This paper is devoted to study a fractional equation involving Caputo-Katugampola derivative with nonlocal initial condition. Unlike previous papers, in this paper, the source function of problem is assumed having a singularity. We propose some reasonable conditions such that the problem has at least one mild solution or has a unique mild solution. The desired results are proved by using the Banach, Leray-Schauder and Krasnoselskii fixed point theorems. Some examples are given to confirm our theoretical findings.
Keywords: Caputo-Katugampola fractional derivative; Nonlinear integral equations; existence
2010 MSC: 26A33; 35A01; 35A02; 35R11
In this paper we discus on a Lyapunov-type inequality for a fractional differential equation involving sequential generalized Caputo fractional derivatives with boundary conditions.
The results presented in this paper is new to the corresponding results in the literature.
Vegetables are the major source of dietary nitrate, with wide variations in nitrate content. The presence of nitrate in vegetables is often associated with harmful effects on human health. The study investigated nitrate of vegetables in Phu My ward, Hiep An ward, Tuong Binh Hiep ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province in 2020 by UV-VIS for determining of nitrat concentration, measurement wavelength of 410 nm. The vegetable samples were collected in the fields according to method of TCVN 9016:2011 and the nitrate contents were determinated according to method of TCVN 8742:2011 (Vietnam Ministry of Sciences and Technology, 2011). The results showed that there were 3 fresh spinach samples, 3 bok choy samples, contained the nitrate contents exceeded the regulations according to the regulations of nitrate contents in vegetables in the decisions of world health organization site (WHO). These results warn the farmers and policy administers of Thu Dau Mot city to give the solutions of nitrate-content controling in vegetables producing in Binh Duong.
The Southeast region, in prehistory and protohistory, established the space of Dong Nai archeological culture. Since the 16th to 17th centuries, the Southeast had been discovered by the Vietnamese people, in which they established sovereignty and administrative structure. Over three centuries of formation and development, the Southeast region has created many changes in geographic names and administrative structures as required by the historical context of each period. This article presents the overview of the administrative restructuring process in the Southeast region in some important historical milestones during the development process hereof. With the presentation of administrative structures in the Southeast region, the article contributes to systemizing the historical periods of formation and development of the region. It also opens further dialogues for the study of historical and cultural characteristics of the Southeast region.
Tourism is one of the strengths of Phu Yen province. This study was conducted the method of aseessing the potential and exploition value of in a tourist and recreational context in Tuy Hoa City. This potential was explored throughout a range of criteria in terms of aesthetic, scientific, historical, economic values, degree and modality of exploitation. The results showed that the score of tourism potential value in Tuy Hoa City is quite average at 0.5 points. However, the score of tourism exploitation capacity in Tuy Hoa city is at a low level of only 0.36 points. That means Tuy Hoa City has not yet exploited the inherent tourism potentials to promote tourism development in the locality.
Mentha aquatica L. (water mint) is known as a medicinal plant that has many novel compositions. The phenolic compounds and essential oils in Mentha aquatica L. played an important role in many types of diseases treatments such as flatulence, anorexia, indigestion, ulcerative colitis, etc. However, there are still little data concerning these compounds and their functions. The aim of this study was to review the biological activities, phenolic compounds, and essential oils in Mentha aquatica L.
Abstract: The article is based on data from the research program "Greater Mekong Subregion Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Project (ADB-GMS1)" jointly implemented by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Vietnam Institute of Water Resourches Research in Tien Giang and Dong Thap province. The results show that, in recent years, due to the increasingly severe global climate change, the intensity of various types of natural disasters occurs more frequently, irregularly and with greater intensity. This has greatly affected the production, daily life and properties of the people in the vulnerable areas. To reduce the impact of various types of disasters on people living in vulnerable areas, it is necessary to combine two types of solutions in disaster prevention, namely construction solutions and non- construction solutions. In which, non-construction solutions play a very important role, namely, people living in communities are considered as the main actors in preventing and mitigating disaster risks occurring in the community.
Research results show that compost was created at the rate of C / N: 25/1 by mixing ingredients 2.5 grams of cow manure, 3g of organic waste, 0.01g of coir based on calculation of content. C and N in each material; With the humidity of 60% based on the calculation of the moisture content from the compost materials combined with the amount of water to add is 670ml, from which a Compost fertilizer has been produced. Determination of the optimal values for the mixratio and function has been verified on experimental crops. Research also shows that the use of probiotics in composting will shorten the compost time, limit the odor escaping from the compost.
Performance-related pay (PRP) is an integral part of Reward Management (RM) and is considered to have beneficial effects on organisational performance and employee motivation. Drawing on 14 case studies, this paper examines the Reward Management practices of local and multinational companies in Australia with specific consideration to PRP within the debate over the applicability of the transfer of the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices between nations through subsidiary-parent company relationships. After reviewing the relevant literature(s), the study concentrates on finding whether multinational corporations (MNC) in Australia pursue similar or different RM practices compared to their domestically owned Australian counterparts with special reference to PRP. It also investigates whether there are national variations between multinational companies in terms of the nature and character of their practices. The findings reveal country of origin differences in the way PRP practices are applied in subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies in Australia and local Australian firms. The case studies are used to examine and explain the practices.
Chau Pha Lake is one of the large reservoirs providing water for domestic, irrigation and production of people in Phu My town, Ba Ria Vung Tau province. This study was conducted to analyze the parameters of pH, temperature, DO, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, P-PO43-, TSS, turbidity, total Coliform on 16 samples in 2020 and the water quality index calculation WQI. The analysis results show that the water quality of Chau Pha lake in the rainy season is quite good, all parameters reach the limit value A2 according to QCVN 08:2015/BTNMT; however, in the dry season, the values of parameters DO, BOD5, P-PO43, TSS exceed the limit value A2 but not significantly; WQI values fluctuate at a fairly high level from 71 to 92, which is correlated with turbidity, COD, and BOD5 parameters. Thus, the average WQI of the lake reaches 85.4 points, corresponding to level 2 (green) - water used for domestic water supply purposes but needs appropriate treatment measures.
In the context of economic integration along with the development of industrial parks, enterprises are always innovating modern and advanced technology, improve the quality of products of enterprises to increase competitiveness in international economic integration. This study assesses the progress of completion, the inadequacies after applying the drawing management process in iso room age Vietnam and the management storage regulations of the enterprise, thereby making flawed comments and propose solutions in the management process after being put into practice at the company. Use interdisciplinary research methods of archiving, drawing records, survey results and speaks to the importance of managing and storing drawings in the mechanical engineering industry.showing the level of completion and outstanding shortcomings of the process. The survey results provide the basis for the shortcomings, which need to be improved in the process and thorough remedies to improve the quality of technical drawing management process
Context: In the period of Vietnam, gradually developing industrialization and modernization.
Purpose: To research the needs of English language learning among office workers in Hanoi during the aforementioned period.
Methods: Using questionnaires on 120 employees at companies in Hanoi.
Results: Most respondents rarely use English at work. However, they still need to learn foreign languages to improve their professional English or satisfy their self-satisfaction.
Conclusion: Survey is an essential suggestion in English lessons for working people.
In Kien Giang, along with religion, belief is an indispensable need in the spiritual life of a part of the people. The most prominent is the worship of Nguyen Trung Truc (NTT) - a bright star in the southern land - a national hero against the French in the second half of the 19th century. Every year, from 26-28 (lunar year), people from all over the world gather in Rach Gia - where the temple worships NTT - to light incense to show gratitude on the occasion of the NTT festival. Besides the great feats recorded in history books, the people have created many legends about this hero. In the series of legends about NTT, the magical element associated with the motifs of “miracle birth”, “marvelous feat”, “incarnation” appear many times. They play a particularly valuable role to contribute NTT as an immortal god in the hearts of Kien Giang people.
The electricity obtained from the photovoltaic (PV) system highly depends on various factors such as geographical location, solar radiation, weather conditions and orientation of solar panels. The electricity produced by the solar PV system can be assessed by using simulations. This paper presents a technical feasibility assessment of a 10 kWp rooftop solar PV system for a household in Thu Dau Mot City, Vietnam. The study presents the amount of electricity produced, the performance of the PV system and the system potential to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment. The designing and evaluating of the system performance is done by PV*SOL, PVsyst and PVGIS software. The project provides useful information for the pre-feasibility assessment phase of a residential solar PV project in Vietnam.
It is very common to stabilize the preset value (Wanted value) of analog signals such as temperature, pressure, weight, flow, speed in automatic control. However, these control objects often have some problems such as overshooting, taking a long time to bring the system to a steady value, and large errors. One of the most used systems to overcome these problems is the PID, which is a preset stabilizing system with a quick function that returns the system to the set value in a short time without overshooting. error is close to zero. However, determining the scale parameters Ki, integral Kp, and differential Kd for the system to work optimally is a problem that needs to be studied. This paper presents how to accurately determine differential, integral, and scale coefficients according to 3D virtual reality model. Used a lot in simulation modeling for training and practical applications.
Since 2017, the United Nations has strengthened the economic sanctions on North Korea. Many countries have stopped trading with North Korea, causing the economic certain difficulties. China has become a trade and tourism partner that accounting for almost all of the country's foreign currency earning. That had gone on until the beginning of 2020 when North Korea locked its borders to avoid the Covid-19 epidemic. North Korea is essentially famous for having published a quite relatively little information about themselves and being nicknamed “The Hermit Kingdom” due theirs policies. Therefore, the article will analyze mirror data from countries, then compare it with the actual situation of North Korea to assess the reliability of the data. Moreover, providing information on transport routes that is major contributor to China-North Korea. Thereby, drawing comments on China-North Korea merchandise trade and tourism industry relationship in that stage and proving North Korean economic adaptation under International sanctions. The author also suggests polices to reach the North Korean development of self-reliance economics.
High power losses are a great concern in operating electric distribution system. Reconfiguration is one of the most economic approaches for reducing power losses of the system. This study suggests a technique for dealing with the distribution system reconfiguration problem based on a water cycle algorithm for minimizing active power loss. The water cycle algorithm is a recently developed metaheuristic algorithm that inspired the process of water circulation for solving optimization problems. The effectiveness and performance of the water cycle algorithm were tested on the 33-node and 69-node systems. The water cycle algorithm was applied to determine the best configuration of the distribution system for active power loss minimization. The results yielded by the water cycle algorithm were compared with other optimization algorithms in the literature and the comparisons showed that the water cycle algorithm obtained good quality of solution for the problem. Therefore, the water cycle algorithm is the potential method for the distribution system reconfiguration problem.
The study is conducted to assess the level of noise pollution from traffic activities in urban areas (in the case of Thuan An city, Binh Duong province) with the specific goal of applying geographic information systems. (GIS) in building noise pollution distribution maps in the study area. The research team collected noise data at peak hours and normal hours on weekdays and weekends using noise meters at 61 survey points. Noise measurement data was then interpolated using IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting) method to assess the spatial distribution of noise in Thuan An city. In addition, the study digitizes traffic routes and special areas (hospitals, schools, churches - pagodas) in the study area to identify areas affected by sound noisy. The results show that the areas near the main road are most affected by noise during rush hour, while areas in the small lane are noise level within the permitted range. In addition, the results also show the difference in noise level and noise time between weekdays and weekends
Naringenin is a member of the flavonoid family. This natural compound represents a large proportion of secondary metabolites produced by higher plants and is a rich part of the human diet. Naringenin also has been used in the pharmaceutical and medical fields as an effective drug for anti-oxidative, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, and anti-inflammatory activities. Naringenin is also a typical plant metabolite, that has never been reported to be produced in prokaryotes. Recently, many papers reported that various members of the Streptomyces family, a genus of actinobacteria, had a novel pathway to produce Naringenin
International scientific publication is one of the activities that help improve the quality of scientific research and develop the brand name of the university. This paper presents some key features of Thu Dau Mot university’s international scientific publications through statistics from 2015 to 202 which based on criteria: the number of publications in international journals (included ISI, Scopus and non-ISI, Scopus), field of science, gender and research collaboration. In addition, this paper will discuss some initial identifications: (1) the number of international scientific publications has grown rapidly and steadily over the years; (2) the number of international scientific publications is concentrated in the natural science, engineering and technology; (3) social science and education’s contribution in international scientific publications has limited;(4) there is a significant difference in the number of international scientific publications between male and female; (5) Research collaboration has an important role in the international scientific publications of Thu Dau Mot university.
The novel is a constantly changing and evolving genre when it shows the width and depth in the reflection of reality, opening up endless dialogues about the value of human existence in its flexible structural framework. The article exploits, points out and evaluates theoretical achievements of the twentieth century novel. From this evaluation, the text identify the theoretical development trend of this genre in the twenty-first century, placed in the movement correlation, movement of contemporary Vietnamese literature seen from creative writing and receptive innovation.
In Vietnam, deviant behaviour in adolescents is increasingly popular and gradually becomes a major concern of the whole society. The purpose of this study is to identify Factors affecting deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents, including: Nature of adolescence (Biology, Intelligence and Cognitive functions) and Nurture (Family atmosphere, Education environment, Media and technology, Peer Pressure, and Religion and Politics). 426 survey samples were collected to serve the data analysis process as well as all hypotheses were examined by using STATISTIC 10 ver., LISREL 8.8 with Covariance Matrix, and LISREL model. This research showed that Nature of adolescence, Family atmosphere, Education environment, Social media and technology, Peer pressure have significant influence on deviant behavior of adolescents in Vietnam. The research also indicated that deviant behavior of Vietnamese adolescents is not affected by Religion and politics. The study also makes suggestions to improve morality and foster personality for adolescents in Vietnam, makes a small contribution to the country's further development.
Sexual harassment in public places is a matter of concern in Vietnam. The purpose of this article is to understand and explain gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment in public places, which is based on Brooks Gardner's gender interaction perspective. The study used both quantitative analysis based on the Chi-square test procedure and analysis of in-depth interview data coded by NVivo software. Research results showed that there were gender differences in the perceptions of students in the Southeast region in terms of the forms, causes, and consequences of sexual harassment in public places. To improve understanding and reduce gender differences, it is necessary to organize communication activities to raise awareness and skills to prevent this evil in universities.
Keywords: Sexual harassment in public places, students, gender difference
Applying first-principles calculations, the investigation of the geometrical and electronic properties of Pr adsorption armchair silicene nanoribbons structure has been established. The results show that the bandgap doped Pr has been changed, which is the case for chemical adsorption on the surface of ASiNRs; this material became metallic with the peak of valance band contact fermi level. Moreover, the survey to find the optimal height 1.82 Å of Pr and 2.24 Å bond length Si-Si, and Si-Si-Si bond angle 108005’, energy adsorption is -7.65 eV, buckling is 0.43 Å with structure stability close to the pristine case, has brought good results for actively creating newly applied materials for the spintronic and optoelectronics field in the future.