Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science

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295 papers

Prediction of COVID-19 evolution in Binh Duong province using SIR epidemiological model

Pham Bao Quoc, Vo Van On, Nguyen Duy Khanh, Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong, Huynh Thi Phuong Thuy, Hoang Van Ngoc, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Vo Hoang An
With the fast growth of the COVID-19 pandemic, in-silico studies based on the susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) epidemiological model are very critical to provide reliable predictions of the COVID-19 evolution that can effectively support governments to issue the right measures to prevent and control the pandemic. In this study, the evolution of the COVID-19 in the Binh Duong province is investigated using the SIR model implemented in R-Studio software, in which the homemade computer codes based on the SIR model are developed using R language to automatically detect the optimal parameters in the model, including the reproduction ratio R0, the infection coefficient β, and the recovery coefficient γ. The SIR predictions indicate that the number of new positive cases per day in the Binh Duong province is only 40 new cases by November 30, 2021, and the total number of new cases per day becomes zero by middle February 2021. Besides, the Binh Duong province only has 1126 infected cases by November 30, 2021, which reduces to 203 cases at the end of December 2021. Through the SIR results, the COVID-19 pandemic in the Binh Duong is predicted to be ended at the end of December 2021.
Coffee is among the favorite drinks in Vietnam and many other countries. Production and consumption of coffee have released a huge amount of spent coffee ground. This study aimed to determine phenolic acids and fatty acids of spent coffee grounds collected in Ho Chi Minh city and how phenolic acid profile was affected by different environmentally friendly extractants. The results showed that average level of chlorogenic acid in ethanol/water extracts (840.4 779.9 ug/g) was significantly higher compared to water extracts (300.0 ug/g). Furthermore, the average total level of phenolic acids in ethanol/water extracts (1215.3 ug/g dry weight) was greater than that in the water extracts (779.9 ug/g dry weight). This indicated that ethanol/water outperformed water in regard to extraction of phenolic acids in the spent coffee grounds. Oil extracted from the spent coffee grounds was rich in linoleic acid (61 ug/g) and palmitic acid (47 ug/g). The findings of our study showed that the spent coffee grounds originating in Vietnam are a good source of phenolic acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids that could be utilized for food and nutraceutical production.
This paper analyzes the interpersonal metafunction in text messages of teachers of English at Viet Anh School. The paper uses Systemic Functional Grammar as the theoretical framework which aims to investigate into a language from a qualitative approach. The aim of this paper is to discover how interpersonal metafunction is being served in text messages of teachers of English in terms of mood, speech function, modality and personal pronouns. The analysis indicates that the English teachers often use text messages for providing more information and demanding services by the dominant use of declaratives clauses in their interaction. These English teachers also perform their plans or desires about their future intention through the frequent use of modality such as ‘will’, ‘can’ or ‘could’. Through the analysis of personal pronouns, it can be clear that the English teachers tend to interact with each other by sharing their points of view rather than mentioning about other things or persons. Their social relation is shorten through the popular use of pronouns ‘I’, ‘we’ and ‘you’. Thus, it can be concluded that the social relationship among the English teachers is established and maintained through the use of interpersonal metafunction.
The process of industrialization, modernization and the rapid development of industrial revolution 4.0 are creating new development opportunities for the Southeast in general and Binh Duong in particular, but also setting many challenges. In order to take advantage of opportunities and overcome challenges, the role of the contingent of intellectuals in Binh Duong province is huge. Through the assessment of the current status of the development of the intellectual contingent of Binh Duong province, the article proposes basic views and major solutions to continue developing this team in the future to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization of the country.
Research and assessment of sludge management in Thu Dau Mot wastewater treatment enterprise. The composition of the sludge depends on the composition of the wastewater, the wastewater treatment process and the sludge treatment process. The most common non-toxic organic compounds include materials of plant and animal origin such as proteins, amino acids, sugars, fats ... compounds containing N, P... Toxic organic compounds include compounds of PHA (Poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), alkyl phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls (PSBs) organochlorine pesticides, phenols, chloro-benzenes ... Heavy metals such as: Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, Cr, Hg, As… (in the range from 1ppm to 100ppm). Some of these compounds can be toxic to humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to control the concentration of heavy metals in the sludge before disposal or reuse. Harmful microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa together with parasitic helminths can increase the potential harm to human, animal and plant health. Inorganic compounds such as silicates, aluminates, calcium and magnesium compounds.

Analysis of the effects of nutrition and sports on height and weight

Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, Huỳnh Thị Hồng Nhung, Lê Thị Thùy Trang, Nguyễn Thị Xuân
This study was conducted on a group of male and female students of age range of 6-11 years at an elementary school. In this paper it is tried to analyze the effects of nutrition and sports on height and weight of male and female students. The result showed that these factors have an impact on students’ height and weight, and there were the difference between groups doing sports regularly and rarely, also among groups of different nutrition.
Traditional fossil energy sources are increasingly exhausted, leading to the need for mankind to exploit alternative energy sources; and solar energy can be viewed as infinite. Solar photovoltaic and its applications are increasingly widely studied. However, due to its nonlinearity and unstable nature, high technology is required to achieve good conversion efficiency. One of the techniques to optimize solar cell efficiency is to use the Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm (MPPT) and P&O is a relatively easy algorithm to implement. This article will present some problems about photovoltaic cells, power converters in solar power systems and using PSIM software to simulate an independent solar system with several harvesting solutions for solar power and compare the efficiency of them.
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of using games in teaching vocabulary from the viewpoints of learners who already participated in language games. Through questionnaire, data for analysis were collected from 100 learners at a foreign language center in Binh Duong province. The results show that most of the participants are motivated to learn when they are in games. Moreover, they can acquire vocabulary more quickly and easily if the games are based on some factors such as learners’ gender, age and education status. The study suggests that in spite of the effectiveness of using games in vocabulary teaching, games should not be used too much or too less in the classrooms.
In the last days of 2019, when the whole world was waiting for the moment to enter a new decade, a strange kind of unexplained pneumonia appeared in Wuhan city, China. From the little information as well as attention initially, this epidemic has turned into a pandemic worldwide. The quick-fire coronavirus spread and the response of different countries to it highlight immediate concerns about public health and have a significant impact on the evolving world order and the values that underpin it. This pandemic is unprecedented in its capacity to take advantage of modern globalization, allowing for massive disease spread at a surprising speed. It can say that COVID-19 is an additional blow to the vision and practices of the globalization process that is already under strain. Using the qualitative methods research and conceptual approach, the article, on the one hand, tried to analyze the challenges that globalization is facing because of COVID-19. On the other hand, we want to affirm that globalization will still be an irreplaceable trend in the future.
Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do [The Great Way of The Third Amnesty Era] (shortly Caodaism) is an indigenous religion established in southern Vietnam in the early 20th century. Being one of the new religions in the region, Caodaism has been constantly developing and attracting quite a great number of followers of over three million. The doctrine of Caodaism is a synthesis of the Three Religions, e.g. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism together with elements from some other religions. The doctrine is not only shown in scriptures, religious structure, but also expressed through symbols in architecture, rituals and costumes. To a certain extent, it is thus essential to understand the symbolism of the Holy Temple – the most important one of the symbolism system so that we can fully comprehend Caodaism. The Temple is the most solemn and sacred place in Cao Dai Tay Ninh Holy See. It carries both philosophical and esoteric meanings as an emblem of cultural syncretism. The study of the Holy Temple symbol will elaborate further Caodaist doctrines in a relationship with the cultural context of the Southern region.
To explain transnational marriage between Vietnamese brides and Taiwanese, Korean grooms. The author will figure out and discuss some issues related to this type of marriage such as divorce and one of concerning issues that Vietnamese-Taiwanese and Korean-Vietnamese children have been existing in Vietnam as ‘being abandoned’ phenomenon of transitional migration in the context of globalization. This research aims to gain an insight into accessibility to education services amongst Taiwanese-Vietnamese and Korean-Vietnamese children living with their mother and maternal family/relatives in Hau Giang by applying sociological approaches, thus to explain a modern social phenomenon emerging in the process of development and integration of Vietnam. Research subject: Accessibility to s amongst Vietnamese-Taiwanese and Vietnamese-Korean children in Hau Giang. Research objects: Mixed race children nursed/ care taken by their mother or maternal parents/relatives.
English is one of the keys to successful globalization; therefore, every country develops own English teaching policy. Teaching English in Asia is a very common issue ruled and supported by the government. This article is a contrastive study on different English policies in such Southeast and East Asian countries as China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The contrastive analysis focused on such aspects as school year of implementing English as required subject, teaching hours of English, teacher’s training, use of local and foreign teachers, teaching methods and materials, funding, etc. The contrastive study among countries mentioned above evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of certain English teaching policies. The positive results of one country can be borrowed and adapted by another country considering its cultural, political, economic or social features. On the other hand, the failures of one country’s English teaching policy can be considered and avoided by another country’s planning on English teaching policy.
Heavy metal pollution is a major problems in the environment. The impact of toxic metal ions can be minimized by different technologies, viz., chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, oxidation, reverse osmosis, flotation and adsorption. But among them, adsorption was found to be very efficient and common due to the low concentration of metal uptake and economically feasible properties. In this review paper, Fe–Mn binary oxide incorporated into diatomite (Fe/Mn-diatomite) was prepared by a simple coating method , and removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions. The effects of three independent variables including initial ion concentration, removal time, and adsorbent dosage were investigated on the maximum adsorption of Cu (II). The optimum conditions for the adsorption of Cu(II) was obtained: 75 ppm of initial ion concentration, 150 min of removal time and 1.5 g/l of adsorbent. The maximum removal efficiencies of Cu(II) was obtained 86.25%. The results showed that Fe/Mn-diatomite was apable of treating copper metal in wastewater.
Declining supplies of fossil fuels, increasing population, global industrialization and demand for transportation fuels has triggered an increase in the demand for renewable energy sources. To address such problems most of the green research in the recent years has focused on the development of bioethanol (23 MJ/L) as a substitute to conventional gasoline (34.3 MJ/L) based fuels owing to the similarity in energy density values in addition to several other advantages (American Council on renewable energy, 2010). Second-generation biofuels are derived from lignocellulosic biomass or woody crops, mostly coming from agricultural residues. Extraction of fuel from such biomass is difficult because of their recalcitrant nature (corn stover, rice straw, wheat straw, sugar cane and sweet sorghum). Lignocellulosic fuel has the potential to solve several problems (food competing with fuel) that are currently associated with first generation biofuels. Moreover, lignocellulosic fuels can supply a larger proportion of the global fuel leading to sustainability at lower cost, and with greater environmental benefits (Liz Marsall, 2009). The production of ethanol from the complex sugars in leaves and stalks is a promising strategy to radically broaden the range of possible ethanol feedstock. Keywords: lignocellulose, bioethanol, biomass, pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation.
This paper explores the pros and cons of using online setting for teaching and learning English comparing with in-class setting. Online setting is undergoing a fast transformation and becomes a widely promoted platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. By reviewing different studies on online teaching, this paper aims to provide readers a better understanding about online setting. These information would be useful in Vietnam where online class just has a medium used and short history comparing with other developed and developing countries, so online class in Vietnam may need adjust and consideration based on different culture and learner’s experience. This paper also give some suggestions in design of online learning for English languages to increase the learning effectiveness.
Electric vehicles (EVs) making a significant contribution to the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are expected to thrive in Vietnam in the upcoming years/in the near future. However, such vehicles’ energy demand could become a burden on the transmission networks, causing overloads to the electric grid of the nation. Hence, to solve this problem, a solar PV system can be utilized to fulfill the electricity needs in an EV charging station. This article presents the design, simulation and economic analysis of a grid-connected solar power system for an electric charging station at Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU). The photovoltaic (PV) power system is designed to supply energy to the charging station and office building. The study estimates the generated electricity, the efficiency of the PV power system and the ability to reduce CO2 emissions. This paper can be a recommended input for stakeholders to consider using this energy source for charging vehicles.
Several companies apply lean manufacturing however the implementation in organisations is not always successful. One of the difficulties is deciding which of the lean approach to avoid the failure; therefore this paper reviews the key concepts and attributes of the lean paradigm, and identifies how they can be applied to ETP’s current operational practices. The study results show a successful lean transformation case study. Practically, this is a comprehensive guideline for practitioners to implement Lean in their organisations to make better decisions
In urban development, urbanization is an important and decisive process of transformation. In the current globalization period, the urbanization of cities around the world is strongly influenced by the foreign direct investment (FDI). It is considered an important catalyst for economic growth. This paper aims to analyze the effect of FDI on sustainable urbanization in Binh Duong province by utilizing the time series data throughout 2000 - 2018, expressed through statistical and analytical methods. The research results show that FDI contributes to promoting economic, social and urban development in Binh Duong province, but it still has some limitations. The research results are also the basis for researchers and policy makers to develop orientations to attract, use and manage FDI, proposing solutions to improve the efficiency of it to urbanization in a sustainable way in Binh Duong province in the future.
An effective teacher plays a crucial role in the process of learning English as a foreign language (EFL) when students’ opportunities to English exposure outside the classroom are limited. The aim of this study was to examine professional characteristics that an effective EFL teacher should have as perceived by Taiwanese university students. A four-section questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, and the study sample included responses from 68 senior students majoring in EFL. The results show that the three most significant characteristics of an effective teacher of English in the eyes of Taiwanese university students are not related specifically to the teacher’s knowledge of the subject or English proficiency level. Those characteristics can be attributed to any teacher, and they include providing clear grading guidelines, giving clear explanations, and preparing each lesson well. The findings may contribute valid information on college students’ expectations of EFL teachers in the Asian educational context and help make the language learning process more effective.
Automation or automatic control has been a growing trend in industrial fields as well as in life because of the advantages and utilities that help optimize work and reduce manpower in production. In medium and large scale automatic control systems, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is used as the control device for the system. In production, the transmission system using motors takes a large proportion and the problem of controlling for them to operate correctly, meeting technological requirements is one of the difficulties that need to be solved. In this study, we have applied PLC to stabilize motor speed according to preset value using PID algorithm integrated in Siemens S7–1200 PLC in order to apply research results in practice. At the limit of the article, we will present the issues of PID function block configuration, programming algorithm flowchart for PLCs, and monitoring console design for a small DC motor drive system model to verify.
SARSCOV-2 virus and new strains have been spreading in most countries and regions around the world, the COVID-19 epidemic it causes has infected millions of people, the urgent need is to prevent their spread. On the market there are many types of hand wash equipment automatically spray disinfectant solution used with many different sensors and operating principles, but most are still using AC power. In this topic, we design automatic hand washing equipment by applying the transmitter and receiver principle of the moving infrared sensor circuit and delay relay circuit to detect someone appearing in the observation area, click activating the MP3 reader circuit plays the “5K” propaganda sound about Covid -19 disease prevention and the position sensor activates the mini-pump to spray the hand-washing gel within a certain detecting distance. We have conducted experiments and completed our projects with devices that use energy from solar cells, through charging circuits and storage batteries with the goal of using renewable energy, minimizing impact of the greenhouse effect.
This study aims to assess environmental risk using the improved Nemerow index and the principal component analysis (PCA) method in Long Thanh's Industrial Park in Dong Nai Province. The study was implemented in five industrial parks of Long Thanh District in 2019. The result showed that Loc An - Binh Son industrial park was at extreme high risk of the level (6.7). Three industrial parks of Long Thanh, Go Dau and An Phuoc were high-risk (from 3 to 5) respectively. On the other hand, Long Duc Industrial Park has obtained no environmental risk.
The paper demonstrates the role of globalization and localization in the process of Vietnam’s interaction and integration with other cultures, causing changes in Vietnamese language. Globalization is defined as the free movement of goods, services and people of the worldwide scope across the borders of countries, resulted from the opening up of the global economy and advances of technologies. The increasing interconnectedness and integration of the economies of the world furnish more influx of information among countries which do not have anything in common and Internet and social media well contribute to such spread. Not only the pros but the cons of globalization are used to explain the part of localization as the entire process of adapting a product or content to a specific location or market. The paper indicates localization as the Vietnamese people’s endeavor to adapt Vietnamese language to the world while protecting and enhancing the national characters. The differences between localization and globalization are analyzed to demonstrate the value and requirements of localization in the present time. The influences of Sino-Vietnamese and French language are also found out as evidences of the phenomena. The changes of Vietnamese language from globalization and localization are illustrated with devices, ideas and images referring to the objects, actions or ideas.

The typicality of the Vietnamese people's national liberation struggle for the

Đỗ Văn Biên, Trương Thị Ngọc Tường, Đỗ Thị Hạnh
The Vietnamese people's resistance war against the US imperialists' invasion to gain national liberation and reunification in the 20th century was a struggle expressing the Vietnamese people's intense desire for peace and national reunification and opposing the American neo-colonialism. The struggle of the Vietnamese people was deeply epochal, and typical of the national liberation movement in the world. This was not merely a struggle for national liberation, but also a struggle that reflected and fully converged three major revolutionary trends of the era: national independence, democracy and socialism. The article focuses on presenting brief outlines of the struggle for national independence, typical features of the Vietnamese people's struggle for national liberation, and puts it in the relationship between the revolution in Vietnam and revolutionary movements in the world. As a result, not only the value and aspiration for peace of the Vietnamese people and progressive humanity, but also the art of combining national strength with the strength of the times in the American war was recognized.

Publication Information


Thu Dau Mot University, Viet Nam

Honorary Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hiep

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhD. Trần Hạnh Minh Phương
Thu Dau Mot University

Editorial Board

Prof. Tran Van Doan
Fujen University, Taiwan
Prof. Zafar Uddin Ahmed
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Prof.Dr. Phillip G.Cerny
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Ngo Van Le
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-HCM)

Prof. Bui The Cuong
Southern Institute of Social Sciences​​​​​​​
Prof. Le Quang Tri
Can Tho University

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Duc
Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Ted Yuchung Liu
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

PhD. Anita Doraisami
Economics Monash University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Seddon
Asia Pacific University of Technology & innovation (APU)

Assoc. Prof. Le Tuan Anh
Thu Dau Mot University
Prof. Abtar Darshan Singh
Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Prof.Dr. Ron W.Edwards
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Xuan Nien
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Duc Nghia
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
PhD. Bao Dat
Monash University (Australia)

PhD. Raqib Chowdhury
Monash University (Australia)
PhD. Nguyen Hoang Tuan
Thu Dau Mot University

PhD. Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong
Thu Dau Mot University


Nguyen Thi Man
Thu Dau Mot University