This paper aims to identify the English-learning motivation of Thu Dau Mot University’s students. Based on the questionnaire, the data for analysis were collected from more than 100 students of different majors studying non-majored English at Thu Dau Mot University’s Foreign Language Center. The findings show that students have relatively positive learning motivation. In the relationship between learning achievement and motivation, the motive that comes from the students’ desire to get a better job occupies 58.4% of all the students surveyed because they believe it is essential and decisive to ensure their future income (applying for a job to earn money), and motivation to integrate into modern world life (because English is a global language: 40.4%) are the factors affecting students’ achievement.
As a response to global warming and climate change, climate change adaptation aims to lessen the susceptibility of social and biological systems to relatively abrupt change and so counteract the effects of global warming. Openness and cooperation are key tenets of an adaptation strategy; as a result, mechanisms for a wide range of stakeholders are included in the creation and execution of adaptation strategies.
However, few poor nations have made a point of involving stakeholders in decision-making processes for climate change adaptation. In many regions of the world, there is a notable dearth of concrete plans to include stakeholders in the adaptation of policy-making and implementation. This study uses Viet Nam as a case study to evaluate the level of stakeholder involvement in climate change adaptation strategies. The findings demonstrate that the Vietnamese government has adopted a "top-down" decision-making strategy, in which the government plays the primary role, communities and NGOs have a minimal impact on the creation and implementation of policies, and the private sector is only involved in the implementation phase. Stakeholder participation has generally been acknowledged in Vietnam, although the country's national climate change policies have not been adequately implemented.
As a result, the policies for adaptation are unlikely to be effective in the unique settings of diverse places and may not be embraced by all stakeholders, which may ultimately limit adaptation activities. Viet Nam is advised to encourage participation by many stakeholders in the formulation of policy. Other countries can adopt the lessons from Vietnam while creating their adaptation policies.
In this study, we examine students at Thu Dau Mot University specializing in Food Technology’s speaking and listening skills in English. We conducted a survey on 59 students majoring in Food Technology using the questionnaire approach. Students struggle to develop macro-English abilities like speaking and listening, as seen by their responses. mastering English grammar, vocabulary, and other micro-skills might be challenging. The findings indicate that significant obstacles to learning listening and speaking skills include a lousy sound system, a lack of a communicative context, a limited vocabulary, a lack of cultural understanding, and a fear of making mistakes in communication. The findings also demonstrate that students’ limited exposure to English and weak phonological skills are to blame for their difficulty acquiring pronunciation. Many words are long and complicated, making learning and recalling word parts like verbs, nouns, and adjectives challenging. Many words are also difficult to pronounce. Learning the grammar of verbs and articles is challenging for students. When the challenges are solved, this research aims to effective foreign language learning.
Selecting wastewater treatment technology is not an easy matter. In this study, TOPSIS and AHP methods are used to support decision-making in choosing a wastewater treatment alternative for Poong In Vina factory. A total of 9 criteria belonging to 3 groups of economic, social - technical and environmental issues were used to select an alternative. The results of TOPSIS and AHP analysis showed that aerobic biotechnology integrated with membrane bioreactor technology is the optimal solution. The outcomes of this study will help the company in choosing the best option among these technologies. Furthermore, it will provide an insight for relevant stakeholders such as engineers, manufacturers and other ogranizations for making decisions.
Cordyceps has long been considered as a valuable medicinal herb known to possess numerous biological activities, including anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-metastasis and immunomodulatory effects. With its benefits, many studies on optimizing the cultivation and production of C. militaris have been carried out. In addition, extraction methods have also been improved to intense efficiency extract the medicinal substances contained in this rare fungi. In this study, the aim was to optimize the process of C. militaris extraction from fruiting bodies based on 17 experimental data using water extraction method. The factors that affects to the extraction productivity such as: extraction temperature, extraction time and water/fungi ratio were investigated within a certain range. The experiments were arranged according to the Box-Behnken design, and then the results was optimized by Design expert software (version 13). In the optimal condition, the maximum productivity can be up to 32.23% with the extraction temperature is at 98oC, the water/fungi ratio is 18:1 and the extraction time is 4 hours.
In this paper, we consider the Robin-Dirichlet problem for a system of nonlinear pseudoparabolic
equations with viscoelastic term. By the Faedo-Galerkin method, we first prove
the existence and uniqueness of solution for the problem. Next, we give a sufficient condition
to get the global existence and decay of the weak solution. Finally, by the concavity method,
we prove the blow-up result of the solution when the initial energy is negative. Furthermore,
we establish here the lifespan of the solution by finding the upper bound and the lower bound
for the blow-up time.
In this paper, the Neumann-Dirichlet boundary problem for a system of nonlinear viscoelastic
equations of Kirchhoff type with Balakrishnan-Taylor term is considered. At
first, a local existence is established by the linear approximation together with the Faedo-
Galerkin method. Then, by establishing several reasonable conditions and suitable energy
inequalities, the solution of the problem admits a general decay in time.
This paper is devoted to the study of a Kirchhoff wave equation with a viscoelastic
term in an annular associated with homogeneous Dirichlet conditions. At first, by
applying the Faedo-Galerkin, we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution of the
problem considered. Next, by constructing Lyapunov functional, we establish a sufficient
condition such that any global weak solution is general decay as t → +∞.
In this work, we focus on investigating ill-posed problems (according to the definition
given by Hadamard) in the topic of its application. Specifically, we present some theories
about the properties of the ill-posed problem in image processing. By using discrete
Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform methods, we present several results on
image processing topic. Finally, some illustrative examples are presented through algorithms
running on Python software.
In the current work, we study a Cauchy problem for a time-fractional pseudo-parabolic
equation with a globally Lipschitz source term. We prove the unique existence of a mild
solution to the problem, by the common Banach fixed point theorem. This solution is
then verified that exists globally in time by Gr¨onwall’s inequality. Compare to previous
works about the similar issuse, we approach in a way that does not require using
weighted spaces. Although our approach share a similar spirit to previous studies, our
method seems to be more precise and natural.
In this paper, we consider the Dirichlet problem for a wave equation of Kirchhoff-
Carrier type with a nonlinear viscoelastic term. It consists of two main parts. In Part
1, we establish existence and uniqueness of a weak solution by applying the Faedo-
Galerkin method and the standard arguments of density corresponding to the regularity
of initial conditions. In Part 2, we give a sufficient condition for the global existence
and exponential decay of the weak solutions by defining a modified energy functional
together with the technique of Lyapunov functional.
The report deals with the Robin problem for a nonlinear wave equation with viscoelastic
term. Under some suitable conditions, we establish a high-order iterative scheme and
then prove that the scheme converges to the weak solution of the original problem along
with the error estimate. This result extends the result in [9].
In this paper, we study the Robin-Dirchlet problem (Pn) for a wave equation with the
u2( i−1
n , t), n ∈ N. First, for each n ∈ N, under suitable conditions, we prove
the local existence and uniqueness of the weak solution un of (Pn). Next, we prove that
the sequence of solutions un of (Pn) converges strongly in appropriate spaces to the weak
solution u of the problem (P), where (P) is defined by (Pn) by replacing
u2( i−1
n , t)
Z 1
u2(y, t)dy. The main tools used here are the linearization method together with
the Faedo-Galerkin method and the weak compact method. We end the paper with a
remark related to a similar problem.
In this paper, we consider the Dirichlet boundary problem for a nonlinear wave equation
of Kirchhoff-Carrier-Love type as follow
utt − B
∥u(t)∥2 , ∥ux(t)∥2
(uxx + uxxtt)
= f(x, t, u, ux, ut, uxt) +
εifi(x, t, u, ux, ut, uxt)
for 0 < x < 1, 0 < t < T,
u(0, t) = u(1, t) = 0,
u(x, 0) = ˜u0(x), ut(x, 0) = ˜u1(x),
where ˜u0, ˜u1, B, f, fi (i = 1, · · · , p) are given functions, ε1, · · · , εp are small parameters
and ∥u(t)∥2 =
Z 1
u2 (x, t) dx, ∥ux(t)∥2 =
Z 1
x (x, t) dx. First, a declaration of the
existence and uniqueness of solutions provided by the linearly approximate technique
and the Faedo-Galerkin method is presented. Then, by using Taylor’s expansion for
the functions B, f, fi, i = 1, · · · , p, up to (N + 1)th order, we establish a high-order
asymptotic expansion of solutions in the small parameters ε1, · · · , εp.
In this paper, we restate some applications of logarithms in Richter scale, pH scale and
sound intensity level (Decibel scale).
In this paper, we are interested in the problem of determining the source function forthe
Sobolev equation with fractional Laplacian. This problem is non-well-posed. We show theerror
estimate between the exact solution and the regularized solution with the observed data in Lb
In this work, we study the problem of finding the source function of the inhomogeneous
diffusion equations with conformable derivative c∂α
t u−Δu = f(x), 0 < α < 1, associate
with random noisy input data. This problem is ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard. In
order to regulate the instablity of the solution, we applied the truncation method and
estimated the error estimate between the exact solution and the regularized solution.
Enzymes are biodegradable catalysts naturally present in living organisms. Enzymes
can accelerate biochemical reactions by reducing the activation energy, and they are
not consumed during reaction processes. Numerous applications of enzymes have been
developed in biotechnology, industry, medicine, pharmaceuticals, food processing, biofuels,
and so on. In this study, we develop a mathematical model describing enzymatic
reactions with a Ping-Pong mechanism and competitive substrate inhibition. In order
to obtain insights into the model behaviors, we use Python software to obtain numerical
solutions for the model. Some discussions on the numerical results is provided. Finally,
we briefly discuss a potential application of the model and some future work.
In this paper, a high-order iterative scheme is established in order to get a convergent
sequence at a rate of order N, (N ≥ 2) to a local unique weak solution of a nonlinear
Kirchhoff-type wave equation associated with Robin conditions.
Binh Duong is a province in the Southeast region. It has a long history of growth and numerous noteworthy historical and cultural values. This paper provides a summary of the cultural and historical significance of Binh Duong Province during the prehistoric, land exploration, and settlement phases. It discusses population, administrative structure, social structure, economic traits (agriculture, handicrafts, commerce), and social culture throughout the various eras (prehistory, settlement phase, Nguyen dynasty). The findings demonstrate that Binh Duong not only has a rich history with numerous economic and cultural assets, but also point to possible research avenues for safeguarding and advancing moral principles in the construction and development of Binh Duong province today and in the future.
Almajiri are students’ in an ancient Islamic system of teaching. This paper assesses food security, personal hygiene, living condition, and violence in Almajiri. Survey using questionnaire and analysed descriptive statistics, and x2 at p < 0.05 were used. Most schools were donated (66.7%), and minority (33.3%) were self-owned. Schools were built by zinc (33.3%), mud (33.3%), and modern (33.3%). There are urinals in all the schools (100.0%), overcrowding (100.0%), 66.7% have windows and doors, (33.3%) have no windows and doors. 66.% of the schools have mats for sitting, 33.3% have chairs. Risks found are: open defecation (33.3%), and nearby water (66.7%). Majority of students stay for 4 months before returning home (66.7%), and significant portion of them return after graduation (33.3%). Pertaining personal hygiene 66.7% of the students’ wear shoes, 33.3% didn’t wear; 66.7% have cleaned clothes, 33.3% dirty clothes, there was no water at (66.7%) of the schools, 33.3% have water. 66.7% wash hands after toilet, none wash hands before eating. On food security for Almajiri, 66.7% eat once, 33.3% eat twice. They eat Tuwo (33.3%) Gari, Tuwo (33.3%), and unspecified food (33.3%); source of food includes begging (33.3%), external labor (33.3%), and home (33.3%). Types of violence encountered are: weapon use (33.3%), fight (33.3%), and flogging (33.3%). Majority (66.7%) like western education, and (33.3%) replied no. All students are feeling their condition psychologically; some are at SS1 (33.3%), JSSI (33.3%), and (33.3%) never attend western school. Poor health determinants exist in Almajiri students in Sokoto.
With a favorable location and diverse natural and cultural resources, Phu Quoc city of Kien Giang province has immense potential for tourism development. Phu Quoc is one of the localities with the biggest number of tourist arrivals and the highest revenue from tourism in the Mekong Delta. However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Phu Quoc tourism faces many difficulties in implementing the pre-set plans. Using a systematic review of the literature to synthesize the information dealing with tourism resources, impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism performance and recovery plans of local authorities, the article analyzes the potential and current status of tourism development of Phu Quoc. Interviews with researchers and travel agencies’ representatives also add some ideas to the proposals for the orientation of tourism development in the new context. Integration to regional and international market, promotion of regional interlinkage and travel demands and new trends of tourism are crucial factors recommended for the development of tourism on Phu Quoc island.
Key words: Marine and island tourism, Phu Quoc tourism, Post-Covid-19 tourism
In this study, the author researches the numerical results of the comparison of synchronization speed of regular neural networks with unidirectional and bidirectional coupling. Each neuron is linearly coupled with the others and is represented by a reaction-diffusion system of FitzHugh-Nagumo type. The result shows that the necessary coupling strength for the synchronization in two cases decreases when the coupling number of neurons increases. In other words, the bigger the coupling number of neurons in the regular networks is, the easier the synchronization occurs. Moreover, synchronizing the regular networks with bidirectional coupling is easier than the one with unidirectional coupling over the same given number of neurons.
Plagiarism is a very common problem in many universities. A lot of students plagiarize unconsciously because they don't understand the concept. The study will clarify the concept of plagiarism, as well as ways for universities to help their students avoid the habit of plagiarism. The aim of this study is to explore Thu Dau Mot University Students Knowledge about the seriousness of Plagiarism; Find out the most common types of plagiarism committed by students; Analyzing and finding out the possible common reason a student unintentionally commits plagiarism. In terms of purposes of the study, to answer the research question and based on the background of previous studies, in this study, one hundred students in different majors - Freshman students to senior students are taken as samples. The results of this study showed that the majority of students are aware of plagiarism and the consequences of plagiarizing, plagiarism is fairly common on campus and students are aware of it. The study indicates that plagiarism does exist at Thu Dau Mot University and students are willing to take the risk of plagiarizing, regardless of knowing that it is unacceptable. It also confirms that plagiarism is common amongst students across all departments at Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam.