees have chosen and promoted to help them adapt quickly and successfully in the new society. Using a thematic analysis method, cultural values such as self-effort, a studious tradition, sacrifice, and intergenerational responsibility help Vietnamese refugees improve their socio-economic status after a period of settlement in the U.S. The stories specifically illustrate how Vietnamese people have applied cultural values to social integration strategies, establishing connections between culture and economic opportunities within the socio-economic conditions of the United States.
International students’ experiences are a major concern for universities and educational researchers. Globally, Vietnam is a top source country for international students but little is known about their experience. This study explores the everyday experiences of 10 Vietnamese master’s students from a New Zealand university through a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews. A qualitative approach enabled me to capture the essential meanings of the participants’ experiences and understand what it was like to be Vietnamese students in New Zealand. In academic settings, the students initially struggled to deal with a range of problems related to language and communication. These made them feel overwhelmed and bewildered. During these formative months, many of them experienced language difficulties. These difficulties forced them to learn to deal with challenges and become independent. This research helps universities become more aware of the experience of foreign students studying at the host universities, and thereby take measures to support them in their studies and daily life.
Symbolic images stand for more than simply what appears before the eyes. They represent a deeper meaning behind the image – something. The symbolic images in public communications, and techniques of their application as an instrument of forming desired ideological models within social consciousness, as well as consider principles of social psychology that enable successful application of communication technologies to a target audience by appealing to their image thinking. Applied methods of the research are: sociocultural, historical, and content analysis, this article focuses on analyzing the significance of symbol image in public communication strategies and its impacts on brand building, trust establishment, and fostering a positive interactive environment with the public. Based on lessons drawn from practical public communication activities of Thu Dau Mot University, the article proposes additional measures to enhance the effectiveness of the unit's communication and their potential application to specific cases, contributing to the development of the field of public communication.
The relationship between language and gender is an interesting topic which has been under discussion over the last few centuries. Throughout the history of language study, lots of studies have been conducted and different linguists have been looking at this issue from different angles. As a socially constructed notion of what is feminine and what is masculine, gender is considered to be closely interrelated to different aspects of our life, especially to our language. From interdisciplinary perspectives with the corpus being the language used in daily communication, the study pointed out various differences between genders both in language use and in aspects of the language used to talk about each gender. From these differences, the study can help us understand a great deal of American culture which, in turns, makes it easy for us to use the language effectively.
Satisfaction has been the central research area in consumer behavior. Particularly in tourism, satisfying tourists promises the success of destinations. Tourists are now seeking for premier experiences at destinations which requires more distinctive tourism products and excellent service quality. Monitoring tourist satisfaction has become more crucial than ever so as for destination managers and stakeholders to plan appropriate strategic development. The study clarifies the concept of visitor satisfaction and how satisfaction is measured in academic practice. This article review, synthesis, and analysis secondary data from previous academic studies. The article begins by providing satisfaction definition, followed by the benefits of achieving customer satisfaction, and finally, the commonly adopted approaches to measure tourist satisfaction is provided. The study focuses on those approaches proposed before the development of internet which data collection process is mainly based on survey. Both merits and demerits of each approach are also discussed.
This paper is devoted to the study of a nonlinear fractional differential equation with a weakly singular source in Banach space. Using Bielecki type norm, we show that the problem has a unique solution. Furthermore, we introduce a result of the new Ulam-Hyers type stability for the main equation.
Binh Duong, a dynamic province in the Southern Key Economic Region in Vietnam, has a fast growing economy and strong economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization, have affected many aspects of economy, culture, society and environment. This study analyzes the influence of economic restructuring on urban development in Binh Duong province by utilizing the time series data throughout 2000 - 2020 and the household interview method of the topic "Urbanization and its effects on land use restructuring in Binh Duong province" shows the shift of occupations from agriculture to non-agriculture. The research results show that economic restructuring contributes to promoting economic and social development in general and expanding the urban network of Binh Duong province in particular, but it has some limitations in the process of development. Therefore, Binh Duong wants to successfully integrate into the world economy and develop urban areas towards sustainability (by 2030), it must have specific, scientific and objective analysis and evaluation on the success and limitations of the economic restructuring process and its impact on the urban system in recent times. The research results also have a scientific basis for proposing appropriate and effective solutions and policies to successfully implement the goals and orientations of economic restructuring and urban development that Binh Duong has been approved.
Heavy metals are the most dangerous substances in the environment, have caused deleterious effect not only to the environment but also to the public’s health. Different studies have demonstrated that plants have a high removal capacity for lead ions from pollution sources. However, these plant species were rather limited. Thus, the project aimed to find out plant species that represent its lead removal ability to reduce environmental pollution. The experiment was carried out factorially as a randomized complete design in hydroponic systems with four treatments (0, 100, 200, and 300 mg/l of Pb) and three replications. The results indicated that the growth of the Dracaena sanderiana plant is well in Pb concentration of 100 mg/l, with less growth while the increasing lead concentration of 200 mg/l and 300 mg/l. The amount of lead in the water of three treatments 100 mg/l, 200 mg/l, and 300 mg/l after 30 days of the experiment decreased by 91.5%, 86.8%, and 86.4%, respectively. It was found that Dracaena sanderiana exhibited high lead treatment efficiency in the water. Moreover, results showed that the accumulation of lead in the roots of Dracaena sanderiana is quite large with treatments of 100 mg/l, 200 mg/l, and 300 mg/l lead concentrations were 5073.8 mg/kg, 5134.0 mg/kg, 7054.0 mg/kg, respectively. In contrast, the ability to lead accumulation in plant leaves and stems is lower. cultivated in hydroponic systems with four treatments and three replications. Four levels of Pb(NO3)2 (0, 100, 200, and 300 ppm) were used. The monitoring indicators include the contents of lead in water, the growth target of Dracaena sanderiana, and the accumulation of lead contents in different organs of Dracaena sanderiana. The results indicated that: the growth of the Dracaena sanderiana plant is well in Pb concentration of 100 ppm, with less growth while the increasing lead concentration of 200 ppm and 300 ppm. The amount of lead in the water of three treatments 100 ppm, 200 ppm, and 300 ppm after 30 days of the experiment decreased by 91.5%, 86.8%, and 86.4%, respectively. It was found that Dracaena sanderiana exhibited high lead treatment efficiency in the water. Moreover, results show that the accumulation of lead in the roots of Dracaena sanderiana is quite large with treatments of 100 ppm, 200 ppm, and 300 ppm lead concentrations were 5073.8 mg/kg, 5134.0 mg/kg, 7054.0 mg/kg, respectively. In contrast, the ability to lead accumulation in plant leaves and stems is much lower.
Through analysis of the DPSIR model, combined with research methods such as field surveys, and survey questionnaires, the author has given the following results: The amount of waste is increasing; Not paying attention to the classification at source, Solid waste collection is still limited; Environmental quality is degraded due to the stench caused by domestic waste in some neighborhoods; The soil environment is polluted due to solid waste treatment that is difficult to decompose; Surface water and groundwater are also leaked due to leachate, wastewater from landfills; The polluted environment has, directly and indirectly, affected the health and production and business activities of the people in the ward, degraded the ecosystem, and lost the urban beauty. The author has proposed solutions to reduce environmental pollution caused by domestic waste such as population policy, establishing collection groups, craft village planning, and applying the circular green model in economic development.
Over the past few years, there are many activities had negative impacts on the surface water of the Dong Nai river such as industry, agriculture, and service development activities; therefore river water quality is significantly relieved. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of elements on the water quality in 2022 through analyze the parameters of pH, temperature, DO, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, P-PO43-, TSS, turbidity, total Coliform on 54 samples, compared with QCVN 2015 for river water quality and the water quality index calculation WQI. The analysis results show that the water quality of Dong Nai river, sections flowing through Bien Hoa city from Jan to Dec is not quite good, most parameters reach the limit value B1 according to QCVN 08:2015/BTNMT; however, the values of parameters DO, total coliforms, TSS exceed the limit value B1 significantly. WQI values fluctuate at a fairly high level from 17 to 68, and the average WQI of the river reaches is quite low, so the authority should have promulgated the law to protect the water surface of this river; therefore water quality assessment is significant for better control and management of the surface water environment in Vietnam.
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the security performance of underlay cognitive energy-harvesting relay radio networks (UCEHRRN) through the Monter-Carlo simulation results. The results clarify the influence of critical operating parameters on the security performance of the system. Furthermore, the security capabilities of UCEHRRN have been compared with those of the live transmission system. Moreover, many results show that the security performance of the system is significantly improved. Analysis of the results also shows that UCEHRRN is especially effective when the direct transmission system cannot achieve security due to objective reasons such as path loss, severe fading, and shadowing.

Assessment of air quality and community health risks in Di An city - Binh Duong province

Tran Thi Khanh Hoa, Bui Pham Phuong Thanh, Nguyen Thị Thanh Thao, Tran Thanh Liem
Based on research methods such as methods such as data collection and processing, air quality index calculation methods, public health risk assessment methods to assess air quality and effects of substances on the health of people in Di An city. The data for the calculation are inherited from the environmental monitoring report of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Di An city in the period of 2019. The calculation results show that the air quality in the city. Di An is fluctuating at an average - poor level (especially in the Cay Lon junction area with the highest index of 150), the health risk assessment results show that when exposed to dust, the total group of people Adults (Women and Men) had a high fluctuating cancer risk index with the highest index of 2 subjects being in the first quarter 0.310, 0.295, in the second quarter 0.269, 0.282, in the third quarter 0.296, 0.282, Fourth quarter 0.289, 0.275. As for other indicators, the subjects assessed when exposed to substances in the air environment in Di An city can be affected to their health, of which the group of adults is still the group of people. Women and men) are the most affected group.

Iodine and selected goitrogens measured in soil and grains of Sokoto zones, Nigeria

Yusuf Sarkingobir, Umar AI, Fatima Abubakar Gidadawa, Yusuf Yahaya Miya
The objective of this study was to determine iodine levels in soils, grains, and goitrogenic content of common grains across zones of Sokoto state, Nigeria using standard methods and reagents of analytical grade. Obtained data were subjected to descriptive and ANOVA statistics. The Western zone has highest iodine (29±0.01ppm), followed by Central zone (26±0.01ppm), and last was East Zone (24±0.01ppm). The factors that affect iodine bioavailability such as pH and organic matter were determined in different soils of Sokoto (Table 1). East zone had the most elevated pH (6.55±0.08), followed by Central Zone (6.17±0.06) and lastly (5.82±0.05). However, organic matter was most elevated in EZ (5.4±0.01%), CZ (4.5±0.05), and lastly WZ (3.4±0.02). Iodine level in Rice (25±0.014ppm) was significantly higher (P
This paper aims to apply FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) tool in the wood production process of Minh Duong Wood Company. In this study, the process evaluation indicators according to FMEA were analyzed such as failure severity - S (Severity value), failure frequency - O (Occurrence number), error detection ability. failure - D (Detection number), risk priority factor - RPN (Risk Priority Number). The research results show that the failure modes of the process have been systematically and comprehensively identified. Fault types are ranked as priority for improvement and corresponding solutions have been proposed.

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University